Wednesday, May 30, 2012

GOP whistling past the end of America

Ann Coulter  "Public sector employees seem to think they should be exempted from belt-tightening everyone else is subject to under the Obama economy. (Obama thinks so, too. Most of the stimulus money went to shore up public sector employees' salaries and perks.) 
"Half the country is unemployed, but these special people are indignant that Walker asked them to start contributing a tiny amount of their salaries to their own pensions -- 5.8 percent, up from zero percent -- and a little bit more for their own health insurance, from a measly 6.2 percent to 12.4 percent of their salaries." 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Farrakhan rejoices that America is losing its Southwest states

TheBlaze  "However, The minister sounded overjoyed that minority births outnumber white births in America, according to recent US Census reports.  Given the news, Farrakhan noted that white people will soon “be the minority in their own country that they took from the native people.”  He also projected that minorities will soon “become governor of every state.” "

Rush Limbaugh addressed this issue today:  "And that's when he "went on to declare that he was 'sad that Mexico lost California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado' after the Mexican-American War 'trickery.'" Then he said it's payback time because "white people will soon 'be the minority in their own country that they took from the native people.'" Now, we sit here and we laugh at this stuff, but we're talking about somebody's got a sizeable audience. We're talking about somebody that wields a fair amount of influence within his community.
"Yeah, we've had our share of fun with Minister Farrakhan, and we've laughed at him, but this is serious stuff."

Rev. Wright Magazine Featured Obama on Cover with Farrakhan
"To this day, Barack Obama continues to insist he was shocked and surprised to discover that Reverend Jeremiah Wright had bizarre racist views. 
"Now Tom Blumer has discovered images of Wright’s radical newsmagazineTrumpet—and look who was featured on the cover of that magazine at least three times: BizzyBlog - Attention Stanley Kurtz, Re Obama, Wright, Trumpet: I’ve Got You Covered.
"Here’s one of the images, featuring pictures of Barack Obama, Rev. Wright — and Louis Farrakhan. Isn’t that cozy?
"And if you think Barack Obama didn’t know he was featured on this cover, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I’d like to sell you....."Notice who’s missing? Martin Luther King, Jr."  Little Green Footballs

The Texas Primaries Updated

The Texas GOP senate primary; Update: Romney clinches nomination; Update: Cruz forces runoff with Dewhurst   "Three things to watch tonight. One: Texas is going to put Romney over the top in delegates so we may get a formal victory speech from Mitt.".... 

Update: Mitt Romney is now officially your Republican nominee for president. 
Update: Close but no cigar for Dewhurst. The runoff is set for July 31.

Today's GOP primary in Texas follows nasty campaigns    "Some of the campaigning has been truly nasty. That's particularly been the case in the race for the senate seat of retiring Kay Bailey Hutchison. The two frontrunners, Lt. Governor David Dewhurst and former Texas Solicitor General Ted Cruz, have called each other liars in television ads.
"Some observers say the attack ads are part of a "blood sport" political culture in Texas, while others say the personal attacks have been the invariable consequence of conservatives -- who differed little politically -- trying to distinguish themselves from their opponents."
Obama May Lose To A Grass-Roots Operation Chaos In Texas  "The voters in West Virginia, Arkansas, Kentucky, and possibly Texas seem to be doing their own "Operation Chaos," but so far as I know, Rush Limbaugh has had nothing to do with it.  In fact, this looks to be a totally grass-roots inspired Operation Chaos.  Seems as if Democratic voters still see a lot of embarrassment to be had in voting against the candidate who has already secured the Democratic nomination." "
Neal Boortz; Forward fading?   "Then yesterday I see this headline in The Hill: “Obama team struggles to find 2012 reelection campaign theme.”  Wait a durn minute .. I thought we already had a theme or a slogan.  What happened to “forward?” "

What to Watch for When Primary Results Come  "But the primary will decide legislative and other nominations, and it could answer some questions that aren’t even on the ballot." 

Will Fear Decide Texas Senate Race?  "One source familiar with Texas politics who supports Cruz says that he knows “a number of significant donors” who also have business interests in the state and have been “told by their lobbyists in Austin, ‘Don’t dare give money to Ted, don’t endorse Ted . . . because if you do you’ll never get anything else through in Austin.’”

Obama ducks calls to release his collegiate transcripts

The Washington Times  "But decades after Mr. Obama completed his own college course work, his academic performance is still a mystery. Before and after his election as president, Mr. Obama has refused to release his college transcripts from his days as an undergraduate and a law school student.

"Most presidents’ academic records are made public by the time they reach the highest office in the land, either with their consent or by someone else digging them up."....
"In 1999, the New Yorker magazine uncovered George W. Bush’s college records as he was running for the GOP presidential nomination. It confirmed what Mr. Bush had been saying all along — that he was a “C” student at Yale University.
"Mr. Hess said there is no correlation between college grades and performance as president.
" “It turns out to be not much of a predictor,” the Brookings scholar said. “Franklin Roosevelt wasn’t a super academic. Harry Truman never even went to college. We know the problems of George W. Bush. Ronald Reagan I don’t think ever made Phi Beta Kappa.” "

Getting out while the going is good

Rick Moran  "It should come as no surprise that women in Afghanistan who are financially able to leave are beginning to depart for friendlier climes before the Taliban takes over again."
Quoting the Guardian:
Speaking to the Observer, Kakar said negotiations between the government and the Taliban and other insurgent groups were ignoring women's rights. A recent survey by charity ActionAid suggested 86% of Afghan women were fearful of a return to Taliban-style rule. One in five worried about the education of their daughters but 72% said their lives were better now than a decade ago.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Please, Please, Please Call Me a Racist™; It's become a badge of honor.

PJ Media " Are you interested in becoming a Racist™? You may be eligible:
"Do you oppose the siphoning off of productive earnings and investment capital into byzantine welfare schemes, run essentially as discretionary funds for politicians who both buy votes and further reward those who have already been bought?
"Do you oppose the de facto repeal of the Ninth and Tenth Amendments?
"Do you think the “Reverend” Al Sharpton is a criminal, a liar, an antisemite, a libelist, an extortionist, a racketeer, a predator?
"Did you refuse to vote for Barack Obama not because he was half-black, but because he was all-huckster?
"Do you either ensconce the phrase “Justice Department” in scare quotes or preface it with “so-called”?
"Do you think the United States Capitol is, or should be, too important and hallowed a venue for whiny, middle-class white girls from Georgetown to be complaining about the price of contraception?
"Do you oppose the efforts of Barack Obama to debase and marginalize allies like Israel and Great Britain while simultaneously offering Russian gangster-politicos concessions made by mortgaging the nation’s well being against the results of his re-election campaign?
"Have you noticed that the only way to escape the scorn and contempt of Barack Obama is to be the representative of a hostile Third World dictatorship?"
"In other words, we may actually be reaching the point we’ve all been waiting for: the point at which the charge of Racism™ begins to lose its social power. Trust me, I’m aware we have a long way to go: Big Media is unsalvageable, and our universities are still North Korean enclaves, to name but two obstacles."

Now here's a one percent I can honor

Hat tip to Don Standlee; Arlington, TX

Memorial Day, 2012

Thank you, Mr. Terrell.
 Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino

Looking Up to Our Heroes  "Let's not wait for our heroes to die before we recognize them.  The "New Media" needs to take up the slack in daily reporting on the heroes in our armed forces - so young, many of them, yet also so grown-up.  We must also make sure that our heroes know how much the rest of the grown-ups in America appreciate and look up to them."   Cindy Simpson 

Blogs rip MSNBC's Chris Hayes on 'heroes'   "Law and Order"s favorite channel says: 
  “Why do I feel so uncomfortable about the word ‘hero’?” Hayes said. “I feel uncomfortable about the word hero because it seems to me that it is so rhetorically proximate to justifications for more war. Um, and, I don’t want to obviously desecrate or disrespect memory of anyone that’s fallen, and obviously there are individual circumstances in which there is genuine, tremendous heroism, you know, hail of gunfire, rescuing fellow soldiers and things like that. But it seems to me that we marshal this word in a way that is problematic. But maybe I’m wrong about that.”

Kurt Schlichter at Breitbart blasted Hayes for his comment, writing, “Memo to Chris: they are heroes, and you don’t get a vote.”
“So, like so many other useless progressive fops* who glide from cocktail party to panel discussion, Chris Hayes continues to push his progressive vision of collectivist serfdom from behind the unbreachable wall of American warriors,” Schlichter wrote. “He has not stood with them and, in fact, is unworthy of doing so. He is a parasite taking sustenance from the exertions of better men and women.”
Fop: "A modern-day fop may also be a reference to a foolish person who is overly concerned about his clothing and incapable of engaging in intellectual conversations, activities or thoughts."

Capitalism through Hollywood’s Lens/ On the big screen, every businessman is a criminal.

Jonah Goldberg "That’s what corporations do, right? At least that’s what my kid is taught. In Beethoven, the evil munitions industry shoots Saint Bernards to test bullets. In The Lorax, businesses hate trees. In The Muppets, they hate Muppets (and love oil). I think that in nearly every movie involving cute woodland creatures (Furry VengeanceYogi Bear, et al.), businesses are always the bad guys.
"When kids get older, they learn from John Grisham movies that big businesses kill people in order to get what they want. In Aliens, the company wants to smuggle space critters that will likely wipe out all humanity, in the slim hope they’ll eke out a bit more profit. In Avatar, the Halliburton of the future slaughters intelligent aliens and rapes their planet just to make a buck."
I recall what a thrilling movie "The Fugitive" was all the way through until the last when it was revealed the real evil was -wait for it- a "monster" pharmaceutical firm that manufactured dangerous prescriptions to make money faster. Pretty much standard fare on shows like "Law & Order", et al.
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson
Romney fights Hollywood's take on big business   "Take, for example, last Thursday when Leslie Knope (played by Amy Poehler) — the heroine of the hit NBC sitcom “Parks and Recreation” — squared off for a fictitious city council debate with a rich, out-of-touch businessman who threatened to ship jobs overseas unless he got his way.

" “I want to run this town like a business,” Bobby Newport (played by Paul Rudd), said to the constituents of the fictional Pawnee, Ind. “My opponent, Leslie Knope, has an anti-business agenda.”
"When it was Knope’s turn, she shot back: “Corporations are not allowed to dictate what a city needs. The power belongs to the people.”
"She then added: “Bobby Newport and his daddy would like you to think it belongs to them.”
"It’s a prominent example of how businessmen are portrayed in the modern era, examples of which are also seen in films such as “Wall Street,” “Boiler Room,” and “Glengarry Glen Ross.”
"And Romney is not only countering Hollywood’s portrayal of big business, he’s running against a president with pop cultural appeal."

Saturday, May 26, 2012

A shout-out to our fallen veterans

Hat tip to Don Standlee,Vietnam vet from Arlington, TX

Memorial Day; for many the barbecues are a thing of the past

As Memorial Day Nears, a Single Image That Continues to Haunt
"Taken by the photographer Todd Heisler from his 2005 award-winning series for The Rocky Mountain News, “Jim Comes Home”  — which documents the return and burial of Second Lt. Jim Cathey of the Marines, who lost his life in Iraq — the photo shows his pregnant widow, Katherine, lying on an air mattress in front of his coffin. She’s staring at her laptop, listening to songs that remind her of Jim. Her expression is vacant, her grief almost palpable."
"It is the one and only photo that makes me cry each time I see it. What brings the tears to my eyes is not just the bereaved young woman, but the Marine who stands behind her. In an earlier photo in the series, we see him building her a little nest of blankets on the air mattress. Sweet Lord, I cry just typing the words, the matter-of-fact tenderness is so overwhelming. So soldierly. But in this photo — the one that lives on and on online — he merely stands next to the coffin, watching over her. It is impossible to be unmoved by the juxtaposition of the eternal stone-faced warrior and the disheveled modern military wife-turned-widow, him rigid in his dress uniform, her on the floor in her blanket nest, wearing glasses and a baggy T-shirt, him nearly concealed by shadow while the pale blue light from the computer screen illuminates her like God’s own grace."
Second Lt. James Cathey’s body arrived at the Reno Airport in 2005
"It is the one and only photo that makes me cry each time I see it. What brings the tears to my eyes is not just the bereaved young woman, but the Marine who stands behind her. In an earlier photo in the series, we see him building her a little nest of blankets on the air mattress. Sweet Lord, I cry just typing the words, the matter-of-fact tenderness is so overwhelming. So soldierly. But in this photo — the one that lives on and on online — he merely stands next to the coffin, watching over her. It is impossible to be unmoved by the juxtaposition of the eternal stone-faced warrior and the disheveled modern military wife-turned-widow, him rigid in his dress uniform, her on the floor in her blanket nest, wearing glasses and a baggy T-shirt, him nearly concealed by shadow while the pale blue light from the computer screen illuminates her like God’s own grace."
Lily Burana is the author of “I Love a Man in Uniform: A Memoir of Love War and Other Battles” (Weinstein Books). Her husband, a former soldier, is a veteran of Operation Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Loyal Dog Mourns, Lays at Casket of Fallen Navy Seal
"The dog of slain Petty Officer Jon Tumilson refused to leave his side during the Navy SEAL’s funeral earlier this week in Rockford, Iowa. The heartbreaking photo taken by his cousin, Lisa Pembleton, shows Tumilson’s dog Hawkeye lying by the casket."

Let's also see (below) unmitigated joy at the return of a soldier:

Now, on to the next post (below) that features an altogether different form of humanity:


Big Government  "In a piece that must be read to be believed, the radical publication Adbusters, which first suggested the tactic of occupying Wall Street, has now officially endorsed the Black Bloc anarchists as the next phase of the now-flaccid Occupy movement."
From Adbusters, whose stated purpose is:  "We are a global network of culture jammers and creatives working to change the way information flows, the way corporations wield power, and the way meaning is produced in our society."
 In Oakland, the Black Bloc, which made up a large portion of the May Day General Strike, displayed a coordinated tactical philosophy – including the de-arresting of comrades, throwing eggs filled with paint, using homemade smoke-creating incendiaries to confuse police, and the rejection of media – that suggests prior planning, ongoing innovation and increasing sophistication. And Black Bloc tactics are just one aspect of the overall rejuvenation of anarchism that is happening right now including the increase of infoshops (there are two near Occupy Oakland: The Holdout and The Longhaul); the creation of bottom-up solidarity networks to replace top-down unions; providing free food on the model of Food Not Bombs; offering a compelling DIY aesthetic.Anarchist occupiers are energized and their visceral tactics are attracting members. Now, the power of the Black Bloc is growing within Occupy and pushing the movement in unexpected directions.Round 7 goes to the Black Bloc – now let’s see what we can do for the rest of May!
Useful idiots: "This is the term Karl Marx used to describe an uneducated mass of people that accomplished a goal of political puppetmasters unbeknownst to them. These people thought that they were carrying out good works that would better society, but in reality they simply were sold a bill of goods and duped into worsening their own societal position. Used and abused by a deceitful taskmaster."