Sunday, May 13, 2012

Demonizing Conservative Thought

American Thinker  "Conservative thought played a profound role in the founding and history of our republic.  It continues to play a role in other areas, including defending the lives of the unborn, promoting economic growth, eliminating racial preferences, and finding free-market solutions to the burdens imposed by the cost of health care.  That's pretty good for people who uncritically accept the status quo. 
"Conservatives and liberals differ to a degree in their goals and to an even larger extent on the methods for pursuing those goals.  The president and these social scientists do a disservice to the political discourse by caricaturing and denigrating conservative thought.  However, their methods, though unhelpful in the grand scheme, are perhaps understandable in the short-term, as conservative ideas are an obstacle in the path of presidents who promise "hope and change" and social scientists who hope to design the world anew through the application of their great intellect."
David Limbaugh, 2004: Demonizing Conservatives  "Let me provide context to some of these examples to illustrate how various liberal constituencies contort word meanings to slander conservatives and Christians."

1 comment:

Ronbo said...

If a leftist is stupid enough to say anything to me face-to-face in public, they get bitch slapped...I detest them MORE than they hate patriots.

I'm the new breed - a RADICAL REPUBLICAN!

My goal is not just to remove Leftists from all positions of authority in the REPUBLIC - it is to try their leadership for treason that can carry the death penalty.

Of course, the survivors will still hate us, but they will FEAR us even more.