Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Romney vs. the “Bitter Politics of Envy”

Commentary Magazine  "Mitt Romney's main challenge going forward, aside from the general need to unite the party, is to find a message that refutes the class warfare arguments without offering up clumsy sound bites. If his victory speech last night was any indication, he may be finding his voice on this. He said:"

President Obama wants to put free enterprise on trial. In the last few days, we have seen some desperate Republicans join forces with him. This is such a mistake for our party and for our nation. This country already has a leader who divides us with the bitter politics of envy. We must offer an alternative vision. I stand ready to lead us down a different path, where we are lifted up by our desire to succeed, not dragged down by a resentment of success. In these difficult times, we cannot abandon the core values that define us as unique — we are one nation, under God.
I think my frustration with Mr. Romney is not that he would be a poor president; on the contrary, I think in most cases he would be an excellent one. But now many of us are angry at what has been done to this country by Barack Obama: The man has driven a wedge into our society, he has turned most against the very institutions that have made our economy vibrant and prosperous; our military has suffered at the hands of anti-military, anti-American influences; the Obama administration at all levels has reversed good and evil; it has confused allies with enemies and established America as an unreliable partner.
 We want a president who is as angered at what the left has done as we are and I just do not see that "fire in the gut" in Mitt Romney. Democrats move this nation further and further to the left, then Republicans take over to "manage" the changes, reversing nothing. Then comes the left again, taking us even more to the left. The effect of all this is that both Democrats and Republicans are turning America into a European socialistic model with no apparent fear of what Obamaites will do to this nation.
Isn't there someone out there that inspires the ardor that Ron Paul does, only without the Paulite isolationism that the Obamatons endorse? 

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