Monday, October 3, 2011

Hillary should look to Italy's Foreign Minister for some guts

Andrew G. Bostom  "In contrast to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's rather tepid statement that the "US stands with the international community" in calling "for a government that respects the human rights and freedom of all those living in Iran," Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini offered these morally clear, powerful words about the applicable Western standards of freedom and justice:"...

From the comments to this post:

"Hope springs eternal that Sec. Clinton will..." I'm sorry, but the only way to hope she'll do the right thing is to forget everything you've ever learned about shameless self-aggrandizers, congenital liars, and people for whom the term "moral standard" is a challenge. Also from Mr. Bostom: CAIR's silence on pastor's apostasy death sentence is deafening "The eerie silence regarding Pastor Youcef Nadarkani's looming death sentence for "apostasy" from typically shrill mainstream Muslim advocacy groups such as CAIR and ISNA can only be interpreted as meaning these organizations reject true freedom of conscience, and condone such Sharia-based punishment for the "crime" of "apostasizing" from Islam."

Michael Ledeen: Time to Get Real in Iran and Syria   "This is the right policy for all the good reasons::

–Strategic: Iran is our major enemy and the leading killer of our people;
Moral: Iran visits unspeakable horrors on its own people and wants to export this system worldwide;
–Regional: there is no hope for peace in the Middle East so long as this regime remains in power.
"And so? What the hell are we waiting for? And why is there not a single candidate who will give voice to it?"

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