The Hill " “It suggests that this woman can’t go anywhere in life without Barack Obama’s government-centered society. It’s kind of demeaning to her,” Ryan said during a constituent meeting in Wisconsin, the National Review reports. “She must have him and his big government to depend on to go anywhere in life. It doesn’t say much about his faith in Julia.” "
Michelle Malkin: Mamas, Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be ‘Julia’
The Life of Julia at Obama for America
" “It really shows the philosophical premise they operate from, which is — I think Romney coined it well — it’s a ‘government-centered society.’ You have to have government at every stage of your life to be there for you; otherwise, you’re going to fail. It’s promoting a cradle-to-grave welfare society,” said Ryan."
Rick Moran: 'The Life of Zachary' "You've no doubt heard by now "The Story of Julia" - the Obama campaign's utopian, government dependent woman who owes so much to President Obama's policies and programs.
"But what if "Julia" had a son?
UPDATE: The More Precise Life of Julia; A few details left out of the Obama campaign slideshow. ...."AGE 7:
DBKP: Life With Julia: The Truth About Julia
"One aspect of Julia’s life that President Obama and the Democratic Party aren’t talking about."
Even MSNBC Rips Obama’s Creepy ‘Life of Julia’ Ad "One of the best measures for the degree of it’s backfire is when even the White House talking point network MSNBC, and especially the Obama-adoring, Democrat shill Mika Brzezinski, find fault with it:" "The Life of Zachary" by Nicole Gelinas writing at City Desk:"
UPDATE: The Men in Julia’s Life ...."Age 30: He meets a woman named Julia and they date for a while. Maybe things are turning around for him. They have sex and Julia tells him she is on the pill. A few months later, she is pregnant; he wants to get married but she can get better treatment with child support and the government paying her way and says “hell no.” Julia sues for child support. The next thing you know, she is living well and the man in her life is living part of the time on the streets and the other part in jail since he can’t afford the $1000 a month child support payment when his business is slow."
Who the hell is "Julia," and why am I paying for her whole life? "Julia then has a son named Zachary (who has no father around, as far as I can tell) and we can start the entire storyline again".
UPDATE: The Men in Julia’s Life ...."Age 30: He meets a woman named Julia and they date for a while. Maybe things are turning around for him. They have sex and Julia tells him she is on the pill. A few months later, she is pregnant; he wants to get married but she can get better treatment with child support and the government paying her way and says “hell no.” Julia sues for child support. The next thing you know, she is living well and the man in her life is living part of the time on the streets and the other part in jail since he can’t afford the $1000 a month child support payment when his business is slow."
Who the hell is "Julia," and why am I paying for her whole life? "Julia then has a son named Zachary (who has no father around, as far as I can tell) and we can start the entire storyline again".
UPDATE: The More Precise Life of Julia; A few details left out of the Obama campaign slideshow. ...."AGE 7:
"Under President Obama: Julia’s education is going well, and she receives a personalized form letter from president/father Obama that he is pleased with her progress. Knowing government loves and cares for her gives Julia the confidence she needs to succeed.
"Under Mitt Romney: Julia goes to a crazed Christian school, thanks to vouchers funded by cutting NPR from the budget. Republicans run rampant and cut other necessary government programs, such as cowboy poetry festivals, and young Julia shudders as she feels society collapsing around her."....Frank J. Fleming is the author of the ebook "Obama: The Greatest President in the History of Everything" ... writes columns for PJ Media and the New York Post...and can't wait until he gets his Obama-assigned composite girlfriend.
DBKP: Life With Julia: The Truth About Julia
"One aspect of Julia’s life that President Obama and the Democratic Party aren’t talking about."
Michelle Malkin: Mamas, Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be ‘Julia’
"After hyperventilating for months about the Republican “war on women,” Democratic new-media gurus have inadvertently exposed the real Barack Obama: a chauvinistic control freak who would tether every last woman and child to his ever-expanding, budget-busting nanny state."A Nation of Julias "Ask not what you can do for your country; ask what your country can do for you."
....The alleged benefits to Julia are exaggerated or nonexistent. Pity the poor thing if she depends on Head Start for her launch into the world. A study by the Department of Health and Human Services last year found that positive educational effects tend to wear off by the first grade. The government assistance she gets for financing college feeds into the maw of inexorable tuition increases. The chances that the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act is going to boost her pay, as a web designer, are essentially nil. Julia is getting punked.