Thursday, August 23, 2012

Leftists being leftists at the RNC Convention

Sweetness and Light   Team Obama breaks precedent to try to spoil Romney’s convention  
"Presidential candidates have traditionally kept a low profile during their opponent’s nominating celebration, but Democrats are throwing those rules out the window in an attempt to spoil Mitt Romney’s coronation as the GOP nominee.

"President Obama, Vice President Biden and leading congressional Democrats have all scheduled high-profile events next week to counter-program the Republican gathering in Tampa.
"Even first lady Michelle Obama is in on the act, scheduling an appearance on the “David Letterman Show” smack in the middle of Romney’s nominating bash."....
The purpose of the Democratic blitz is clear: With Romney and the Republicans scrambling to defend Romney’s tax history and undo the damage from Rep. Todd Akin’s (R-Mo.) recent comments on rape and abortion, Obama and the Democrats don’t want to give the GOP a week-long opening to shift the discussion back to jobs and the economy — Obama’s chief vulnerability heading into November’s elections…
 Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden
Related: Bricks And Pipes Found Near RNC Convention

Interview: Akin’s Strategist Elsass Speaks

WSJ, by way of Taegan D. Goddard 's Political Wire   "Mr. Elsass said an ad by Mr. Akin asking forgiveness will run through the weekend. Mr. Akin will return to Missouri on Friday—he is now in Tampa—and begin holding a regular campaign events and talking to the local press. That will begin the real test of whether Mr. Akin’s campaign remains viable, and as the Republican and Democratic conventions unfold over the next two weeks, Mr. Akin will assess where he stands."
Also from Political Wire:
 reports big swing in Missouri Senate race: McCaskill (D) 48%, Akin (R) 38%.
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

This time it looks like it is a SEAL who should shut up

Obama Administration Upset to Hear Navy SEAL Will Release First Hand Account of Mission to Kill Osama Bin Laden

"For the first time a member of SEAL Team 6 has written a book setting the record straight on the raid on Osama Bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan. The book was not authorized by the Obama Administration and will give the real story not told by the Obama-media.
"The book was vetted by a former special operation’s attorney. The majority of the proceeds from the book will go to charities that support families of fallen Navy SEALs.
Reuters reported:
The U.S. government was surprised by the news that a Navy SEAL who participated in the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan has written a book about the operation in which the al Qaeda leader was killed, U.S. officials said on Wednesday.
“No Easy Day: The Firsthand Account of the Mission that Killed Osama Bin Laden” was written by a Navy SEAL under the pseudonym Mark Owen with co-author Kevin Maurer and is to be released next month on the anniversary of the September 11 attacks.  Read more... 

He uses a pseudonym, but I know his name and it will likely come out shortly. The bottom line is that doing this makes you a douche of epic proportions. There was whining about how former operators were pointing out that leaks about classified ops were hurting our security. They were called unprofessional, which was unfair. They were not giving out info, they were saying that the giving out of info was a dangerous thing This jackass is going to basically spill the details of the raid so he can cash in.Dear Loser,Enjoy the money, you are now dead to all the rest of us.Cordially,Everyone else from the Special Ops community
 ABC has this.

Media Research Center

Dan Backer, a lawyer who represents several conservative nonprofits, pointed to the Obama team's decision to single out donors like the Koch brothers.
"You have the president of the United States attacking donors," Backer said. "A lot of them have been named in person by the president as bad people. That's horrifying."

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Big Hollywood   "You'd expect the new film "2016: Obama's America" to score well in red state movie theaters. The movie admonishes President Barack Obama for following the legislative philosophies of his anti-colonial father.
"Did you know "2016" is also packing 'em in in places like the Big Apple, one of the more liberal cities in the nation?"
Rush Limbaugh; D'Souza Film Success Shocks Hollywood   "Obama's view that the country has become great by virtue of pillage, so have the achieved in this country become successful by stealing from fellow citizens or by cheating them in business, or by screwing them, or just literally taking from them, or not being fair in wages or what have you.  And so it's his job to even it out.  Sowell writes about people watching this, and you can see that people who are exposed to this explanation for the first time are held at rapt attention.  The movie is not preachy. It's not table-pounding.  This is the movie where Dinesh went over to Kenya, met with Obama's brother, who lives in a hut."


Breitbart  "Springsteen has gone from the voice of real hope which requires wise change, to the voice of entitlement and being forever stuck there. It’s not surprising that one should find him an honored guest in the Obama White House and a staunch voice for today’s Democrat Party.
"Springsteen has gone from the voice of real hope which requires wise change, to the voice of entitlement and being forever stuck there. It’s not surprising that one should find him an honored guest in the Obama White House and a staunch voice for today’s Democrat Party."


Ann Coulter "Akin was not even the clear choice of conservatives. In the primary, John Brunner was endorsed by both Missouri Right to Life and the National Right to Life. Sarah Steelman was endorsed by Sarah Palin. Akin was endorsed by the Democratic Party.
"The Democrats carefully nurtured Akin with millions of dollars in campaign money because he was the candidate they most wanted to run against. (Akin thinks all those Democrats voting for him in the primary merely shows that he’s got tremendous crossover appeal!)
"There’s no rehabilitating this guy. It’s a waste of money. His comments are going to cost Republicans an easy Senate seat in a moment of crisis for the nation. This one man’s stubborn refusal to bow out could cost us control of the U.S. Senate, House seats in Missouri, Senate seats elsewhere and maybe even the White House itself."

Rick Moran:  The titanic denial of Todd Akin  "In short, Akin is a disaster as a candidate and if elected would be a disaster for Missouri. But there is very little chance of that happening, which means GOP hopes for capturing the senate must depend on picking up a seat in a far more competitive race.
"And the party has got to find a way to innoculate the top of the ticket from the toxicity of Akin's remarks."
Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert
If All Else Fails: What to do if Akin doesn't step aside  "If all else fails, the Missouri GOP must mount a write-in candidacy, just as Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) did in 2010. Murkowski went on to win. And just as in Alaska, Missouri Republicans could back a woman: Sarah Steelman. "It takes a woman to beat a woman." "
It seems to me, from what I understand from doctors, that [a pregnancy resulting from rape] is really rare. If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. But let’s assume that maybe that didn’t work or something: I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be of the rapist, and not attacking the child.

A personal note about those oppressive voter ID's

Oh, I should mention that while waiting for my grandson to return from his driver's license test in Portage, Indiana I read a chart on the wall of the state motor vehicle office. 
The chart contained all the fees for every permit and application. 
It listed personal ID for voting purposes: NO CHARGE. Zip. Nada, Bupkis.
Go in and ask for it, you get it.

Or is that too oppressive for you?

The Tunnel Dweller.

Obamacare’s 18 New Tax Hikes

The Foundry  "Not only did the President and his partners in Congress take $716 billion out of Medicare to pay for Obamacare, but they also raise taxes by $836.3 billion to pay for it, with $36.3 billion hitting Americans in 2013 alone. Here’s the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and Joint Committee on Taxation‘s (JCT) updated cost of the Obamacare tax hikes and penalties."  You'll need glasses for this one:

More here from Heritage on healthcare

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Mean old Fox News

Dem poll pushes Todd Akin

American Thinker  "The Republican Senate Campaign Committee will not back Akin at this point. He is too toxic for all the other candidates running. Neither will CrossRoads Super Pac. If Todd Akin cares about his party, his country, Senate control,and the ability of Romney and Ryan to talk about the issues they want to discuss, rather than Todd akin, he should withdraw . If he sticks in at this point, he may be delusional. Of course, that was the point of the PPP poll, to feed that delusion."
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Cartoon by Rob Rogers - Todd Akin

Strange things happening with the ObaMedia

Building off the stories we posted in the Tunnel Wall previously.
Thomas Lifson:  Obama's MSM shield starts to crumble  "We should be treated to quite an amusing spectacle as Obama supporters turn on Tina Brown and Newsweek. The campaign may have entered a news stage, if this approach to media survival -- treating conservative critiques of Obama as worthy of attention -- catches on."

Obama’s Campaign Speech ‘Press Conference’ In The White House "While the President has been continually appearing on television and radio programs that are considered to be extremely “light media”, he has been avoiding any and all media outlets that would ask the difficult questions about policies including the present troubled economy."

Jake Tapper Tells Ingraham ‘Media Helped Tip The Scales’ In 2008  Via Memeorandum

Sounds Of Discord At Obama HQ "Glenn Thrush of Politico has a new ebook out today which paints a picture of the wheels coming off at Team Obama. It couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of people…"