Wednesday, January 25, 2012

SOTU as commented upon by Terrell the Terrible

Cartoonist's takes on the State of the Union

Government’s Proper Role in Creating Jobs: Top Five Actions to Take

Heritage  "Abstract: America needs jobs. A government committed to free enterprise, limited government, and individual freedom, and not to more borrowing and spending, can properly help. To help unleash the private sector to invest and create jobs, Congress should promptly take five specific actions: enact the New Flat Tax, free America's energy resources, grant effective free trade negotiating authority, stop excessive government regulation, and end the artificially high pricing of labor for federal construction projects under the Davis-Bacon Act and government-mandated project labor agreements."

Pelosi knows Gingrich's secrets

Does this say anything about the Democrat's desire to run against Romney?

Exchange of the Day

Pelosi: "There is something I know. The Republicans, if they choose to nominate him that's their prerogative. I don't even think that's going to happen."
Nancy Pelosi’s evil mind games  "This is the ultimate mind game, trying to pick our nominee without actually having to put up any information.

"Would Nancy Pelosi lie for political gain?  You betcha.  She accused the CIA of lying to Congress about waterboarding, even though the records showed she was briefed and her prior public statements contradicted her.  She also is a malicious person who led the charge to demean the Tea Party movement as un-American." "

Byron York What really happened in the Gingrich ethics case?  "Given all the attention to the ethics matter, it's worth asking what actually happened back in 1995, 1996, and 1997.  The Gingrich case was extraordinarily complex, intensely partisan, and driven in no small way by a personal vendetta on the part of one of Gingrich's former political opponents."
Mr. York includes links to the following:

Newt to Pelosi - 'Put up or shut up...bring it on'  " "My life has been looked at by lots of people and I've been around a long time. And I just think that when you are a left-wing Democrat, the prospect of a Gingrich presidency is really sort of like a nightmare," Mr. Gingrich added."

Pelosi's office says she has no new dirt on Newt Gingrich  "Pelosi has suggested in two interviews that she knows something that could prevent Gingrich from becoming president, but her office said the California Democrat doesn’t have any secrets about Gingrich, who has shot to the top of national Republican polls after winning the South Carolina primary."

NY Daily News: Gingrich as GOP winner might be a good Newt/bad Newt situation for Obama   ..."Fourth, Gingrich has an amazing ability to rile up the Republican grass-roots against the financial, intellectual and political elites they believe are responsible for destroying America. Romney, who looks and talks and pays taxes like a privileged person, simply can’t do that. Nor can Obama, since many think he and the mainstream/elite media, whatever that is, are in lockstep."

Assessments of the SOTU (Updated)

Heritage Reaction Roundup "The President must not understand that an economy based on free-enterprise with limited government involvement will, in fact, work for and benefit more than just the wealthy. His administration’s idea of an economy that works involves imposing heavy-handed government regulations and threatening tax increases at every turn. Right now, the country is experiencing the tremendous uncertainty that such policies breed. It is the bad kind of uncertainty, the kind that keeps employers from hiring and entrepreneurs from launching new businesses. It keeps the economy stuck in slow, instead of revving it up. In place of more regulation, higher taxes, and increased government spending, the President should propose to take the country in a new direction in tonight’s speech. A direction that leads to less onerous government regulation, fundamental tax reform, and a government that spends taxpayer dollars responsibly."

Here is just one of numerous assessments contained in this column:
Want to Bring Back Jobs? Avoid Overcriminalization - Joe Luppino-Esposito  "He can start by avoiding the criminalization of American businesses by means of outrageous statutes such as the Lacey Act.  Just ask the workers at the Gibson Guitar plant in Tennessee, who were confronted by armed federal agents because of allegations that they imported wood from India that wasn’t properly finished with Indian labor."....
 So if Obama wants to encourage American jobs, he would do well to stop making it a crime to engage in business here.
WSJ: Obama has done nearly everything he wanted. That's the problem.
"So last night he took credit for the shale gas revolution he had nothing to do with and proposed new policies to "spread the wealth around," as he famously told Joe the Plumber in 2008 before he took the words back."....
"Perhaps this will work if Republicans nominate a standard-bearer who is damaged, or too cautious or guilty to challenge this politics of envy."

UPDATE:  RNC Video: Familiar Rhetoric, Failed Record

This guy grades the SOTU on its punctuation  He's reaching for it here.

Liberal economists agree: Obama agenda will fail

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Another look at the SOTU

"Well, no kidding.  Obama has already signaled that he plans to play the class-warfare card in tonight’s speech by inviting a special guest:"

To know what the president plans to say tonight, take a look at the guest list   "That’s not unusual; every president since Reagan has used guests to illustrate important points in his addresses. Personal anecdotes are always an effective way of touting a particular stance on an issue. Plus, they serve as an important reminder that policy matters because persons matter. Mentions of these guests — even if they’re misleading about the overall effects of Obama’s policies — will at least enliven a speech that otherwise promises to be dully divisive."

Beltway Confidential: State of the Union: Populist-corporatist stew

Doug Ross Journal: President Barack Obama's Complete List of Historic Firsts [Updated]  "But remember: he will not rest until all Americans have jobs, affordable homes, green-energy vehicles, and the environment is repaired, etc., etc., etc."

The State of Union Paybacks   "What Obama won’t tell the nation is that he has served as the most pro-labor president in American history. He has delivered a series of giveaways to union bosses that should make even labor’s most enthusiastic supporters blush. And in the process of giving away the store to his top campaign contributor, Obama has hung workers out to dry, placed unnecessary job-killing burdens on employers and sent a message to the business community that it can go to hell."

Bruins goalie Thomas declines White House visit for political reasons; gets blasted by most all PC sources

Fox News  "I believe the Federal government has grown out of control, threatening the Rights, Liberties, and Property of the People," Thomas said in a statement.
Getty Images

"This is being done at the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial level. This is in direct opposition to the Constitution and the Founding Fathers vision for the Federal government," he wrote.
"Because I believe this, today (Monday) I exercised my right as a Free Citizen, and did not visit the White House. This was not about politics or party, as in my opinion both parties are responsible for the situation we are in as a country. This was about a choice I had to make as an INDIVIDUAL."

"You can look at Boston Bruins goalie Tim Thomas’ decision to snub a White House visit one of two ways:  a profound American statement of freedom of speech, or a show of selfishness for making a team event about himself."
"NHL goalies can decorate their masks in individualistic ways and Thomas hasn’t been shy about politics, putting the Tea Party slogan “Don’t Tread on Me” on his mask." (Photo above)

Tim Thomas: Liberty’s Most Valuable Player

Fill the Stanley Cup With Tea!  "In addition to displaying his support for the Tea Party on the ice, Thomas is a FreedomWorks donor, giving generously right before the historic November 2010 elections, according to the FEC."

A Thousand Days of Failure; Senate Democrats have refused to propose a budget for three years.

PJ Media  "The Congressional Budget Act of 1974 (CBA) is quite clear that passing a budget is not optional. It states, “On or before April 15 of each year, the Congress shall complete action on a concurrent resolution on the budget for the fiscal year beginning on October 1 of such year.” "
Harry Reid, donkeyhotey

"Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) gives a standard answer that Republicans have obstructed the ability of the Senate to act. He apparently is hoping that Americans forget the fact that Democrats had a 60-vote majority until 2011 and could have passed anything over the objections of Senate Republicans.
"The real reason for not producing a budget is that the Senate Democrats are terrified of letting the public know what they stand for.  They want to only agree to a compromise that Republicans agree to also.  That way the blame can be shared for the pain that will result from only spending money that we can afford."

Pissing Away the War on Terror  "Barack Obama’s people keep telling us that he has fulfilled his promises. He has. We used to be the freest, wealthiest, strongest nation in the history of the world. He promised to fundamentally transform us into something else. Good job, Barack." Andrew Klavan

Joe Wilson's kind of night tonight

WHO'S GREEDY? Obama Gave 1% to Charity, Romney Gave 15%

Fox News  "Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and his wife Michelle gave $10,772 of the $1.2 million they earned from 2000 through 2004 to charities, or less than 1 percent, according to tax returns for those years released today by his campaign."
Romney charitable contributions 
Tax year    Taxable income          Charitable donations Donations as % of income
2010           $21.7 million                 $2.98 million                13.73%
2011 (est)   $20.9 million                $4 million                     19.14%
Just sayin'.

: Romney paid 42 percent of 2011 income in taxes and charity  "The media is obsessed with Romney’s wealth, taking the amount earned as a sign of some moral failing in the U.S. economic system. But in fact what we see is that the income tax code is already very progressive (the rich pay a higher percentage than less-rich taxpayers). And in Romney’s case, the amount of his income given (or taken) away suggests that at least this particular wealthy American does more than his fair share for society."

UK Mail: Mitt Romney gave millions to charity. Joe Biden gave $369.  But that's OK because Joe cares and Mitt doesn't.

Looking ahead to President Obama's campaign speech tonight

Heritage: Obama’s Magic Kingdom of Joblessness  "As the Post explainedeven without the pipeline, Canada will still export its oil–but across the ocean to China, instead. Meanwhile, the United States will continue importing crude oil from the Middle East. In other words, the environmental lobby might have stanched the flow of oil from Canada, but it’s being diverted onto the seas, and fossil fuel consumption will necessarily continue."

Neal Boortz's always-pithy take on tonight's SOTU  "If Obama won’t tell us the true state of our economy – and we know the ObamaMedia sure as hell wont – we have to leave it up to people like Joseph Curl in the Washington Times to give us the real facts of the ObamaEconomy."  Here are a few...

Hope n' Change looks at it this way:

John Boehner: Obama's State of the Union message 'pathetic'  " "It sounds to me like the same old policies that we've seen: more spending, higher taxes more regulation – the same policies that haven't helped our economy; they've made it worse," Boehner said on "Fox News Sunday."
"If that's what the president is going to talk about Tuesday night, I think it's pathetic."  Also here.
Keep this in mind tonight:“Thirty jobs bills passed over the last year in a Republican House of Representatives that are sitting in the United States Senate – 30,” Boehner said, adding, “Our focus over the last 12 months has been on jobs. Our focus over the course of the next 12 months is going to be on jobs.” John Boehner
Althouse: How Not to Listen to the State of the Union  "But I don't have to watch (or listen) to get that. The State of the Union is usually very tedious because of all the applauding and standing ovations... with half the people in the audience grimly enduring it. Maybe the first 5 minutes are worth it. I like to check out which Supreme Court Justices are there."
Another Obama State of the Union: Let Us Count the Lies  "It did however give me the idea to go back and take another look at fibs in O's previous addresses to Congress.  I was dumbfounded as I read, to list all his whoppers would require a book, but let's examine some of the highlights.

The GOP reminds us that Obama specifically promoted Solyndra in last year’s SOTU:, wait! What?
Beltway Confidential:  What Obama won't say tonight  "Tossing political barbs at Supreme Court justices during a nationally televised speech is one thing. It's something else entirely for a sitting president to point a justly accusing finger at the Senate majority leader who will be seated nearby. This is especially the case when both men are Democrats and despite the fact that today marks the 1,000th day since the Senate Democratic majority he leads approved a federal budget."  Just wanted to make sure you saw this point. TD

Republicans bracing for partisan attacks in Obama's State of the Union speech "Instead, they are bracing for an onslaught of blame from Obama on how Republicans are the ones to blame for the climate of political gridlock in Washington that has lead to the failing economy and increasing number of lost jobs. And, they are ready with an answer -- that the House has done its job in moving a number of favorable jobs bills forward, but a Democratic-controlled Senate has stalled them."

Monday, January 23, 2012

Victor Davis Hanson: The 2012 Election Circus — The Acts, The Players, The Hype

Victor Davis Hanson  On Obama:
 "What a strange fellow: damning the 1% only to hire three-in-a-row multimillionaire “fat-cat” ex-Wall-streeters as his chiefs-of-staff, while he lives a life indistinguishable from those he caricatures. Obama brags of killing bin Laden, without the slightest concession that he employed protocols to do it that he once smeared, or that he got the troops home for Christmas, without a peep that he followed the Bush-Petraeus plan and not his own." 

"There is a wish to cut and paste the flawed Republican candidates’ strengths into a composite nominee: Romney’s sobriety, Santorum’s conviction, Paul’s sense of outrage over debt, and Gingrich’s glib lectures about civilization—while pruning away their unique defects: Santorum’s self-righteousness, Paul’s otherworldliness, Romney’s Tom Dewey/George H.W. Bush patrician woodenness, and Newt’s tom-foolery.
"Santorum and Paul cannot beat Obama. Romney is still the most likely to make it a close race; Gingrich possibly to win by a wider margin — or, more likely, to lose by an even wider one.
"I have no endorsements, or at least not complete endorsements: I cannot vote under any circumstances for Obama and would not vote for Paul, but, for now, would find any of the remaining three candidates far better than what we have in the White House."
From the comments to Hanson's column:
...."As for Newt. I hope he understands that, if we elect him President, it is not to make nice with Dems but rather to attack them relentlessly for the traitors that they are. And to prosecute them for their crimes. More, it is to roll-back their leftist-corporatist-globalist agenda at every level, by exposing the corruption and deception, taking on the special interests and the unions, media and academia, slashing government, and unleashing business. If he thinks the Presidency is a popularity contest, then we will shut him down and vote him out too. But if he fights to restore the Republic, he will have our bottomless support, and go down as one of the great Presidents of history."
So even the wiser among us are just as ambivalent as the rest. Perhaps I'm not inadequate. TD