Friday, May 4, 2012

The Obamanomony as we know it

Dismal jobs numbers  "The BLS calculates what they refer to as the Civilian Labor Force which is those who have jobs and are seeking jobs.   Those the BLS estimates are not seeking work are not included." 

Another dismal month of job creation: More unemployed give up looking for work (Updated)  "For the record, the Labor Department says the unemployment rate fell to 8.1% - down from 8.2% last month. But looking inside the numbers gives a dreary picture of what it's like to be unemployed in Obama's economy."

American Enterprise Institute:  Why the job market might not be normal until 2019 or beyond …  "As I have been pointing out, the plunging labor force participation rate has been distorting the true picture of the labor market. But economist Mike Darda of MKM Partners has a way of getting around the demographic issue by only focusing on folks during (what should be) the prime of their working life:

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