Sunday, June 3, 2012

Democrat commercial to attack Republicans in Wisconsin

EXPOSED: WI Democrats' Plan to Smear Conservatives and Gov. Walker!  
The Democrat commercial to be used in attacking Republicans, including Governor Walker:

It's time to investigate the IRS

Hans von Spakovsky  "Richard Nixon ordered the IRS to conduct tax audits of those on his infamous “Enemies List.” Now, a spate of investigations and leaks coming out of President Obama’s IRS raises concerns that this administration may also be using the power of the nation’s most feared agency to silence its political opponents. "
"Somehow, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), a gay advocacy group, got its hands on Schedule B of the tax return filed by the National Organization for Marriage (NOM)—a conservative values organization that has sparred with the administration and liberal groups over homosexual marriage. The HRC – soon followed by scores of left-leaning publications, magazines, and blogs like the Huffington Post and Mother Jones – published the confidential document that revealed the names, contact information, and donation amounts of anyone who had given over $5,000 to NOM." 

If The Truth Will Set You Free, What Will the MSM Do?

Andrew Klavan-on the Culture  ..."And that’s good! Because leftists are good. So if they have to lie or twist or distort the facts to fool the ignorant populace into accepting their programs and ideas, that’s a good thing. Because their programs and ideas are good. If they weren’t good, they wouldn’t lie about them, because then they would just be corrupt, dishonest, morally desiccated purveyors of disinformation who aren’t making an honest living but instead go to work each morning intending to mislead an audience they despise. And that’s not possible. Because they’re good."

Forget Romney; Look at Obama's Public-Equity Record

Karl Rove in the May 2 WSJ:  "The auto bailout makes Bain Capital look like an amateur on job losses and outsourcing."
"To reporters at Bloomberg Businessweek, Obama senior campaign adviser David Axelrod recently ripped Mr. Romney for "leveraging companies with debt, bankrupting companies and making money off of those bankruptcies . . . [that] cost jobs and certainly wages and benefits."
"And an Obama campaign briefing paper says "Romney closed over a thousand plants, stores and offices . . . cut employee wages, benefits and pensions . . . laid off American workers and outsourced their jobs to other countries."
"The president is guilty of the same alleged sins."
"The Obama administration, after all, forced General Motors and Chrysler into Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2009 and then capriciously ordered thousands of local dealerships closed."  (Emphasis added)
"The president wanted the auto industry to survive, but he also wanted to reward political allies—so he gave 20% of General Motors and 55% of Chrysler to the United Auto Workers union. He stood by as the UAW forced the closure of a plant in Moraine, Ohio, where workers had joined a rival union."  Hat tip to Alan Caruba
PJ Media: How About We Compare the Investment Records of Bain Capital and the Obama Administration?  "Unbelievably, the Obama campaign seems to want to have a debate about which of the two candidates is more qualified to run the world’s largest economy. Writing earlier this year I considered where the campaign seems hell-bent on going. This is a debate that can prove only disastrous for the forces of O."

Not only does our economy not stand a chance under this administration's policies and ignorance of how business works, business people themselves are barely tolerated by this president.

"Frank VanderSloot grew up a poor kid in rural Idaho. His father made $300 a month. His clothes came from the Salvation Army. Yet through determination and hard work—and with the help of America’s free-enterprise system—today he’s the successful CEO of a global supplier of wellness products.

"VanderSloot’s rags-to-riches story is not unlike other American tales of individuals who have benefited from the free market. In VanderSloot’s case, however, that success came with a price—but only when he decided a write a check to a super PAC that supports Mitt Romney." 
“The whole free-enterprise system has been so good to me and my family, I want to protect that,” he said. “I now see that system under attack.”

Obama's Black Friday

Warning Signs  "Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929, marked the beginning of the Great Depression, but for Barack Obama, last Friday was Black Friday because the U.S. Department of Labor announced that only 69,000 jobs were added in May, well below expectations that it might reach 150,000. The official unemployment rate ticked up to 8.2 percent, but it is actually far closer to 15 percent." 
...."“GM employed roughly 252,000 workers in 2008. Now it has 207,000, with 131,000 of them working in foreign nations.” Citing data from the National Automobile Dealers Association, Rove estimated that “as many as 100,000 Americans lost jobs at the companies’ dealerships.” "  Alan Caruba

Ernest Istook on the Obamacare Hearings

However, the Obama administration does get praise from some international sources:
 Cuban Dictator’s Daughter Predictably Bashes U.S., Endorses Obama   "Last week, Castro received a U.S. visa for the first time in 10 years to attend the Latin American Studies Association Conference in San Francisco. This at a time when Cubans who speak up against the misery, hopelessness, and repression on the island are repeatedly jailed, harassed or, like dissident blogger Yoani Sanchez, denied authorization to travel."

Saturday, June 2, 2012

"Barack Obama: Drone Warrior" and other self-enhancing security leaks by this administration

Charles Krauthammer  "The article could have been titled “Barack Obama: Drone Warrior.” Great detail on how Obama personally runs the assassination campaign. On-the-record quotes from the highest officials. This was no leak. This was a White House press release."
"Why? To portray Obama as tough guy. And why now? Because in crisis after recent crisis, Obama has looked particularly weak: standing helplessly by as thousands are massacred in Syria; being played by Iran in nuclear negotiations, now reeling with the collapse of the latest round in Baghdad; being treated with contempt by Vladimir Putin, who blocks any action on Syria or Iran and adds personal insult by standing up Obama at the latter’s G-8 and NATO summits."
Liberals claim the Obama presidency has earned America respect around the world. Really? See how Obama and Hillary are pictured in this Israeli cartoon below:
Jerusalem Post Still think Clinton will be more respected than Obama?
...."One capture could potentially make us safer than 10 killings. But because of the moral incoherence of Obama’s war on terror, there are practically no captures anymore. What would be the point? There’s nowhere for the CIA to interrogate. And what would they learn even if they did, Obama having decreed a new regime of kid-gloves, name-rank-and-serial-number interrogation?"

Leak of the day; egregious and criminal: Obama Order Sped Up Wave of Cyberattacks Against Iran  Read this article for yourself and see how much intelligence was given up to our enemies by this man whom voters have placed in charge of America's safety; all to enhance his own image. TD   Via Blackfive

UK Guardian: Leaks on Obama's security record give ammunition to left and right
"Mike Rogers, the Republican intelligence committee chairman in the House of Representatives, last month said that administration leaks revealing details of a failed plot out of Yemen to blow up a US-bound plane, exposed by an informant, jeopardised a continuing intelligence operation."

Salon: A White House obsessed with secrecy and punishing whistleblowers loves classifed disclosures that glorify Obama  "So exposing classified national security information is an act of criminal evil when done by a whistleblower to expose high-level error or abuse, or to a court trying to assess the legality of the President’s actions. But it is an act of great nobility when done to venerate the President as a strong and tough warrior. That’s the manipulative, propagandistic game-playing this administration exploits with its secrecy powers and whistleblower prosecutions."

Stunning Democrat Hypocrisy

American Thinker "If you are offended by this egregious limitation on your freedoms, you can take your complaint personally to Attorney General Eric Holder at his Department of Justice office located here:

U.S. Department of Justice/   950 Pennsylvania Avenue/    NW Washington, DC 20530-0001
"Of course, I'll wager you'll need a photo ID to gain entry to this voter/taxpayer-funded facility."

Funny they don't feel that way for their own party conventions.  "On Saturday, Massachusetts delegates will meet in their state's Democrat party convention. The votes of these delegates will determine whether there are primary elections for their party nominations. With so much at state, Democrats have decided to implement Voter ID requirements:" (See page 14 of 32 in the brochure linked)

Registration and Credentials

And yet, the liberal cartoonists draw the affair like this:

Check out the word "suppression" on the (obviously) Republican's shirt.

The unsweetened truth about Nanny Bloomberg’s soda laws

David Harsanyi  "This is nothing new in New York. Bloomberg, who embodies C.S. Lewis’ observation that “those who torment us for our own good torment us without end,” has banned smoking in bars and restaurants, public parks and on private terraces. He has gone after salt and he has banned trans fats in restaurants. He is America’s leading proponent of using punitive measures to dictate perfectly legal habits. “We’re not taking away anybody’s right to do things,” the mayor explains, “we’re simply forcing you to understand that you have to make the conscious decision to go from one cup to another cup.” "  (Emphasis added)

Top 10 class warfare attacks by President Obama

Human Events "Apparently, “tax the billionaires” is a better rallying cry for his reelection campaign than “look at my record.” Here is the list, not for the faint of heart, of Obama’s class warfare attacks."  One such:
....6. Promote the Occupy movementThe president has lent his moral support to the Occupy Wall Street movement, even as the protests turned violent and the group became infested with criminal activity. He hitched his ride with the motley activists early on, saying last October the movement was a reflection of a “broad-based frustration about how our financial system works.” Spoken like the Alinsky-styled community organizer that he remains at heart.

Business is booming in the tattoo removal industry

Need a job?  "Just some helpful guidance for my listeners.  If you are looking for a job and want to be taken seriously, I hope you don’t have a tattoo.  If you do, get it removed.  In fact, if you are looking for a job, the tattoo removal business is booming!"
.... "Tell me how un-cool I am.  Tell me how wrong I am for making derisive comments about those of you with all of that graffiti on your bodies.  In the meantime, young people with more sense than you will be out there taking your jobs." Neal Boortz

Tattoo Removal Booms in Slow Job Market

Ugliest Tattoos   "The sadness, when you realize that your tattoo artist lies about how to spell deceit, will bring you pain."

Delete will take aim at unwanted tattoos  " "Almost everyone I've talked to has said, 'Oh, my friend is dying to get one removed,' or people who have tattoos will actually start undressing and show it to me. . . . Once you start talking about it, everyone knows someone who has a bad tattoo."

Once Zimmerman decided to open her own tattoo-removal studio, she got busy doing everything she needed to do to make her dream a reality."

Barry of Arabia

How Can Obama’s Middle East Policy Possibly Get Worse? Answer: Look at Syria
"Now the administration has unveiled a new and equally terrible policy. I’ll let the New York Times’ reporters explain it:
President Obama will push for the departure of President Bashar al-Assad under a plan that calls for a negotiated political settlement that would satisfy Syrian opposition groups but that could leave remnants of Assad’s government in place. The success of the plan hinges on Russia, one of Assad’s staunchest allies, which has strongly opposed his removal. Obama, administration officials said, will press the proposal with President Putin of Russia at their meeting next month. Obama’s national security adviser raised the plan with Putin in Moscow three weeks ago.
"Good grief! There are four different acts of strategic insanity involved in this paragraph. They are…"...
"And that, friends, is why I spend so much time bashing Obama’s Middle East policy, because it is so very bad and dangerous."  Rubin Reports

Rumsfeld to Newsmax: Military, Not Presidents, Should Engage in Targeted Kills  But remember, presidential oversight worked so well for LBJ in Vietnam. H/T to CalChronicle

Jerusalem Post: The Obama administration insists on clinging to the fantasy that it can convince the Iranians to give up their nuclear weapons program.  "US President Barack Obama’s policies are just as irrational as the ones that Barak is urging Israel to implement in order to win Obama’s support. And Obama’s rationales for adopting these policies are just as divorced from reality as Barak’s are.  "The place where this irrationality is displayed most prominently today is in Obama’s policy regarding Iran."  CAROLINE B. GLICK

"Our Washington sources report that Obama consistently resisted repeated French and Saudi efforts to jump aboard their initiative.
"The Saudi defense minister at one point in their conversation told the US president harshly that it was time for the Americans to stop talking and start acting. But Obama remained unmoved."

Victor Davis Hanson: The Bad/Good Idea of Removing Assad  "After lots of interventions, we have learned one thing about loud Arab reformers, especially those who were educated at Western universities: They damn us for supporting their dictators; they damn us for removing them; they damn us for interfering in their affairs when we help promote democracy; and they damn us as callous when we just let them be."

Target Sells Shirts to Help Pro-Gay Marriage Group

Christy Media   "Target's move comes two years after it endured a backlash from gay rights supporters for giving $150,000 to a campaign group backing the conservative Republican candidate for Minnesota governor, Tom Emmer, who narrowly lost to Democrat Mark Dayton in a race that went to an automatic recount. The donation set off protests and calls for a boycott from a constituency that had seen Target as an ally.
"Supporters of gay marriage see Minnesota as having the potential to halt their long losing streak in statewide votes."
Maybe they will begin selling Green Lantern merchandise now.

Green Lantern re-launched as brave, mighty and gay   
" Green Lantern, one of DC Comics' oldest and enduring heroes no matter what parallel earth he's on, is serving as a beacon for the publisher again, this time as a proud, mighty and openly gay hero.
"The change is revealed in the pages of the second issue of "Earth 2" out next week, and comes on the heels of what has been an expansive year for gay and lesbian characters in the pages of comic books from Archie to Marvel and others."

I miss the simpler childhood where we could enjoy children's things without being indoctrinated by those with political and cultural agendas. TD