Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Obama's Justice Department

Gunwalker: Holder Appears To Be Fast, Furious, and Finished  "News documents indicate that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder more than likely perjured himself in congressional testimony about Operation Fast and Furious earlier this year."

PJM Exclusive: Excerpt From J. Christian Adams’ Injustice, Released Today  "Obama and his backers have engaged in a strange form of political projection, baselessly accusing the Bush Civil Rights Division of the exact kind of malfeasance and bias that have become hallmarks of the division under Obama’s presidency. "

We will have more commentary on this tonight. Suffice to say, when Holder is gone, someone equally as laftist will take his place because Obama has leftists all up and down the ladder in DOJ. Nothiing substantive will change.

Related: Shocking Photos: Barack Obama Appeared and Marched with New Black Panthers in 2007"Breitbart has the story and the photos, which raise questions about a number of things including why the Department of Justice closed its investigation of the New Black Panthers in 2009 — after it had already won that case. .... Was closure of that case a quid pro quo for the Panthers’ public support of Obama in 2007 and 2008?"

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