Thursday, September 13, 2012

Branco Cartoon – Sorry About the Free Speech

Conservative Daily News

 "But, the current take away is that yet again, the Obama administration has shown itself to be wholly disorganized, as shown with the initial communications from the Cairo Embassy via Twitter. To suggest that the President is beyond his depth is probably an understatement. Cairo and Benghazi do not exist in a vacuum, and Obama has done a great deal of harm to this nation’s diplomatic relations with the only true ally in the region – Israel. And that in itself is yet another story illustrating the amateurish foreign policy management in this administration."

The apology by the US Embassy in Cairo:
"Hurt their feelings"?  For Barack Obama, Muslims can do no wrong   "As he belittles and lectures the Israeli government, vilifies the Catholic church and other Christian organizations as “anti-woman” for seeking religious freedom in the kind of insurance they offer, and as his party (apparently with his knowledge) removes God from their platform, this president believes it his Constitutional obligation to varnish the image of Islam. What’s more, he apparently considers it his duty to ignore offenses committed in the name of Islam against Christians and Jews around the world, and to apologize to Muslims as they storm our embassy for their “hurt feelings.” "

Can you explain that Obama "likability" thing to me again?

Remembering 9/11 … At Least for a Day

Andrew C. McCarthy  "On the matter of evil, it is good to remember that it exists. Evil is not a misunderstanding, a cultural gulf, or a natural reaction to political policies adopted in pursuit of American interests or Israeli self-defense. That brings us to the second observation: the fact that national security concerns are absent from the 2012 campaign, even with tens of thousands of Americans at arms in distant hellholes, even with tens of millions of Americans enduring the increasingly overbearing government that has been the cost of heightened vigilance in an era when barbarism is met with political correctness."
McCarthy does not spare Republicans in this, either:
"The Republicans are no better. They want no part of dealing with Islamic supremacist ideology. To see it, diagnose it, and understand it as, say, Reagan did with Soviet communism, would — they’ve decided — result in their being slandered as “at war with Islam.” "

The Monumental Difference Between Pearl Harbor and September 11th  "Pearl Harbor has been resolved. September 11th has not and may never be in our lifetimes and beyond."
 "September 11th has precipitated no such thing. From the beginning we were unsure how to name our adversary (or unwilling to) and how to deal with him or her. That has only become worse. Now we live in a time when we can’t even call the perpetrator of the Ft. Hood massacre a jihadist even though he was taking his marching orders from a man we killed because he was a jihadist."

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Report: Obama skipped intel briefings in the week leading up to Cairo and Benghazi attacks

American Thinker  "In an exclusive report, Wynton Hall writes in Big Peace that there is no record of President Obama attending his daily intelligence briefing, known as the Presidential Daily Brief (PDB). Readers may check for themselves the official record:
"This is not exactly unusual for the Golfer-in-chief:
According to a recent study by the Government Accountability Institute, Mr. Obama has only attended 43.8 percent of his Presidential Daily Briefs in the first 1,225 days of his Administration.
Drudge finds a theme here:
Obama Discusses Iran Nuclear Threat With Netanyahu in Phone Call
"The Israeli government was told Obama’s schedule didn’t allow time for a meeting with Netanyahu, according to an Israeli official."

Haaretz of Israel; White House declines Netanyahu request to meet with Obama
"The White House's response marks a new low in relations between Netanyahu and Obama, underscored by the fact that this is the first time Netanyahu will visit the U.S. as prime minister without meeting Obama; PM to meet with Clinton."

No Time For Netanyahu, But Obama To Attend Jay-Z, Beyonce Fundraiser

President Barack Obama will be visiting one of his biggest fans soon - late night talker David Letterman.
"The president will chat with the "Late Show" host during a trip to New York City next week, according to the National Journal. Letterman's nightly monologues mostly spare the president from satirical ribbing, saving his most cutting remarks for the Romneys ... or even former President George W. Bush.
"The news comes on the same day Obama told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu he couldn't meet with him due to a scheduling conflict.
"The interview will be the second Obama has had with Letterman since the comic made a crude, demeaning joke about former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin's daughter."

Ann Coulter; "LIBYA COMMEMORATES 9/11"

Human Events   Of the Libyan uprising"Obama said: “We must stand alongside those who believe in the same core principles that have guided us through many storms … our support for a set of universal rights, including the freedom for people to express themselves and choose their leaders; our support for the governments that are ultimately responsive to the aspirations of the people.”

"The Libyan mob was the equivalent of our founding fathers! (If you overlook the part about it being a murderous Islamic mob.)"
Meanwhile, Coulter adds, Michael Scheuer, former head of the CIA’s Bin Laden unit, had wiser advice to offer the administration:
" “The people we are fighting for in Libya, the backbone of that movement, are former mujahedeen from around the world.” We are “enabling people who may not be formally aligned with al-Qaida but who want the same things to grasp ever closer to power.”
"Scheuer said the media had taken “a few English-speaking Arabs who are pro-democracy and a few Facebook pages out of the Middle East and extrapolated that to a region-wide love of secular democracy,” adding, “It is as insane a situation as I’ve ever encountered in my life.”
"No wonder Obama’s running for re-election on his foreign policy expertise!"
MSNBC, if you can believe that.
Why Obama didn't write these people off as hicks who cling to their guns and religion is anybody's guess.
USA Today reports, the...
...“deadly embassy attacks were days in the making,” cites an expert who says “the protest was planned by Salafists well before news circulated of an objectionable video ridiculing Islam’s prophet, Mohammed”
Think Progress, the pro-Obama, leftist site, posted this in November 2011: Obama’s Foreign Policy Successes
You have to read it to believe it.

Empirical evidence the media is nothing more than a pro-Democrat propaganda machine

Why does this not spark outrage across the country and why does it not lead to an angry response from Republicans?

Big Journalism; MSM Reporters Caught on Open Mic Planning Attack on Romney  Audio of the conversation here.  "The Right Scoop reports that unnamed mainstream media journalists were caught on a live mic coordinating hostile questions for Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney before his press conference today on the U.S. embassy attacks. Their goal was to make sure that no question would address the substance of the crisis but instead put Romney on the defensive about made-up mistakes in his criticism of President Obama."
...."Their goal was to make sure that no question would address the substance of the crisis but instead put Romney on the defensive about made-up mistakes in his criticism of President Obama. 
"In the event, six out of the seven questions were almost exactly the same, all questioning Romney for his supposed mistake. (Romney handled the questions very well.)"
..".The mainstream media has often shown appalling bias in favor of President Obama, but this is a new low. In 2004, Democratic nominee Sen. John Kerry blasted President George W. Bush on the day several U.S. troops were killed--and the media showed little outrage, much less a determination to attack the opposition."

Source: The Right Scoop  I’ve labeled one as the CBS News reporter as I believe it is Nancy Cordes who works for CBS News. If I’ve gotten that wrong I apologize and will correct." (TD believes that she is misidentified and is NOT Ms. Cordes)
....CBS REPORTER: I’m just trying to make sure that we’re just talking about, no matter who he calls on we’re covered on the one question.
UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Do you stand by your statement or regret your statement?
PJ Media: Caught on Tape! Open Mic Catches MSM Coordinating Questions About Romney’s MidEast Reaction
UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: And then if he does, if we can just follow up and say ‘but this morning your answer is continuing to sound…’ – *becomes unintelligble*
Hot Air; Press caught on open mic coordinating Egypt/Libya questions for Romney?
"Someone sent Jake Tapper the link to the audio and asked him if this is business as usual. His reply:"...

Better Than They Are

Canada Free Press  "They kill us and we 
apologize to them. They kill us and we spend a fortune developing drones that will be able to take out the leader who ordered the attack with as little collateral damage. And then when the natives dig up the daughters they murdered last week and the brother-in-law they beat to death last month in a clan feud, and dump them on the smoking vehicle, and the local stringers who have arrangements with Al Qaeda and the Taliban snap away at the wreckage, we will feel bad because after all the billions we spent developing and deploying a weapon meant to kill as few people as possible—there are the bodies that prove we are terrible people."
US Ambassador Christopher Stevens. Unclear from photo if he is being carried by attackers or rescuers (Right)

Alan Caruba: Apologizing to Our Enemies/ Disrespecting our friends

Warning Signs "Islam is at war with America and the West. Iran has covertly been waging this war. And the Obama administration’s response has been to attack our only true ally in the Middle East, Israel, openly withdrawing from support for a nation that, along with ours, is threatened by Iran.
"We must stop apologizing to our enemies and begin to punish them before they once again bring their war to our shores."

Roger L Simon; The Democratic Party and a Second Holocaust  "Obama, after all, is the man who had no discernible feeling for the brave democracy demonstrators in Tehran, abjuring them in favor of self-serving (and ultimately useless) dialogue with Ahmadinejad. The way Obama ignored the Iranian Green Movement is the most morally and emotionally disconnected act by an American president in my lifetime. Why should Netanyahu trust a man like that?

"Which leads me to the incendiary part of this article.
"I address it to my fellow Jews who are currently in the Democratic Party or supporting it.
"How do you sleep?"

One more 9-11 to remember

Infidel Bloggers
;  A Problem With State Department Security?   "How did a suicide bomber find out where the American consulate vehicle would be at the time? Was he tipped off by security — the same way a mob of violent fanatics reportedly discovered the location of the U.S. ambassador to Libya?
"Either these are just unfortunate coincidences of timing, or they point to a more fundamental problem with State Department security. The department is entrusted to keep American officials safe abroad, and the past two weeks do not engender confidence."
10 Photos From The Destroyed U.S. Consulate In Libya  Will Rosie O'Donnell call this a US government plot?

"The Offensive, Laughably Bad Movie That Led To Four People Dying"  Of course, 9-11 had absolutely nothing to do with it. Were these the same guys that we supported in their fight against Qaddafi?

Dead Ambassador dragged through streets, MSM furious at Romney criticism of Obama   "If there ever were a doubt, no matter how small, that the mainstream media is deeply in bed with the Obama campaign, the reaction to the killing of the U.S. Ambassador to Libya and several other Americans should put such doubt to rest.
"Beginning early this morning, when news was just breaking, the left-blogosphere and mainstream media, led by MSNBC, has attempted to shift the focus from the Obama administration’s failure to protect our embassies and for its apologies (both before and after the attack on the Cairo Embassy) to whether Mitt Romney was wrong to criticize Obama last night."
The left-wing blog, Memeorandum quotes NBC's statement: "Romney issues over-the-top attack on embassy attacks."  Naturally, NBC used this photo of Romney, at left:

" “It’s about to explode,” Graham reiterated. “The American disengagement, lack of leadership, and leading from behind is leading to uncertainty and doubt on all fronts. ... There is no substitute for leadership by the United States and every group within the region is uncertain about who we are and what we believe.” "
"Romney’s statement was in response to Cairo, not the murders of the four Americans. Romney said the administration’s response from the Cairo Embassy appeared to sympathize with attackers and it sent “mixed signals to the world.”
“It’s disgraceful that the Obama administration’s first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks,” Romney said.
"Romney is absolutely correct."  (Emphases in the original.)

; Has Romney Erred on Obama Criticism?  "The willingness of Secretary of State Clinton to condemn a foolish independent film critical of Islam that is supposedly the reason why Americans are being attacked, before speaking of the outrage against U.S. facilities and personnel, was similarly ill-considered and deserved Romney’s riposte. While the president’s statement today was better, Romney still needs to point out that the administration’s desire to appease and conciliate the Muslim Brotherhood government of Egypt while refusing to meet the prime minister of Israel or to set red lines on Iran is the product of a mindset that has ill served America’s best interests."
"Stevens’ reports back to the US government are believed to have encouraged the American support of the rebel council, formally carried out in July 2011 by Obama administration."
Rest in Peace, Mr. Ambassador.

"The U.S. embassy redefines and limits freedom of speech to that speech which others, and, explicitly Muslims, do not find offensive: The embassy asserts that to “hurt the religious beliefs of others” is to “abuse the universal right of free speech.” "

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Netanyahu To Obama: ‘Wait For What? Wait Until When?’

CBS Local Media   “The world tells Israel, `Wait. There’s still time,’” Netanyahu said Tuesday, according to The Associated Press. “And I say: `Wait for what? Wait until when?’ Those in the international community who refuse to put red lines before Iran don’t have a moral right to place a red light before Israel.”

Atheists vs. the 9/11 Cross

National Review Online  

"The American Atheists organization has sued the National September 11 Memorial and Museum over the installation of the “9/11 cross” in the museum. The organization’s president, David Silverman, insists that it will not “allow this travesty to occur in our country.” "
...".If the American Atheists’ lawsuit prevailed, it would by implication require the removal of every religious object from every museum in America. This would be a drastic rewriting of history. Religion — as much as the American Atheists despise it — is a part of our national heritage."

You Didn’t Billboard That

American Glob  " I’m not sure where this billboard is but I like it. From The Conservative Treehouse via Via Conservative Blogs Central" Everybody liked this.

9-11 Reading list

This post is one of the Tunnel Wall's most accessed, especially at this time. But here is the new post from 2014:  World reaction to 9/11 .  Mr. Obama should be aware of how the Brits stuck by us as evidenced by what they did on Sept 12th at the Buckingham Palace changing of the guard, shown in here. TD

Remember the 9/11 Jihad Terror Attacks,  "Theodore Roosevelt offered this historical perspective in 1916 on the consequences for Western civilization of succeeding, or failing to repel jihad conquerors:"....
"Does twenty-first-century America possess Whittaker Chambers's moral compass and fortitude to combat the modern scourge of ancient Islamic totalitarianism?"

Today is Sept. 11—the 11th anniversary of the second-greatest intelligence failure in American history   "U.S. intelligence officers took seriously their responsibility to prevent a subsequent attack by every legal means at their disposal, and so far they've succeeded. As thanks, they've been accused of being a caste of 21st century Torquemadas by much of the media, and put in legal jeopardy by their own Justice Department."  (i.e. Democrats)
The NY Times blames President Bush.Muslim clerics and academics across the Arab world blame Israel, US Jews

Reaction in the Muslim world

"When to let up?  When all of the facets of the religion of Islam step forward to strongly condemn Islamic extremism and the Muslim penchant for killing people who don’t worship as they do.  Sorry – but I have a hard time mustering up any real respect for a religion that will condone stoning a woman to death because she was raped, or forbidding women from getting an education."
 9/11 JUMPERS   FDNY first responders on hearing people jumping to their deaths from the top of the towers.

9/11: Betty Ong, American Airlines flight attendant, and her last 8 minutes aboard doomed Flight 11

Debunking the conspiracy theories using Scientific Simulations "Researchers at Purdue University created a simulation that uses scientific principles to show what happened when a commercial airliner crashed into the World Trade Center’s North Tower."

While saying she didn’t know what to believe about the U.S. government’s involvement in the attacks of Sept. 11, she said, “I do believe that it’s the first time in history that fire has ever melted steel. I do believe that it defies physics that World Trade Center tower 7—building 7, which collapsed in on itself—it is impossible for a building to fall the way it fell without explosives being involved. World Trade Center 7. World Trade [Center] 1 and 2 got hit by planes—7, miraculously, the first time in history, steel was melted by fire. It is physically impossible.” 
Tunnel Dweller's youngest son who once worked for Bethlehem Steel and US Steel was quite, shall we say?...skeptical.

Last Phone Calls from the Towers to the outside world

Never Forget : 9 11 essay

Trying to identify the falling man
"The people who jumped from the World Trade Center that morning were the only visible fatalities in the day that claimed thousands."

Then-Senator Obama blames 9-11 on "a climate of poverty and ignorance, helplessness and despair."

Blackfive; INSIDE THE PENTAGON ON 911...

A 9-11 tribute from Poland
On September 11th,2001 our hearts stopped petrified with horror - on that day we were all New Yorkers.  On the 1st anniversary of the terrorist attack on WTC - inhabitants of Gdynia.
Jerusalem Post; The war against the war on terror
"To build a mosque near the World Trade Center site is legal, of course, but is anti-historical, act of willful denial of the facts and their symbolic significance."