Controversial Painter Depicts Obama With Burning Constitution "While McNaughton previously depicted Obama stepping on the nation’s founding document, “One Nation Under Socialism” glowers directly as if challenging the viewer. His right hand is holding the Constitution and his left hand is pointing to the flames.
"McNaughton tells CBSDC that the hands “represents his recognition of what is happening (to the Constitution) as it goes up.”"
"“There are numerous symbols and subtleties in this painting, and I’m not ready to reveal all of them,” McNaughton said.
"CBSDC contacted Jerry Saltz, an art critic for New York Magazine, about the painting.
"When asked for an opinion, Saltz said that the painting contained “bad academic derivative realism,” calling it “typical propaganda art, drop-dead obvious in message” and “visually dead as a doornail.” "...
OK, we know it's more propaganda than art as are Gingrich's speeches, though don't you just love it when Newt goes after Obama and those, um...journalists?
"Obama Throws Granny Off the Cliff" TV Ad From Doctors Group
OK, we know it's more propaganda than art as are Gingrich's speeches, though don't you just love it when Newt goes after Obama and those, um...journalists?
"Obama Throws Granny Off the Cliff" TV Ad From Doctors Group
"The ad uses Obama's own voice and words from a televised health care forum on how the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) would determine medical care: "Maybe you are better off by not having the surgery, but taking the pain killer" in response to a question about how bureaucrats would determine who qualifies for what medical treatment.
"The ad mirrors the ad last May by a left-wing group showing House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) depicted by an actor, pushing "Granny" off the cliff in an attempt to scare seniors into believing false claims that the Ryan Plan would end Medicare."
Everybody Wants To Throw Granny Off A Cliff "Dr. Jane Hughes, one of the doctors involved with the group that made the ad, said in an interview with TPM that she and some friends “kept waiting and waiting for a response to the ‘granny ad’ and it never came, so we realized if we don’t do it it’s never going to come, and that was the impetus, cause it was an absolute gross misrepresentation of what had happened.” "
InsiderOnline : Obamacare Must Go "The law’s escalating regulations and costs weigh heavily on the businesses that fuel our economy, one of the reasons job creation has been so anemic and economic recovery has been lackluster. Obamacare is expected to force Americans to pay $99 billion more in taxes and penalties than originally anticipated. Families earning over $250,000 will get hit with a higher Medicare payroll tax.