PJ Media: 5 Insane Fads New Parents Swallow "Old hippies have spawned a new hybrid generation of parents that’s three parts high-tech and one part organic. The new “Crunchy” or “Natural Mamas” have inherited some ideals once considered “out there” for we Boomers, like nursing and laboring in water.
"The next four extreme trends could become the new norm." We regret any off-color language
"And just one more WARNING for some graphic content on the last page…"
March of the Idiots at OccupyLA May Day
"The next four extreme trends could become the new norm." We regret any off-color language
"And just one more WARNING for some graphic content on the last page…"
March of the Idiots at OccupyLA May Day
"This sign was used to assault four police officers, as seen clearly around the 2:45 mark in this video. The perpetrators, of whom this is presumably one, got away with it. The video reveals exactly how Occupy’s strategy works: They blindside the police with an unprovoked assault, then the attackers instantly scatter, while other Occupiers with cameras are waiting immediately behind to record the police’s hoped-for overreaction. And they think that this is so very clever that no one’s yet caught on to their tricks. "Like I said: Idiocy."
Boortz: You asked for it "I have a message for all of you Obama voters residing in blue states – those are the states that voted for Obama in 2008 – you get what you deserve."
Quote of the day: "One of the most brilliant things I’ve heard in a long time is your explanation of why, 'It’s government people, not rich people, who have the power to coerce and make our lives miserable.' ” Quoting Walter Williams.
Cher doesn’t want to breathe the same air as Romney and his ‘racist homophobic women hating tea bagger masters’ Then she, um, well..apologizes?
What a history lesson can do for an Occupier "One young man tried to pass an “Occupy Wall Street Journal” to two men observing the protests, and ended up gaining an education in history, politics, economics, and statecraft. Give the young Occupier credit, as Joe Schoffstall says — he was at least willing to listen. I’m not sure he was actually convinced, but he at least knew better than to keep arguing:
"You might be tempted to stop after a couple of minutes, but stick to it all the way through to the end. It shows what one man can do when he’s armed with the facts*, as well as a little moral authority from having lived through a socialist nightmare. His companion tells him at the end, “I’m very proud of you,” and I’d bet more than a few people here would be as well."
"And at least the young man still had the capacity to learn. Ringo and Zombie document some of the mental incapacity found at the Occupy LA rally last week, including these images:"
*I can tell by the man's accent that he is from the former Soviet Union. If he spoke to this entire Occupy crowd, they would not be able to refute his ideas; they would only shout him down. Just as they did here.
Then this cartoon:
Cher doesn’t want to breathe the same air as Romney and his ‘racist homophobic women hating tea bagger masters’ Then she, um, well..apologizes?
What a history lesson can do for an Occupier "One young man tried to pass an “Occupy Wall Street Journal” to two men observing the protests, and ended up gaining an education in history, politics, economics, and statecraft. Give the young Occupier credit, as Joe Schoffstall says — he was at least willing to listen. I’m not sure he was actually convinced, but he at least knew better than to keep arguing:
"You might be tempted to stop after a couple of minutes, but stick to it all the way through to the end. It shows what one man can do when he’s armed with the facts*, as well as a little moral authority from having lived through a socialist nightmare. His companion tells him at the end, “I’m very proud of you,” and I’d bet more than a few people here would be as well."
"And at least the young man still had the capacity to learn. Ringo and Zombie document some of the mental incapacity found at the Occupy LA rally last week, including these images:"
*I can tell by the man's accent that he is from the former Soviet Union. If he spoke to this entire Occupy crowd, they would not be able to refute his ideas; they would only shout him down. Just as they did here.
Then this cartoon:
Stupid Liberal Celebrities: Why Do We Have A Government Run Military? "To all of the stupid liberal celebrities: read the Constitution again. And if you don’t like what you see, lobby for some new amendments. Until then, shut up."
Debunking Stupid Liberal Memes, Part I: Meme: Merriam-Webster explains it thus: "Definition of MEMEan idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture"
Debunking Stupid Liberal Memes, Part I: Meme: Merriam-Webster explains it thus: "Definition of MEMEan idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture"