Atlas Shrugs "The horror is unimaginable. The world "radically transformed" by Obama.
"And more gruesome then Obama's lethal delusions is the diversion he is attempting to create using Mitt Romney. Obama and his media jackals are attacking Romney for his much needed and proper criticism of Obama's epic failing in handling this unfolding crisis of war. The Obama administration apologized for "religious incitement" when the Egyptian emabassy was attacked. It's all the enemedia jackals are talking about, not Obama's epic fail, but the timing of Romney's remarks.
"And more gruesome then Obama's lethal delusions is the diversion he is attempting to create using Mitt Romney. Obama and his media jackals are attacking Romney for his much needed and proper criticism of Obama's epic failing in handling this unfolding crisis of war. The Obama administration apologized for "religious incitement" when the Egyptian emabassy was attacked. It's all the enemedia jackals are talking about, not Obama's epic fail, but the timing of Romney's remarks.
"Obama's sharia spring sacrificing soldiers, diplomats and ambassadors. Obama sanctioned the brutal sodomy of Gaddafi, something that would never have happened under Bush.
Al-Qaeda claims torture death of Ambassador Stevens was revenge for Al- Libi (photo, right) "We encourage all Muslims to continue to demonstrate and escalate their protests ... and to kill their (American) ambassadors and representatives or to expel them to cleanse our land from their wickedness," said the statement from al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, according to one CNN report.
AMBASSADOR STEVENS; U.S. ambassador killed in Libya attack 'said he was on al Qaeda hit list
Memo to the media: The problem is not an American president who chooses appeasement and apology over leadership and clarity in the face of these radicals.
Sodomy "For the Sake of Islam" "As a possibly convenient way of rationalizing what one desires while still being able to feel "pure," anything and everything that is otherwise banned becomes permissible. All that supposedly matters is one's intention, or niyya."
Meanwhile Obama yuks it up with Letterman and celebrities.
Memo to the media: The problem is not an American president who chooses appeasement and apology over leadership and clarity in the face of these radicals.
Lebanese report: "Still images from an analysis of amateur video footage taken in the moments after Col Gaddafi's capture appear to show him being sodomised with a pole or knife."
Don't read what follows over dinner:Sodomy "For the Sake of Islam" "As a possibly convenient way of rationalizing what one desires while still being able to feel "pure," anything and everything that is otherwise banned becomes permissible. All that supposedly matters is one's intention, or niyya."
Meanwhile Obama yuks it up with Letterman and celebrities.