Monday, May 14, 2012

More on the media

Truth in Labeling: Why Not Just Call The Media Democrats?   "The reality is when a Republican is interviewed or a Republican position is reported, it is actually a Democrat interviewing or reporting on the issue.  ....This opportunity for Democratic reporters to slant their coverage without explicitly revealing their prejudice is enormous.  Common tricks that reporters use to slant a story are the selection of facts, which "experts" are called upon for quotes, adjectives describing people or events, and many more.  An explicit label or repositioning of the reporter and media outlet would be a constant reminder to a busy public that the information being supplied is actually from a partisan Democrat parading as fair and objective reporter.  The public will be able assign their own context and weight to the story based on the bias of the reporting source.  Over time the Democratic media's power and influence will greatly diminish."

Washington Post Ombudsman Gives Up Any Pretense of Credibility 
"Pexton also admits that the Post timed the story to help the president.
The other criticisms are that this story was published knowing that President Obama was going to announce his shift in favor of gay marriage. The allegation is that somehow The Post is working with the White House to time the story.
Do I think The Post took advantage of the timing? Yes. Vice President Biden had telegraphed the president’s position on gay marriage just days earlier. This story on Romney was in preparation for three weeks. It is part of a series of biographical stories on Romney being written by Horowitz and others and edited by The Post’s Pulitzer Prize-winning writer and associate editor, David Maraniss, who is known for his best- selling biographies of major U.S. political figures.
Ed Driscoll: Regarding ‘Our First Gay President’ and Other Goofy Recent Newsweekly Covers   "Once Matt Drudge blew open the story of Bill Clinton’s dalliances with Monica Lewinsky, a story that Newsweek attempted to suppress, the walls quickly began to fall, and savvy news consumers quickly began to receive their news elsewhere — including from news aggregation sites such as Drudge and Instapundit, which can be and are updated numerous times a day, unlike the increasingly lethargic schedule of the newsweeklies."
Head Games  "Think about it: when was the last time you heard any story embarrassing to the Obama  administration pursued to an actual conclusion?" 

CNN's Soledad O’Brien Beclowns Herself on National TV  "You won’t be surprised to learn that she was just pretty much reciting the Wikipedia definition of critical race theory (CRT). (Which apparently has changed throughout the day today as the Arbiters of Truth and Knowledge attempted to strip out any references to ‘white superiority’.)

Newsweek columnist Michelle Goldberg spoke out against the scourge of motherhood on MSNBC’s Up with Chris Hayes.  "She attacked Ann Romney for talking about the glories of being a mom – on Mother’s Day, no less –  her with Hitler and Stalin:"...

CNN's Don Lemon Compares Mitt Romney to 60s Segregationist George Wallace  "At the beginning of a CNN Newsroom segment he calls "No Talking Points," Lemon played a clip of Wallace saying in 1963, "I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever" followed by Romney saying Saturday, "Marriage is a relationship between one man and one woman" "

Obama's Hawaii press conference with his slobbering sycophants.  More here.

CNN WH Correspondent Asks Obama if GOP Candidates Are 'Uninformed, Out of Touch, or Irresponsible' (Video)  
"And this is the type of hard-nosed journalist the supposedly most trusted name in news has as a White House correspondent.
"Imagine for a moment how much better the country would be doing if there were real questions asked at these events."

Iran's - and the left's - contempt of Israel

"Orwell was intrigued by the “psychological processes by which pacifists who started out with an alleged horror of violence end up with a marked tendency to be fascinated by the success and power of Nazism.”
"“Even those who don’t,” he wrote, “imagine that one can somehow ‘overcome’ the German Army by lying on one’s back” and they shun “discussion of what the world would actually be like if the Axis dominated it.”
"Sound familiar? It should."

"Orwell regarded them as “objectively pro- Fascist. This is elementary commonsense. If you hamper the war effort of one side, you automatically help that of the other. Nor is there any real way of remaining outside such a war as the present one. In practice, he that is not with me is against me.” "

The final, official report on the bin Laden raid by the President

Obama watched Bin Laden die on live video as shoot-out beamed to White House
The president makes his report public: The real story as it came down.....Now you know!
Ron Paul would have wanted us to be nice to Osama so he would not be a threat. I went for the final solution because Paul, Romney and Bush would not have done it - the press would have roasted Bush for not arresting Osama and reading him his rights while my attorney general Eric Holder would have put Bush's SEALs on trial.
Hat tip to Harley Standlee; Placerville, Ca (Hangtown)

The Beholden State/ How public-sector unions broke California

Gov. Scott Walker, California has needed you for years!
This was 2010: The Manhattan Institute
"The camera focuses on an official of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), California’s largest public-employee union, sitting in a legislative chamber and speaking into a microphone. “We helped to get you into office, and we got a good memory,” she says matter-of-factly to the elected officials outside the shot. “Come November, if you don’t back our program, we’ll get you out of office.’ "
....How public employees became members of the elite class in a declining California offers a cautionary tale to the rest of the country, where the same process is happening in slower motion. The story starts half a century ago, when California public workers won bargaining rights and quickly learned how to elect their own bosses—that is, sympathetic politicians who would grant them outsize pay and benefits in exchange for their support. 
...."It will take an enormous effort to roll back decades of political and economic gains by government unions. But the status quo is unsustainable. And at long last, Californians are beginning to understand the connection between that status quo and the corruption at the heart of their politics." 
 California will need courageous politicians in Sacramento who are prepared for angry union members to occupy the capitol building as in Wisconsin; courage also to stand up to a scathing leftist press and to demagogic Democrats in the state legislature and their useful idiots on college campuses. TD
This is 2012: Shortfall in California’s Budget Swells to $16 Billion  "Mr. Brown disclosed the news in a video that had all the trappings of a campaign announcement. In it, he aggressively accounted for the steps he said he had taken to try to scale back a $26 billion deficit he found upon taking office. And he urged viewers to back an initiative he is putting on the November ballot that would increase sales taxes by 0.25 percent and impose an income tax surcharge on wealthy Californians to try to stave off more cuts."

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Top senator calls on U.S. to assassinate Al Qaeda explosives expert who made failed underwear bomb

Mr. Congeniality
UK Daily Mail   "The leak put lives at risk and the operation had to be cut short, King said. 'It sends a signal to countries willing to work with us that we can't be trusted to keep a secret if in fact we are the ones who leaked it out.'

"'I think there was a bit of premature chest-thumping in this whole thing,' Representative Mike Rogers, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, told CBS's 'Face the Nation.'
"'No national security operation ever should be used for a headline under any circumstances,' suggesting someone with ties to the intelligence community had sought political gain from the operation."

Hero mole fear/ Al-Qaeda seek revenge on Brit who foiled pants bomb  "He was hailed for his bravery yesterday for risking torture and death to infiltrate al-Qaeda and foil a deadly attack on a passenger jet.

"The unnamed agent held his nerve for weeks to pose as a would-be suicide bomber. 
"His cover was so convincing that he enabled Britain and the United States to achieve a major espionage coup against the terror network — and saved HUNDREDS of lives."

And you thought Time had a weird cover! (Updated)

Update: That Newsweek cover   "Near the end of the competitive part of the recent Republican presidential primary season, Gov. Mitt Romney began showing growing support among evangelical voters. The Mormon had been losing that influential portion of the GOP base by lopsided proportions. Not anymore.   "Thank you, Barack Obama."  Thomas Lifson

Update: WH getting blowback from African-American churches over gay-marriage stance
It’s not just about the policy itself, either.  The churches now wonder whether Obama will back efforts to force churches to perform same-sex marriages, a topic which one religious leader broached with the President during one of the calls:
Big Hollywood: "The cover is deeply arrogant, of course. We have no idea what a full-scale embrace of same-sex marriage would mean for society; portraying Obama as a halo-ridden angel for overturning thousands of years of marital precedent is simply absurd. It’s a radical change, by definition, with Obama and his allies tampering with the very fabric of our society – but by Newsweek’s lights, it’s obviously a net plus. Obama thinks so too, which is why he termed his embrace of same-sex marriage an “evolution,” suggesting that his opponents were unevolved."

Book about the preacher that the Obama's never heard preach

Book: Rev. Wright offered $150 grand in 2008 to shut up until after election   
“And one of the first things Barack said was, ‘I really wish you wouldn’t do any more public speaking until after the November election.’ He knew I had some speaking engagements lined up, and he said, ‘I wish you wouldn’t speak. It’s gonna hurt the campaign if you do that.’
"Morrissey  points out that this makes Obama out to be a liar when he said he didn't listen to Wright's sermons for 20 years. He knew full well the kind of poison Wright had been spewing all those years. Chillingly, it also shows Obama agrees with his pastor "telling the truth" about America.
"In case you haven't noticed, the press is ignoring both this story and the book. It will be interesting to see how the campaign responds and whether or not Wright confirms the allegation." 
Illustration at right from  
"Price:$16.77 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. Details"   

The ‘bribe’ to silence Wright  "When sermons of Obama’s Chicago pastor, Jeremiah Wright, surfaced during the Iowa primaries, it threatened to derail Obama’s campaign. ABC aired one where Wright screamed, “Goddamn America!” Edward Klein interviewed Wright, who told him Obama’s team tried to buy his silence."


Obama contradictions

Demonizing Conservative Thought

American Thinker  "Conservative thought played a profound role in the founding and history of our republic.  It continues to play a role in other areas, including defending the lives of the unborn, promoting economic growth, eliminating racial preferences, and finding free-market solutions to the burdens imposed by the cost of health care.  That's pretty good for people who uncritically accept the status quo. 
"Conservatives and liberals differ to a degree in their goals and to an even larger extent on the methods for pursuing those goals.  The president and these social scientists do a disservice to the political discourse by caricaturing and denigrating conservative thought.  However, their methods, though unhelpful in the grand scheme, are perhaps understandable in the short-term, as conservative ideas are an obstacle in the path of presidents who promise "hope and change" and social scientists who hope to design the world anew through the application of their great intellect."
David Limbaugh, 2004: Demonizing Conservatives  "Let me provide context to some of these examples to illustrate how various liberal constituencies contort word meanings to slander conservatives and Christians."

Trolling for Dirt on the President's List

Wall Street Journal; Kimberley Strassel  "Here's what happens when the president of the United States publicly targets a private citizen for the crime of supporting his opponent."
...."Three weeks ago, an Obama campaign website, "Keeping GOP Honest," took the extraordinary step of publicly naming and assailing eight private citizens backing Mr. Romney. Titled "Behind the curtain: a brief history of Romney's donors," the post accused the eight of being "wealthy individuals with less-than-reputable records." Mr. VanderSloot was one of the eight, smeared particularly as being "litigious, combative and a bitter foe of the gay rights movement." " 
Businessman Says He Lost Hundreds of Customers After Attacks by Obama Campaign  "Obama's enemies list is working"
Fox News has this report:
This president is worse than inept; he is corrupt, yet his sycophantic press does not care one bit. We keep looking for signs of an awakening in the White House press corps, but no, just more adoration of this juvenile holding the office. Case in point here.  TD
Romney to be Fully Vetted by the Press  "If you are wondering whether the press plans to fully vet Mitt Romney in a manner it failed to do four years ago with then-Sen. Barack Obama, have a look at this article from the Washington Post."
...."I’m just wondering. Does anybody remember an article of similar detail on the life of Obama from 2008? I don’t."

(Video from Fox News Watch) Judy Miller on WaPo's Romney Smear: 'Where Are the Comparable Pieces About Obama?'  

You know what? I don't care what Mitt Romney or Barack Obama did when they were fifteen or seventeen or in law school. I really don't care. I want to know where they stand now on the issues, and I think that's what we should be concentrating on. And frankly, I'm just puzzled by the Washington Post's play to this story.
Good Grief…White House Attacks Private Citizens David and Charles Koch Again "The White House told reporters that the Koch brothers have “spent millions of dollars attacking the President in an attempt to maintain taxpayer subsidies for oil and gas companies.” Not only was it an outrageous attack on two private citizens and entrepreneurs, it was completely false."

The American Spectator, 2009: Obama's Enemies List Grows  "Just having the appearance of someone who might possibly vote for an opponent of Barack Obama could land them on the President's enemies list where proxies do the dirty work." 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Stopping the Largest Tax Hike in History

Heritage  "How could nearly half a trillion dollars in higher taxes hit the American people so fast? What hath prior Congresses wrought? Heritage’s Curtis Dubay explains that the tax hikes come from a series of expiring tax cuts and the imposition of even more new taxes. And Heritage’s J.D. Foster writes that Americans can expect to see the following tax consequences starting next year:
- Income tax rates shoot up,- The child credit is cut in half,- The marriage penalty roars back,- The capital gains tax rate goes up,- The dividend tax rate soars,- The payroll tax rate jumps two percentage points,- The death tax is restored to its punitive past,- The Alternative Minimum Tax relief expires, and- A uniquely pernicious additional payroll tax hike from Obamacare takes effect.
...."On Wednesday, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) announced that his chamber will take up the issue before the November election. Knowing Washington’s general reluctance to do anything of substance in an election year, Boehner’s announcement was welcome news given the disastrous ramifications the threat of such a massive tax hike is already having on the economy. " 
Obama Keeps Recycling Failed Tax Policies  "There he goes again. It seems that President Obama just can’t help himself. He keeps pushing Congress to pass policies it has rejected in the past or has foolishly passed to little beneficial effect."

Obama's intel twofer: Undermined US national security and compromised Brit intelligence

Rick Moran "If Obama is trying to reshape his image as a warrior-president for the election, he's doing more harm than good. No doubt the Brits have been angered by the exposure of their asset who now must come in from the cold or face certain death. And less cooperation with the British - as well as the Saudis who apparently set the whole operation in motion - means that the leaks inhibit our ability to work with them, undermining our security.
"A helliuva price to pay to score points with the voters."

 Update- Legal Insurrection: Oh shut up, we’ve got a football to spike here   "These leaks, meant to tout the success of a double-agent operation, have not been leaks in the traditional sense of someone acting against the wishes of or to damage the Commander in Chief.

"Whether it was naming Navy SEAL Team 6 as the group which killed bin Laden, or releasing details of how that mission was accomplished, leaking information which presents Obama in a good light is part of the political strategy.
"You can’t properly spike a football without showing it to the crowd."  William A. Jacobson  
Associate Clinical Professor, Cornell Law School
OBAMA SPOILED ANTI-TERROR MISSION TO SPIKE FOOTBALL  "It can be baffling, that is, without this defining caveat: anything for a positive headline. This latest leak, as Scheur notes, is "inexplicable" unless one factors in "tawdry" politics. The timing of this leak screamed for coverage in the vein of "Saved by Obama, Who Also Killed bin Laden." Whether or not it would spoil an ally's intelligence program was irrelevant. The metrics used to measure the United States' safety are now the President's reelection poll numbers."
Let me know if you find one single celebrity who knows or cares about this.
Intelligence Leaking: Obama Style  "It was clear from the start that it was someone within the Obama administration who pushed for the information to be released.  
"And the reason was purely political.  Real lives and real security issues are at stake, contrasted with the illusion of security when Valerie Plame's name was released and the Left went ballistic and into meltdown mode."

After Al Qaeda bomb plot leak, someone needs to be held accountable  "But then, out comes word from the White House that “…never fear good Americans, at no point was the public in any danger.”  According to our fearless administration, the President had been kept informed of the plot since April.  

"In case you’re missing the subtlety of this revelation, the White House essentially told AQAP that we had a recruited asset in their midst who kept us informed of the plot as it developed."
Political Cartoons by Chip Bok 

Wait! Aren't celebrities among the "millionaires and billionaires" that Obama hates?

Bing images
Betty White says she favours 1 presidential candidate in 2012 _ Obama   "The "Golden Girls" star said Friday she is very bi-partisan and has stayed away from politics her whole life. She usually never says who she is for or against because she doesn't want to turn off any of her fans.

"White says in this year's election, she likes what Obama has done and "how he represents us."
"Her comments come after Hollywood turned out at George Clooney's home to raise $15 million for Obama's re-election, a record for a single fundraiser."

Gay marriage victory lap: Celebs tweet love for Obama  "For his part, Savage offered up a more cautious view than most. "Gay people better get out there and support the president," he tweeted. "If he loses in November, we'll be blamed."

Obama Gets $2 Million in Donations 24 Hours After Expressing Support for Same Sex Marriage  "However, file this under “fools and their money are soon parted,” because the White House has no intention of including gay marriage in the party platform.

"Notice how it’s usually reported that Obama “personally” supports same sex marriage — as if he’s separating himself privately from the office he holds publicly. There’s his “out” (if you’ll pardon the expression) for not demanding SSM be included in the party’s official platform. 
"That financial windfall comes at a price for Team Obama though, because 23% of independents are now less likely to vote for him in November."