Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Who'd ever think that music could stir up so much hate from the Taliban and the Democrats?

"Ms Javed, who was popular with young, progressive ethnic Pashtuns in northwest Pakistan, was reportedly driving home with her father when a motorcycle raced towards their car and opened fire. 
"She was hit with six bullets and and pronounced dead along with her father at a hospital in Peshawar, according to CNN.
"In recent years the rise of the Pakistani Taliban, who disagree with singing and dancing, made it difficult for Ms Javed and other artists to perform and record songs in the country.
"Ms Javed had started recording many of her songs and music videos, which she sang in her in nearby Dubai."
Gateway Pundit; NYC School Children Heckled By Adults While Singing “God Bless the USA”   "What an awful display.  A group of New York City school children were not allowed to sing “God Bless the USA” in school during their Kindergarten graduation ceremony. So, the children went to a playground to sing it where a group of adults heckled them."

Rush Limbaugh; Bob Turner Stands with Kids as Libs Heckle Them for Singing Lee Greenwood Song
 "Folks, I still can't get over what happened.  In New York, a bunch of kindergarteners who were told they couldn't sing "God Bless the USAin school because it was divisive, essentially, go to a playground to sing it, and a bunch of Democrat adults show up to heckle them.  And a Republican candidate for the Senate, Bob Turner, is there, standing in solidarity with the kids, the kindergarteners." 

That Obama-Putin deep freeze

White House Wages Rescue Effort for ‘Reset’ Rhetoric  "Asked if the meeting, which began half an hour late, was important for the Russians, a Russian diplomat said: “Yes, but even more for the Americans.” "
Putin knows Obama is an easy mark who is prepared to give away the store and continue to treat our adversaries better than he treats our friends.
Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden

"The first item listed was the “expansion of trade and investment relations,” specifically Russia’s bid to join the World Trade Organization and the Obama administration’s push for Congress “to terminate, as soon as possible, application of the Jackson-Vanik Amendment with respect to Russia and extend Permanent Normal Trade Relations to the Russian Federation.”
"The statement then gushed about Obama’s pet project of nuclear nonproliferation. “We recognize the achievements made through the Nuclear Security Summits, including the removal and elimination of nuclear materials, minimization of the civilian use of highly enriched uranium, and worldwide improvements in a nuclear security culture,” it states.
" “As a priority, we intend to successfully implement the New START Treaty, and to continue our discussions on strategic stability. Despite differences in assessments, we have agreed to continue a joint search for solutions to challenges in the field of missile defense.” "

Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler
"The hardened tone appears to mark the endpoint of Obama's "reset" of ties with Moscow, pursued with Putin predecessor Dmitry Medvedev and touted by the White House as a signature foreign policy accomplishment."

Obama's conferencus interruptus

Boortz; The interruption incident  "This occurrence has the proggies race-pimp’s thongs in a wad.  Here’s not one but four examples of proggies saying that Obama was interrupted … because he’s black!"
...."As this campaign continues we’re going to see more of this.  The worse things look for Obama the more the left is going to start tossing the race card out there.  After all, what do they have left?"

(Video)  Don Lemon: 'Neil Munro, How Dare You'

Speaking of that, Andrew Klavan; Sam Donaldson declares Neil Munro is RACIST! Klavan writes: "Some on the left have unleashed wild accusations that I harbor a primal animosity toward Obama’s shredding of the Constitution, or his opposition to the ideals of the American founding. They think I look at Obama’s membership in a European-style socialist party (about which he lied) or his close relationship with anti-American terrorist William Ayers (about which he lied) or his twenty year tutelage under the racist, anti-American preacher Jeremiah Wright (about which he almost certainly lied) or the several attempts at government encroachments so overweening that they have been struck down 9-0 by a normally divided Supreme Court — and see all that as evidence that this president is less committed to the American project than any leader of this continent since King George.
"Wrong!  I’m just not down with this whole African-American business." 
Anyway, back to the original subject...

Geraldo: Daily Caller Scribe's Incivility Akin to 'Interrupting Lincoln' During Gettysburg Address  "Am I reading too much into Rivera's remarks to wonder if he's aware that the Emancipation Proclamation was an executive order, not a speech delivered by Lincoln?
"Henceforth the Obama administration might want to signal when questions will be allowed from the media and when reporters will be expected to emulate statuary."

9 lies about Obama's life

Rick Moran  "David Maraniss's new biography, "Barack Obama: The Story" is shredding the carefully constructed mirage of a life story that Obama rode to victory in 2008.
"BuzzFeed has 9 interesting fibs told by Obama about his life. Here are a few:"

BIOGRAPHER DAVID MARANISS DOWNPLAYS OBAMA LIES AS 'LITERATURE'  "As I wrote yesterday, the media loves being lied to by Barack Obama. As we all know, the furor over a sitting President caught telling 38 falsehoods in his self-penned biography would be unquenchable were we talking about a president with an R after his name. Not to mention the lies Obama told the media about his relationship with Bill Ayers and his membership in the socialist New Party."


Big Hollywood  "And then you have the recent episode of TNT's "Rizzoli & Isles," a program which lashed out against the process of fracking repeatedly throughout the course of the show."

The plot featured an ex-Blackwater agent, masquerading as a yoga guru, who kills a vegan student and a professor in order to hide his drilling for natural gas from shale. This episode was a triple decker for left-wing stereotypes.
The professor that was murdered had condemned hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking, in a video saying, “fracking is an invasive way to extract natural gas. Proponents say it will liberate the U.S. from dependence on foreign oil. But, my research indicates it will destroy the environment.”
One of the two main characters, medical examiner Dr. Isles reinforces that idea later in the episode saying, “they pump hundreds of chemicals thousands of feet underground. It pollutes groundwater.” Even the villain ominously tells Detective Rizzoli and Dr. Isles (after tying them in their car, which is parked on a spillway) saying, “a few million gallons of water’s gonna come pouring through here. It’s pretty toxic, from all the fracking.”
Angie Harmon (Rizzoli) is on the list of Hollywood conservatives that are admired. I hope she didn't go along with this propaganda without protest and do earnestly hope Ms. Harmon will speak out against this travesty.

Newsbusters; TNT’s ‘Rizzoli and Isles’ Demonizes Fracking  "The clear anti-fracking statements throughout the show are not new for Hollywood, and they leave out important facts. Researchers from the University of Texas at Austin recently concluded that “there is no evidence” of polluted drinking water caused by fracking. EPA administrator Lisa Jackson even told the Ithaca Journal, “We have absolutely no indication now that drinking water is at risk.” 

Media Research Center;TNT’s ‘Rizzoli and Isles’ Demonizes Fracking. One of the comments to this post:
 Actually a lot of uninformed people watch shows like this.  Most will take as fact the science from shows like this and CSI etc.  Just one more way the left controlled media pushes blatantly false propaganda out to an extremely uninformed populace

They have been concerned and are watching the technology and its effects. 
Power Engineering: Fracking chemicals not harmful From 2011.

Experts: Drilling, fracking not harmful to health " "There has been nothing yet as a result of drilling activity that has adversely affected the environment or public health," Wheeling-Ohio County Health Department Administrator Howard Gamble said. "We do do water testing, but we have not yet seen anything different from either pre- or post-testing results."

"An official with the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection confirmed the state has seen no cases of water contamination from fracking."

Most Israelis think Romney would be 'friendlier'

Jerusalem Post  "Thirty percent of the respondents said US-Israeli ties would improve under a Romney presidency, 26% said they would remain the same and only 6% said they would get worse.
"The poll showed that there was not a great deal of concern among Israelis that a second Obama term would significantly change US-Israeli relations.
"Asked what Obama’s policies toward Israel would likely be in a second term, 68% said he would maintain the status quo, 8% said relations would improve and 15% said they would get worse" 
I can't figure that out at all. Unless the Israeli press is also like this:
'Amateur’ Publisher: MSM Handing Obama ‘In-Kind Contribution’  "The book, for instance, says that the Obama campaign tried to silence the Rev. Jeremiah Wright during the 2008 campaign – and in audio tapes, Wright said he helped Obama accept Christianity without renouncing his Islamic background.
" “The Amateur” has received extensive coverage from Fox TV’s Sean Hannity and other conservatives, but the so-called “mainstream media” has attacked the book or ignored it outright."

Eco-friendly president recycles another speech

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy
Doug Powers  "The latest example is from President Obama’s speech in Ohio yesterday. Somebody at the RNC noticed that a good portion of it was the same address he delivered over two months earlier — the exact same address. The Obama campaign pushed the reset button yesterday, and now we know what date it defaulted to: April 3, 2012:

Goodies buried in the farm bill

Neal Boortz:
"How many of you realized that our food stamp program is actually paid through this farm bill?  Not only that, but 73% of the entire freaking bill goes to pay for food stamps.  That’s an astounding $969 billion for food stamps."

Obama: inside that handsome, celebrity-personality is a third-world dictator aching to be free

....."The contraceptive mandate—a regulatory mandate issued pursuant to Obamacare—requires that religiously affiliated institutions provide contraceptives or abortifacients. Providing such services would require these institutions to violate their religious convictions and would give unprecedented power to the federal government to dictate how religiously affiliated institutions must behave."....

Obama’s Preemptive Strike for the Hispanic Vote "The president's pander to Hispanics will help him in some battleground states."

Boortz: Based on these facts alone, you begin to understand why Obama has been an abysmal failure when it comes to our economy   "The fact is that we cannot have a thriving economy without the private sector.  Even worse for ObamaBots … we can’t have a thriving America without rich people!  Think about it.  How many poor people create businesses or hire workers?  You can’t do these things without evil rich investors or becoming an evil rich person yourself."

Thomas Sowell: Is Obama a fascist or a socialist and what's the difference?   "What socialism, fascism and other ideologies of the left have in common is an assumption that some very wise people -- like themselves -- need to take decisions out of the hands of lesser people, like the rest of us, and impose those decisions by government fiat."  Dr. Sowell comes down on the side of "fascist".  Hitler was a fascist; Stalin was a socialist. Yes, I know that "Nazi" stood for "national socialist", but read on. TD

Monday, June 18, 2012

Stay Out of Syria; A response to Clifford D. May

Andrew C. McCarthy  "The Butch & Sundance team of John McCain and Lindsey Graham are not just cheering on their team...the senators want to arm thepredominantly Islamistdemonstrably murderous Syrian “opposition” — to strengthen America’s enemies with training and weaponry that America would either coordinate or provide directly."
...."The Butch and Sundance team of John McCain and Lindsey Graham are not just cheering on their team, the way Chávez and I were pulling for Johan; the senators want to arm the predominantly Islamistdemonstrably murderous Syrian “opposition” — to strengthen America’s enemies with training and weaponry that America would either coordinate or provide directly.
...."In any event, if you really want to weaken Iran, then stay out of Syria and let it play out. Let the mullahs try to prop up the reeling Assad while the alliances with Sunni supremacists that they have spent two decades building disintegrate. It is in our interests that not only Iran but all of our enemies be weakened. What Cliff’s NRO essay labels the “Battle of Syria” is doing just that. The best thing we can do for American national security is: stay out of it and let them have at each other."

“The Amateur” by Ed Klein – Chapters 10 -11

Independent Sentinel  "This book has 22 chapters filled with quotes and interviews by people with insider information on Barack Obama. While the left has put down the author, they have not been able to dispute the quotes in the book.

"Ed Klein offers a good deal of opinion based on interviews. It is an intense character analysis."
Chapter 10;  Valerie V. Rahm  "Emanuel and Jarrett were not friends and Emanuel did try to block her appointment to the WH staff. She didn’t like his style of one-hand-washes-the-other. Emanuel is a realist and wanted to cut deals on the economy. Jarrett thwarted him at every turn. Axelrod and Jarrett kept Obama on his big-spending, big-government path."

Chapter 11; The Wrath of Michelle

"Michelle hides her co-presidency with her husband and their shared worldview is what is bringing us closer to European-style socialism.
"She is even further left than her husband. She pushed the healthcare initiative when most advisers were saying not to. She has a strong sense of social justice."

The President's Oval Office desk

The President's Desk
"Many presidents have used the Resolute desk in the Oval Office or ...their study in the Residence. It was made from the timbers of HMS Resolute, an abandoned British ship discovered by an American vessel and returned to the Queen of England as a token of friendship and goodwill. When the ship was retired, Queen Victoria commissioned the desk from William Evenden, Royal Naval Dockyard at Chatham, England, and presented to President Rutherford Hayes in 1880.
"The desk has twice been modified. Franklin Roosevelt requested that the kneehole be fitted with a modesty panel carved with the presidential seal (he preferred people not see his leg braces and often placed a waste basket in front of his desks), but he did not live to see it installed. However, President Truman liked the eagle motif and had it installed when he came into office in 1945. Since this was prior to Truman's decision to turn the head of the eagle in the presidential seal to face the olive branch of peace, the eagle in the Resolute's modesty panel faces the arrows of war.
"Every president since Hayes—except Presidents Johnson, Nixon, and Ford—has used the Resolute desk, although some chose to use it in their private study in the Residence. The desk was made famous in part by a photograph of John Kennedy at work while his son, John Jr., peeked out the front through the kneehole panel."
President Truman's desk plaque below:
"What the president has on his desk is often symbolic of his style and experience."

TW looked for a picture of Bill Clinton using the desk, but our sexual content filter blocked it.