Friday, September 7, 2012

State Dept. Again Refuses to Name Capital of Israel!

The Weekly Standard   "Here's the remarkable exchange from today's press briefing, with reporters and press secretary Patrick Ventrell:"  
....MR. VENTRELL: -- the situation is that we have an Embassy in Tel Aviv that represents our interests with the Government of Israel but that the issue of Jerusalem is one that has to be resolved between the two parties. That’s all I can say on this.Anything else? Thank you.

A Tale of Two Conventions

RealClearPolitics.  "This is why the Republicans invested so much time and effort trying to reintroduce their party. It’s a rebranding effort, and I suspect it was meant to pre-empt any attempts to tie Romney/Ryan to the unpopular Bush administration, as well as to inoculate the ticket against a generic “Do you really want to put the Republicans in charge?” argument. I don’t think it was particularly successful, but that is what I think is going on."

On the Democrat convention, the writer, Sean Trende, says: 
Barack Obama’s win in 2008 was based in large part upon this outsized enthusiasm, especially among young voters and minority voters (Latinos in particular). I don’t think he can win if Republicans have a significant edge in enthusiasm on Election Day, especially if the gap persists among Latino voters. This is precisely why almost every speaker mentioned the DREAM Act, while the somewhat surprising emphasis on abortion is probably an attempt to draw more young, single women to the voting booths.
 Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail

“The Daily Show” on Democratic “tolerance”

Hot Air    

The Democratic National Committee officially recognizes 14 caucuses or “communities,” most having to do with race, gender, sexual orientation or ethnicity.
Many of these groups had a purpose in the beginning. African Americans had the ultimate historic complaint. The lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender caucus (LGBT, if you’re scoring at home) worked effectively and won the Democrats’ support for a full roster of human rights, including marriage. The women’s caucus represented perhaps the most successful civil rights movement of our lifetime. Women are moving beyond equality now toward dominance as more of them graduate from college than men–and fewer of them drop out of high school–and take their places atop major companies, government agencies and, someday soon, the presidency.
But if I’m a plain old white insurance salesman, I look at the Democratic Party and say, What’s in it for me? ....

See if you can figure out a connection between the TDS segment and these results:

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Alan Caruba's "Obama's Make-Believe Life"; now a viral urban legend

This came today from fellow blogger, friend and sometime mentor, Alan Caruba who blogs at  Warning Signs. The article by Alan was written back in January of 2010 and his authorship has since been misrepresented as an urban legend. 
Here is Mr. Caruba's refutation of the "legend" followed by the article in question.
On January 2, 2010, I posted a commentary, "Obama's Make-Believe Life", to this blog and a strange thing happened. An unknown person misappropriated it, added the phony name of "Eddie Sessions" as its author and further claimed that it had been published in The Wall Street Journal. And stranger still, the commentary began to be shared via email among literally thousands of people. In time, in response to many inquiries confirmed that I was, indeed, its author.
Obama is going to be the focus of worldwide attention when he delivers his acceptance speech, even though he has been campaigning for reelection for well over a year at this point.
I rarely, if ever, repost anything I have written because I want my commentaries to be as timely as possible, but I think this one that has gone around the world several times remains timely. Feel free to share it with family, coworkers, and friends.
Here is an excerpt from the article written by Mr. Caruba:

Obama's Make-Believe Life 
 "The mainstream political media fell in love with him. It was a schoolgirl crush with febrile commentators like Chris Mathews swooning then and now over the man. The venom directed against McCain and, in particular, Palin, was extraordinary.

"Now, nearly a full year into his first term, all of those gilded years leading up to the White House have left him unprepared to be President. Left to his own instincts, he has a talent for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. It swiftly became a joke that he could not deliver even the briefest of statements without the ever-present Tele-Prompters.

Caruba advises us in a Facebook post:
If you plan to listen to the President's acceptance speech tonight keep a pad of paper in hand and track how many times he blames someone or some thing for how poorly his first and hopefully last term has performed.
Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail

Muslims and Democrats; Palestinian Authority blasts Democrats’ affirmation of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

THE TIMES OF ISRAEL  "Nabil Abu Rdeneh, an aide to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, said the Democrat’s decision might just be “election propaganda.” He said a failure to recognize the Palestinian claim to East Jerusalem will “destroy the peace process” and lead to “endless war.”"

Also from the Times of Israel;The night the Democrats lost control of the Israel message  "....By Tuesday morning, Republican activists were shopping those differences to reporters. 
"The differences were significant enough to justify stories in some Jewish outlets. While the platform still contained strongly pro-Israel language, Democrats had dropped all mention of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, cut the explicit call for Palestinian refugees to return to a future Palestine rather than to Israel, and more.  
"The story quickly spread to political blogs and from there to major American papers. By Tuesday night, Democrats had a real crisis on their hands.....
Irony alert:   "It’s worth recalling that the Democratic convention began with a workshop for Democratic Jewish activists about how to rebuff Republican assaults on Obama’s Israel record.
Unhappy Muslim delegates react to vote on Jerusalem at Democratic Convention
"Another Muslim delegate said because Jerusalem is significant to Christians, Jews, and Muslims, it should be treated like Vatican City — as an autonomous municipality that doesn’t belong to any single country. " 

Jumah prayer prior to the 2012 DNC goes off without a hitch or disruption

From the Jerusalem Post; Jerusalem, God, and American politics   

"President Obama,seeking to quell a storm of criticism from Republicans and pro-Israel groups, directed the Democratic Party on Wednesday to amend its platform to restore language declaring Jerusalem the Israeli capital."
"The Republican platform is stronger on both God (two mentions) and Israel. Both parties adopt the two-state solution, but the Republicans are explicit in blaming Arabs for frustrating the peace process." Hebrew University Political Science professor Ira Sharkansky

Democrats at the convention speak (Updated)

Update: Freedom Fighter's Journal responds:
(a) Whoever knowingly and willfully threatens to kill, kidnap, or inflict bodily harm upon— (1) a former President or a member of the immediate family of a former President; (2) a member of the immediate family of the President, the President-elect, the Vice President, or the Vice President-elect; (3) a major candidate for the office of President or Vice President, or a member of the immediate family of such candidate; or (4) a person protected by the Secret Service under section 3056 (a)(6); shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.   Read more...

"Thank you so much"; you gave us just what we expected.

Sandra Fluke: Ryan “Would Allow Women to Die in Emergency Rooms”  "Fluke is bastardizing a portion of the bill stopping taxpayer funding of abortions in Obamacare that reinstates conscience protections for pro-life medical workers who don’t want to be involved in abortions."  Via Weasel Zippers

Speaking of Democrats at the DNC; CNN Washington Bureau Chief: MSNBC's Convention Coverage 'A Cheering Section for the Democrats'
"If you watch MSNBC during convention coverage, you have a cheering section for the Democrats.  "Such was quite accurately said by CNN's Washington bureau chief Sam Feist Tuesday."  
 "Although no network is as biased as MSNBC, here are some recent examples of CNN leaning way too far to the left:"
 More on this...
Benita Veliz was the first undocumented worker to address a party convention.

Dems trotting out H'wood beauties to introduce Obama  "Democrats have secretly scheduled an appearance by Hollywood beauties Scarlett Johansson and Kerry Washington tonight at their national convention, in a bid to counter Clint Eastwood’s surprise speech at the Republican convention last week in Tampa."

Bill Clinton at the Democrat Convention

American Thinker; Nice Try Bill  "Clinton air-brushed the man who believes it was his calling to "fundamentally change America" into a politician who believes "we are all in this together." In his best Bubba style, Clinton bit his lip, paused, touted Hillary and himself and rocked the house the way only Bill Clinton can."

Chris Matthews: Bill Clinton so good he would ‘know how to reproduce’ on Mars
Watch Matthews come close to an orgasm over Clinton's speech. (Video)
“Years from now we may look back at tonight and remember Bill Clinton’s speech as one of the greatest in convention history.”  Via Weasel Zippers. More from Matthews on Clinton here.

Big Government; Clinton: 'Conditions Are Improving' "But it was Clinton who demanded more time. According to some sources, Clinton's speech was supposed to run 20 minutes. Instead, it ran 50 minutes. Fifty long, long minutes. 
"At the end of Clinton’s speech, President Obama showed up to try to glom off some of his electricity. Unfortunately, by the end of the speech, there wasn’t much left."

Frontpage    "Clinton denounced and demeaned Republican fiscal policy, stating that “We simply can’t afford to double-down on trickle-down.” Yet, it was this same Bill Clinton who, while he was in office, turned to Republicans when he saw that his liberal policies were destroying his presidency. "....

Jonathan S. Tobin;  Did Bill Clinton Save Obama?  "Though this was probably a better argument that Obama could make for himself, it is a stretch to believe people will believe the president deserves a pass for his struggles just because Clinton says he deserved one."

Neal Boortz on Bill Clinton and his DNC speech

Neal Boortz  "When Clinton – when Democrats – talk about “shared prosperity,” here is what they mean:"  Read more...
"And did you notice that when Clinton was trying to be sincere in how the Republicans in Tampa demonstrated great love for their families and their country, the Democrats in the audience laughed?  These are the same Democrats who booed earlier in the day when the committee moved to restore “God” and Jerusalem in the party platform.  What a bunch of class acts." 

Some asides on the Democrat Convention as of Wednesday

Mother of Dem convention star Castro called Alamo defenders 'drunks,' 'crooks'

"The young Texas mayor whose keynote speech wowed the Democratic National Convention crowd Wednesday night draws political inspiration from his mother – who was a member of a radical civil rights movement and who reportedly thinks the truth behind the Battle of the Alamo is that Texans swiped Mexico’s land.
"Maria del Rosario Castro, the mother of San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro, said in 2010 that she grew up being told the battle was “glorious,” only to learn the so-called heroes were really “a bunch of drunks and crooks and slaveholding imperialists who conquered land that didn’t belong to them.”
" “But as a little girl I got the message -- we were losers,” she told New York Times Magazine. “I can truly say that I hate that place and everything it stands for.” "

PHOTO: Teleprompter Already Affirmed Two-Thirds Majority Before ‘God, Jerusalem’ Platform Vote Ever Taken
"Although the crowd seemed to not reach the two-thirds majority needed to affirm the vote, the chair did so anyways. Now, it appears that the result was already forecast, planted in the prompter prior to the vote ever taking place."  Via Weasel Zippers

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz: Hey, there was no discord on the floor over that God and Jerusalem language

Convention devoted to women celebrates Ted Kennedy unironically   "If you don’t already know [Kennedy's depredations by heart], you’ll commit them to memory eventually when you finally tire of liberals screeching at you for “hating women” while holding this guy up as a secular saint. (Chappaquiddick material is abundant online, but this post will get you up to speed on another legendary incident.)

Women NOT speaking in Charlotte include Kathleen WilleyPaula JonesJuanita Broaddrick and others who will be covered in another post.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Irony at the Democrat Convention

Awkward: Monica Lewinsky’s former rabbi to give benediction after Bill Clinton’s DNC speech

Daily Caller reports:   "After the scandal, Wolpe publicly denounced Clinton’s actions. The Associated Press reported at the time that Wolpe told his congregation that Clinton needed to “cleanse his soul.”
“He was a brilliant, talented, extraordinary child, and for the leader of the United States we need an adult,” Wolpe reportedly said.
"ABC noted that Wolpe wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post in 2009 criticizing the narrative around the affair: “During the Lewinsky scandal, it was the lying and smearing of Monica Lewinsky that marked the low point of the event, not the sex, which was primarily an issue for the individuals and families involved.”"

Matthews a Few Race Cards Short of a Full Deck

Ann Coulter  "Today, we will focus on the outstanding individual performance of the man who, since the departure of Contessa Brewer, is widely regarded by his colleagues as the stupidest on-air personality at MSNBC. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Chris Matthews."....
Political Cartoons by Eric Allie
...."The next night on "Hardball," Matthews made his most dramatic announcement yet! It seems the mention of "Chicago" in relation to the president is also a racist dog whistle.
"Matthews: "They keep saying Chicago, by the way, you noticed?"?
"Guest John Heilemann, like an orderly in a mental institution trapped alone with a patient, played along, responding, "Well, there's a lot of black people in Chicago" -- while frantically jabbing at the alarm button."

Political Cartoons by Gary McCoy

The President’s $8 Billion Coincidence. Seniors need to know this BEFORE the Nov. 6th 2012 election!!!

Comments to this post are here.  Hat tip to Paul Van Alstine
If the reimbursement rate to physicians and hospitals is reduced, those folks will refuse to treat medicare patients. Already there are doctors who say that it costs them to see medicare patients. Also the ACA will set the fee for physicians. Medicare.