Alana Goodman: SEALs Criticize Obama’s Grandstanding "A lesson about how heroes don’t brag, from someone who would know. In fact, some would say McCain’s own modesty hurt him in 2008, because he was reluctant to make his time as a POW a focus of his campaign."
And my personal favorite that is even more apropos today than when it came out a year ago:
Blackfive: SEALS TELL BIN LADEN SLAYER TO PIPE DOWN "One of the more grotesque bits of credit thievery by our Campaigner in Chief has been the use of the bin Laden raid for his re-election, The Vice Buffoon actually touted the idea of a bumper sticker "GM is alive and bin Laden is dead" So I guess they are also claiming credit for blowing taxpayer money paying off their union allies by giving them a free car company they had already bankrupted.
"Some SEALs have decided enough is enough and have publicly called for Barry to hush his cakehole and act like he can at least spell the word dignity."....
Also from Blackfive: COERCIVE INTERROGATION LED TO BIN LADEN ...."That captured terrorist was taken to a secret CIA prison — or “black site” — where, initially, he was uncooperative. After being subjected to some “enhanced interrogation techniques” .... the detainee became compliant."....
"Once this terrorist decided that non-cooperation was a non-starter, he told us many things — including that bin Laden had given up communicating via telephone, radio or Internet, and depended solely on a single courier who went by “Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti.” "....
And those who got this information out of him will be prosecuted by Obama and Holder to the fullest extent of the law!
The Realization of Osama bin Laden's Dream "Don't let this week's anniversary of Osama bin Laden's assassination fool you. President Barack Obama may have killed bin Laden, but no one on Earth has done more to help al-Qaeda and the world's radical Islamists achieve their goals in the last year than our president." Tara Servatius
"...Obama seemed to put his desire to gloat ahead of the nation’s intelligence needs. Immediately after the event, Obama publicly stated that a valuable trove of intelligence had been seized, including even the location of al Qaeda safe-houses. According to Mukasey, “that disclosure infuriated the intelligence community because it squandered the opportunity to exploit the intelligence that was the subject of the boast.” " From Powerline
What Romney actually said about getting bin Laden "Obama's campaign lied about Romney not wanting to get him."
Below: I love the caption at the bottom of Tony Branco's cartoon.
NiceDeb: Video: Obama Doubles Down on Disgusting Bin Laden Slam Against Romney "Via The Weekly Standard: Obama Smirks: Again Suggests Romney Wouldn’t Have Killed Bin Laden:"
At a press conference with the prime minister of Japan this afternoon, President Obama said that Americans haven’t excessively celebrated the death of Osama bin Laden, and suggested that Mitt Romney would not have made the decision to kill the terrorist mastermind.
At a press conference with the prime minister of Japan this afternoon, President Obama said that Americans haven’t excessively celebrated the death of Osama bin Laden, and suggested that Mitt Romney would not have made the decision to kill the terrorist mastermind.
Rewind: In Bush Years, Killing of Iraqi al-Qaeda Leader Zarqawi Greeted by Media Scowls "While the killing of Osama bin Laden is a moment for all patriotic Americans to show pride, it's not hard to guess that the media's reception of the news would have been less positive if it had occurred in the Bush years -- and imagine if it had happened at a politically sensitive time (right before the 2006 midterms, or anywhere in the 2008 presidential cycle)."
Lib lawyer denounces Zarqawi killing "Killing Zarqawi and three women in the house with him was not an act of war. It was an act of retaliatory terrorism. By our government. And I don’t want it to be in my name".
I haven't seen yet what she said about bin Laden's killing.