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Perhaps other Republican challengers can use this video for themselves as well. Nice going, Republicans.
In Praise of Newt "Wow Newt! I guess any publicity is good publicity, eh? You really "stuck it to the man" Newt! Just like Jack Kemp would do, right? Newt rolled up his happy warrior sleeves and set up his OWS tent to mindlessly dismantle the "establishment." Great job Newt! What's next Newt, defecating on a South Carolina police car?"
Romney’s Profitable Past "... Gingrich, Rick Perry, and Jon Huntsman seem to be engaged in a perverse contest to be the Republican presidential candidate to say the most asinine thing about Mitt Romney’s tenure at Bain Capital, the private-equity firm at which he served as chief executive, helped turn around a number of failing businesses, and, in the process, produced magnificent profits for his investors and for himself. Mitt Romney ran a firm that invested in struggling businesses, made money, and never asked for a bailout — and Romney’s rivals apparently expect Republican voters to regard that as a liability.
By the Republican-hating Pat Oliphant |