Monday, October 3, 2011

Press leaves no Rick Perry stone unturned

About that Rick Perry Smear . . . "According to the Perry campaign, the rock was painted over by Perry's father in the early 1980s -- which could correlate with the Post's account. But we're not really sure, because of, well, this:
Most of those interviewed requested anonymity because they fear being ostracized or other repercussions in their small community. Some are supporters of Perry, whose parents still live in Paint Creek. Others, both Democrats and Republicans, are not. Several spoke matter-of-factly about the hunting camp and its name and wondered why it held any outside interest.

....So these photos exist, but the Post either can't or won't show them to you. But take their word for it--the photos are damning! Hmm.

Cain’s mistake?  "I think that Herman Cain hurts himself by joining in on these attacks. His big appeal is that he’s not just another black race-card-playing politician. Climbing on board with the Post’s hit piece suggests that actually, he is. It reminds me of Tim Pawlenty’s weak and opportunistic reaction to the attacks on Sarah Palin. I think that’s what killed his campaign. If you side with the media establishment against other Republicans, you won’t help yourself in this election cycle."

Rick Perry Denies Accuracy of Story on Family Lodge and Racial Slur  "My mother and father went to the lease and painted the rock in either 1983 or 1984,” Perry told the newspaper. “This occurred after I paid a visit to the property with a friend and saw the rock with the offensive word. After my visit I called my folks and mentioned it to them, and they painted it over during their next visit.”
“Ever since, any time I ever saw the rock it was painted over,” Perry said.
"But the Washington Post spoke with seven anonymous sources who had different recollections, saying they saw the rock with the racial slur on the property during the span that Perry leased the hunting grounds."

Washington Post Publishes Racially Charged Front Page Hit Piece on Rick Perry  "Which means the Perrys were not responsible for placing it there.
"Quite the contrary, as author Stephanie McCrummen relays over 3000 words, Perry and his family routinely painted over the offensive graffiti and eventually turned the rock it was painted on over so that it was completely hidden from view."

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