Sunday, February 19, 2012

Jeremy Lin: The Wrong Kind of Guy

Richard Fernandez: "Some months ago, in the wake of all the media hype about so-called Asian values and Tiger-mother upbringing, one old gentleman remarked to me: “Why should the media think that sort of thing is Chinese? A few generations ago, those values were accepted as the way things ought to be. It is only recently that believing in these things has become suspect.”
Maybe the real reason for the media’s discomfort is that Lin’s story uncomfortably suggests that these things still matter. The deep secret is that those attributes are still pluses, not minuses that afflict only the uncool and bigoted few."

This should get Lin on the press and celebrity blacklist

ESPN apologizes for "offensive" headline on Jeremy Lin
"The headline -- "Chink in the Armor" -- accompanied an online analysis that blamed Lin, a Chinese-American, for the Knick's surprising 89-85 loss to the New Orleans Hornets at a sold-out Madison Square Garden on Friday night."
Oh boy.

Just what you want to hear: Planned Parenthood works around the clock to hook your kids on sex

Hot Air  " The video included clips and images from PP educational materials — cartoons and the like — and the gist of the clips was that teens should learn to pleasure themselves and each other as soon as possible."
"At the time, I was so disgusted that I couldn’t bring myself to post it. Now, I wish I had. Because of a copyright claim, YouTube pulled the video. No worries, though: You can read more about its contents here. As the smallest of samplings, here’s a screenshot:"
"The cartoon in the corner speaks for itself."
"But what angers me most about Planned Parenthood’s perpetual attempts to perpetuate knowledge about every last perversion that plagues the human race is that it robs marriage and sex of mystery and romance. If everybody’s business is everybody’s business, then nothing is private. How ironic that the “right to privacy” has made public in a huge way what was once between just two people.

More here: American Life League unveils tool to stop Planned Parenthood's pornographic assault on children

Obama's Syria Policy: Shameful, Humiliating, Embarrassing

Michael LedeenFreedom and Tyranny "This president, who so vigorously asserts and imposes state power against Americans, is much more comfortable supporting dissident movements against American friends than against American enemies."
...."And then there’s central issue, which we all know:  Khamenei kills Americans all the time, as has his regime for 33 years, but when the Iranian people rise up against him, the American president assures Khamenei that we still want to make a deal with him.
"Remember that this president is presenting himself as a tough guy, because he killed bin Laden, smashed al-Qaeda, and toppled Qadaffi.  Actually the defeat of AQ in Iraq was Bush’s fault, but no matter.  The important point is that this president isn’t interested in bringing American power to bear on the state sponsors of the terrorists who kill our guys.  Obama kills terrorists, the tail of the snake.  He doesn’t go for the head, or rather the heads, which feed in Damascus and Tehran."
...."This president doesn’t talk about that.  He is obsessed with nukes, as if Iran would only be a real threat to us if the mullahs had atomic warheads.  Let him come with us to Bethesda Naval Hospital some day, and we’ll introduce him to some wounded warriors who can tell him how evil, how menacing, and how lethal the Islamic Republic is right here and now.  Even though it’s nukeless."
10 Questions and Answers: What the U.S. Should Do About Syria  "As the violent government crackdown continues in Syria, the United States is faced with a series of questions about what role it should play in the international response. Here are ten questions and answers about the road forward:..."

Occupiers for Obama

Friday, February 17, 2012

Ann Coulter: Communism By Insurance Mandate

Ann Coulter  ...."And now we're all going to be forced to subsidize the entire wish list of the Berkeley City Council, recast as "health insurance." "
...."Just as liberals have turned the Constitution into a vehicle for achieving all the left-wing policies they could never get Americans to vote for, now they are going to use "insurance" for the same purpose. Their new method doesn't even require them to get votes from five justices on the Supreme Court.
"The secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius, will do it all on her own."
...."What about the rest of us? You know, the ones who didn't support ObamaCare? We still have to live under the thumb of a nutcase gender-feminist with unlimited authority to ban whatever she doesn't like, subsidize whatever she does like and call it "insurance." "

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Obama Considers apologizing to Pakistan. (Bowing not ruled out)

NationalJournal Magazine  "The Obama administration is actively considering issuing an apology or at least an expression of contrition to Pakistan over the errant NATO strikes that killed at least 24 Pakistani soldiers last fall, even though nearly two months have passed since the completion of an official Pentagon investigation that partially blamed mistakes made by U.S. forces for the incident, U.S. officials said."

OK, that's fine. But if Obama apologizes for killing bin Laden, that's waaaaay over the top for me. 

The Daily Caller expose' on Media Matters

The liberal Media Matters for America organization once accepted a $50,000 grant to monitor and attack religious news outlets  
"A search of religion-themed stories on Media Matters’ website shows the liberal group has most recently been hitting news outlets for covering the uproar over the Obama administration’s birth control rule. One such story was headlined “Obama’s Birth Control Policy Has Support From Catholic Hospitals, Colleges, And Charities, But Fox Won’t Tell You That.” "
Also at FoxNews

Media Matters talking points occupy MSNBC 
"Just in recent weeks, there have been several examples. Two MSNBC hosts who have recently, and regularly, used the organization’s content for their programming are Ed Schultz of “The ED Show” and Al Sharpton of “PoliticsNation.”
While they vary, the most popular targets have been Fox News personalities and conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh."

Feb. 6, 2012 “PoliticsNation” — Sharpton attacking Steve Doocy, co-host of “Fox and Friends” and Rush Limbaugh on unemployment data:  Feb. 6, 2012 “PoliticsNation” — Sharpton attacking Steve Doocy, co-host of “Fox & Friends” and Rush Limbaugh on unemployment data:"...(Underlining in the paste link)

“The ED Show” — Schultz’s ‘Psycho Talk’ segment on Obama’s use of Air Force One:
"Schultz was referring to Bolling’s complaint that the president was using Air Force One as a political tool to promote his State of the Union address in five swing states."

Alan Dershowitz: Media Matters could become Rev. Wright of 2012 for Obama
“When I started reading their stuff it sounded like the kind of stuff you see on neo-Nazi websites,” Dershowitz said. “Or on Hezbollah-supporter websites. It is so extremist. The thing that shocked me is that anybody regarded it as mainstream.”

Pro and Cons about the Republican primary struggle

John Ziegler  ...Conservatives have clearly created a scenario where President Obama is now a heavy favorite to be re-elected.   "Unfortunately, I strongly believe that, thanks to this needless hesitation and infighting, this cause has probably already been lost and, yes, this makes me rather angry. This is especially true when I strongly suspect that many of those influencing the debate don't (for economic reasons) actually want Obama to lose. If you also want Obama defeated, all of this should make you mad as well.
Related: Thanks to Conservative 'Issues,' Obama Now Holds All The Cards  "The clearest track to an Obama defeat since the primaries began has always been for Republicans to rally around Mitt Romney and then use his potential appeal to independent voters and unique connections to the key states of New Hampshire, Michigan, and Nevada to effectively block the president's path to 270 Electoral College votes.
"It is now abundantly clear that this scenario is not going to transpire."

 Dana Loesch: Blaming Grassroots for the Failure of Inevitability  "Many of us don’t buy the logic that the only way to move the country to a more conservative base is to nominate a moderate candidate. We don’t buy the logic that we should trust a candidate to run the White House in the manner opposite to how he ran his state while in the governor’s mansion." a site that may interest you

Home page of   Below are some articles from this site that the Dweller thought were interesting.

Gibson Guitar CEO Blasts Obama for Federal Raid, Persecution
"Gibson Guitar is an American icon. Musicians ranging from blues legend B.B. King to rock stars with Led Zeppelin and Aerosmith have used its guitars."

...."Gibson chairman and chief executive Henry Juszkiewicz, himself a conservationist devoted to preserving natural resources, testified in Washington last week about the ordeal. He also visited Heritage to recount the story and how it is illustrative of Washington’s overreach."

STOCK Act's expansive jurisdiction could lead to abuse of power   "For example, does a local legislator who owns a gas station have a financial conflict when he votes on a transportation bill that would repair a highway or a bridge in his home state?"

The Worst Thing that Anybody Can Do to You is Take Away Your Freedom  "Suppose that for the entirety of those twelve years you had always packaged your shipments using plastic bags rather than cardboard boxes.  Suppose that there is no U.S. law requiring you to use anything other than plastic.
"It would never occur to you that you might be charged with a federal crime and sentenced to over 8 years in federal prison because a third federal agency, the National Marine Fishery Service, decided that you had violated another nation’s obscure–and invalid–regulation requiring cardboard rather than plastic."

Pizza shop owner's $5G fine for shirt gaffe spurs push for appeal process "But the Empire State still has a way to go if Christian King's experience is any indication.
"King is still shaking his head at the $5,500 fine he's facing for failing to provide enough polo shirts to employees in his pizza shops."  H/T to Neal Boortz who included this with it:
Small businesses fear government  ...."A recent Gallup Poll shows that 85% percent of small business owners say that they are currently not looking for any new workers."
...."And here’s one more interesting stat: 71% of small businesses surveyed said that revenues from sales wouldn’t justify hiring additional workers.  The cost of employing people, thanks to government regulations, is not worth it to an employer, even if they are successful at generating revenue."  ((Emphasis added)

(Updated) What's been happening in our schools lately? Lawsuit fears dominate.

Update: The Advancement of the Toxic Totalitarian Nanny State  "...Jonah Goldberg  (and others) have been pointing out the totalitarian nature of the “progressive” movement, which seeks to expand the government sphere into every aspect of our lives (with the apparent singular exception of whether or not we can kill unborn children)." 
Attack of the lunch police  or, "Give me a turkey sandwich, or give me death."
"The Department of Health and Human Services, which thanks to ObamaCare will soon be the most powerful and unaccountable government organization in the Western world, has really been feeling its oats lately.  Fresh from its triumph in forcing Catholics to pay for contraception, agents of the Division of Child Development and Early Education moved to seize an improperly packed lunch from a little girl at a North Carolina elementary school, and assess a modest fine against her mother."
More on HHS: 
 Forbes: HHS Death Panel
 The Kansan: Actions by Department of Health and Human Services violates First Amendment
 Heritage: House Panel Hears How HHS Mandate Tramples on Conscience Rights

The president downplays school choice in his new $3.8 trillion budget.   "Because the president's teachers union allies are opposed to school choice for poor people, Mr. Obama ignores or downplays these findings."
Wisconsin School Punishes Christian Kid for Discouraging Gay Parenting
The article, “Should Homosexual Partners Be [Able] to Adopt?,” was written by Brandon Wegner who was assigned the task of writing a counter-point to another student’s pro-homosexual adoption article. The piece was then published as an insert in the school newspaper, the Shawano Leader.
...."According to Liberty Counsel, a First Amendment law firm, Wegner was quixotically bullied by Superintendent Carlson in an attempt to deter bullying.":
Brandon was hauled before the superintendent on charges that he had violated the school’s bullying policy. Superintendent Todd Carlson told him that the column “went against the bullying policy,” and asked him if he “regretted” writing it. When Mr. Wegner stated that he did not regret writing it, and that he stood behind his beliefs, Superintendent Carlson told him that he “had got to be one of the most ignorant kids to try to argue with him about this topic,” that “we have the power to suspend you if we want to” and that the column had “personally offended me, so I know you offended other people!”
Before you blame the schools, look no further than their fear of being sued by anyone and everyone:
The fear of being sued is stalking our schools:  Safety-obsessed madness
Update: Tony Branco cartoon:
EDUCATION WORLDHas the Threat of Lawsuits Changed Our Schools?
"A recent survey revealed that the majority of school principals have been threatened with lawsuits -- lawsuits that have changed the atmosphere in their schools. Education World's "Principal Files" team members offer their perspectives. Included: Handling lawsuits threatened by disgruntled parents and teachers."

Doctors. Teachers. Coaches. Ministers. They all share a common fear: being sued on the job. Our litigation nation—and a plan to fix it   "Legal reform is a painfully slow process; over the past 30 years, attempts to require mediation before going to court have done little to stem the litigation wave. But the time may come when ordinary Americans recognize that for every sweepstakes winner in the legal lottery, there are millions of others who have to live with the consequences—higher taxes and insurance rates, educational and medical systems seriously warped by lawsuits, fear and uncertainty about getting sued themselves. One day, they may realize that their right to sue has become a trial for us all."

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Paulnut upstages Obama

I can't support Ron Paul, but do like this picture:
Hat tip to Tom Williams at Facebook: Oregon: Tillamook County Republicans

Caption is part of the picture so I couldn't punctuate it properly. 
It wasn't my fault; I inherited the caption and it proved to be in much worse shape than anybody thought.
 It will take more than four years to fix it. TD

Grim Fairy Tale: The Budget

Hat tip to the California Chronicle

PJ Media: Obama’s Farcical Budget Betrays a Crisis-Driven Electoral Strategy   "Reelection through orchestrated upheaval?"
...."Obama’s Republican challenger and his party had better have a unified rapid-response strategy ready for such a contingency. In 2008, John McCain clearly wasn’t prepared, and as a result lost any chance he may have had of defeating Obama. This time, the country literally cannot afford for Obama’s opponent to fail."

Navy ship-naming by Secretary mired in controversy

Rick Moran  "The USS Medgar Evers? The USS John Murtha? The USS Cesar Chavez?
Ray Mabus
"Our Navy Secretary, Ray Mabus, has this diversity thing down cold. Each one of those ships was in a class that previous names of their sister ships had nothing to do with civil rights, or corrupt Democratic politicians. Ships are usually named after states, cities, even famous explorers and war heroes.
"But Mabus has injected partisanship into this tradition, naming another ship for Democrat Gabriel Giffords, who has shown courage in her recovery from an assassination attempt but had expressed little interest in the military during her career on Capitol Hill."

Leftists run wild politicizing Navy ship names  "
The catalyst for the amendment was the announcement last spring that the newest supply ship in the Navy’s inventory would be named after labor leader Cesar Chavez. This radical served briefly in the Navy after World War II but did not accomplish anything noteworthy while in uniform. His claim to fame was solely from organizing migrant laborers and agitating for the rights of illegal immigrants. 
...."Mr. Mabus was also wrong to name the amphibious ship LPD-26 after the late Rep. John P. Murtha, breaking with the tradition of naming San Antonio class ships after U.S. cities. Although Murtha was a Marine, he was criticized by veterans groups for calling the U.S. Marines facing charges for killing 24 Iraqis in Haditha, Iraq, in 2005 “cold blooded killers.” Almost all the charges were later dropped. When Murtha died in 2010, an extensive federal corruption investigation was underway against him. His name is not fit to carry our heroes to war."

Down to the Sea in Ships'--Names   "Like everyone else in the Navy, I knew vaguely that each category of naval vessels is assigned a general source from which the names of all ships of that type are drawn; states for battleships, cities for cruisers, and so on. But this is only an easy beginning. There are a lot of classes of ships, I learned."

Chart of US Navy ship's names  All you ever wanted to know on this subject here. Maybe more, but it seemed very interesting. TD
Pictured: the USS Texas. Or is it soon to be the USS Che Guevara?