Thursday, September 27, 2012

More Proof That Liberals Hate Free Speech

American Glob  "As if you needed any. Does free speech include the right to spray paint over messages you don’t like?
"MSNBC and CNN “journalist” Mona Eltahawy thinks so.
Eltahawy, a former Reuters correspondent, has been a recent favorite of CNN and MSNBC’s weekend morning shows to discuss Egypt, and she often smears together the Islamist “right wing” and the American right wing, as she did on Melissa Harris-Perry just 11 days ago [video and transcript below]:
Mona Eltahawy called a "freedom fighter"

American Thinker: The actual jihad savagery is far worse than conveyed in the ad's comparatively staid language, Mona Eltahawy's raging denial notwithstanding.

Why Mona Eltahawy became a vandal, defaced AFDI pro-freedom ad   "Why would a renowned and respected journalist resort to a juvenile act of vandalism and persist even when confronted? Here's a clue: reading this ABC News report on the arrest, these lines leapt out at me:
"This is non-violent protest, see this America" Eltahawy said in the video as police officers were arresting her. "I'm an Egyptian-American and I refuse hate."
"... now she will be lionized as a hero and martyr by the very people who were shunning her for her Foreign Policy piece: the hate-filled Leftist totalitarians who despise free speech anyway.
"Mona Eltahawy could have been a journalist of integrity, and almost was, for a brief moment. Instead, she is a fascist brownshirt."

But Obama is, like, sooooo cool

Hat tip to TalkRational

How could any other cartoon sum up so cogently the nature of pro-Obama voters?


Ann Coulter  "Democrats spent the first century of this country’s existence refusing to treat black people like human beings, and the second refusing to treat them like adults.

"After fighting the Civil War to continue enslaving black people and then subjecting newly freed black Americans to vicious, humiliating Jim Crow laws and Ku Klux Klan violence, Democrats set about frantically rewriting their own ugly history."
...."You will never see anything so brave as a liberal fighting nonexistent enemies.  
"Liberals drove the entire country crazy with their endless battles against imaginary racists, to make up for their having been AWOL during the real fight over civil rights." (Emphasis mine, TD)
...."My new book, out this week, “Mugged: Racial Demagoguery From the Seventies to Obama,” reminds us that nothing good has ever come of Americans capitulating to liberals’ racial bullying, especially not for black people. Never. Don’t make the same mistake again, America."
Talking with Ann Coulter; Racism Dead If Not for Media
"I've long had a theory that the best thing that ever happened to America, ...was the OJ verdict because multiple millions of people watched that verdict being read, and then they watched law students at Howard University and at McDonald's and in stores around the country erupt in cheers for the acquittal of an obviously guilty black celebrity. And that was when white people in America said, “That's it – the white guilt bank has shut down."
Then, Coulter said, along came Obama and America found it was a Jim Crow society all over again, in spite of what your lyin' eyes tell you.
Coulter discusses Chris Matthew's racialist demagoguery in her book  
While living cheek-by-jowl with the nation’s capital, which happens to be a majority black city, Matthews’s kids managed to go to schools that are probably about 3 percent black. When Matthews had an opportunity to associate with blacks by sending his children to public schools, he chose not to. His obsession with race is all about self-congratulation.
Related: NAACP Urges U.N. to Investigate U.S. for ‘Racially Discriminatory Election Laws’  "The 2012 Democratic Party platform is critical of voter-ID laws, stating that they “can disproportionately burden young voters, people of color, low-income families, people with disabilities, and the elderly, and we refuse to allow the use of political pretexts to disenfranchise American citizens.” "

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Bakery says no to Joe!

Crumb and Get It - No To Joe (August, 2012) "A small business owner refused to do a photo op with Vice President Joe Biden. Why? Because Chris McMurray works hard at building his own business and disagrees with statements made by President Obama that he didn't do it on his own, statements supported by Joe Biden. It's people like Chris and his wife Kelly that make America great!"    Hat tip to Walt Stier; Santa Maria, CA 

The "Crumb and Get It"website
Hot Air covered the story.  Legend has it that the Secret Service agents agreed with the owner and came back to buy more because of that. TW tried to verify that but could not and that part seems questionable. But it isn't needed to make this a great story and to honor this small businessman, whom one lib site calls a "wingnut". TD is happy to share this title with him if I may.
This is Biden’s own security team; the White House knows who they are, and they’re surely in no mood for new political headaches from the Service after the “unpleasantness” in Colombia.. Seems hard to believe the agents would tempt fate by gladhanding an Obama critic in that environment. High risk, little reward. But I don’t know, anything’s possible.
Townhall; Diss: Small Business Owner Rejects Biden Visit, Cites "You Didn't Build That"  "Yesterday, we saw photos of a fearless pro-Romney caterer at an Obama campaign event in Iowa.Today, we've been introduced to his courageous counterpart, a baker in Virginia.  I sincerely hope these gentlemen have their taxes in order for the inevitable IRS audits:"

Breitbart: VIRGINIA BAKERY REFUSES TO SERVE BIDEN; ANGRY OVER 'YOU DIDN'T BUILD THAT'  Here again is the video without the narration inserted.

We Baked It' T-ShirtFront side has our logo and back side has the famous 'We Baked It' phrase.The back side has the famous 'We Baked It' phrase.Price: $15.00
In case, I suppose, someone wants to tell them, "you didn't bake that!"  Hey, I'm just saying.

As The World Burns

Doing a small part to help this go viral.

Have a nice Yom Kippur; Obama snubs Netanyahu on Iran: "My decisions" says he, er, He, " - only what’s right for America"

DEBKAfile  Obama's "comments removed the last hopes Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak may have entertained of cooperation with the US for curtailing Iran’s nuclear designs by military force.
"The US president was crystal clear: By saying he will be ruled solely by American security interests, he showed them that they too were being left to be guided by Israel’s security interests. So forget about red lines for America, he was telling Netanyahu.
"His blunt verging-on-contemptuous dismissal of Israel’s concerns as “noise out there” was not much different from the way Iran’s leaders referred to the Jewish state."

....DEBKAfile’s Jerusalem sources report that Netanyahu is now seriously considering calling off his trip to New York for a speech to the UN General Assembly scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 27. He realizes that by challenging US policy from the UN platform, he would lay himself open to criticism for gratuitous provocation of the president and interference in America’s election campaign weeks before a presidential election.
 Cartoons from Jerusalem Post

'THE FORWARD' GOES BACKWARD  Pamela Geller writes: "Good piece over at The Jerusalem Post criticizing the uber-left "Forward" for its biased attacks against our pro-Israel ad." 

"We need The Forward not to go backward" Yisrael Medad, Jerusalem Post
 Over at the left-wing - or is it liberal? - New York Jewish radical weekly, The Forward, where some friends of mine get published,Andrea Palatnik has a report on the ads in the subway stations zeroing in on Jihad. Pamela Geller, also a friend, is pushing back.   It's been termed the "battle of the billboards".
 Her ad in Atlas Shrugs is shown at left.  

Islamic supremacist journalist Mona Eltahawy was arrested today after assaulting a defender of freedom who caught her in the act of vandalizing one of the pro-Israel ads shown above in the New York Subway Stations.

Obama's UN speech: the disturbing sounds of appeasement

"No, slander applies very specifically to the spoken word. Which means B. Hussein's statement isn't directed at (or limited to) editorial criticism of Islam which occurs in video or means that the president of the United States envisions a future with no room for those whodare to say bad things about the Prophet of Islam.

"And it doesn't take much of a logical leap to realize that simply expressing doubt over Muhammed's status as a prophet could be seen as the most unacceptable slander of all."

UPDATED; More on Madonna calling Obama a black Muslim

UK Telegraph says: Pop star Madonna urged Americans to support President Barack Obama during a concert in Washington DC but incorrectly referred to him as a Muslim.
"Madonna said later: "I was being ironic on stage. Yes, I know Obama is not a Muslim - though I know that plenty of people in this country think he is. And what if he were?" Also here

UPDATE: Celebrities and Politics by Alan Caruba;  "That the entertainment industry is predominantly liberal is no secret and, if you don’t believe it, the fall season of television shows has its share of homosexual couples with one show called The New Normal. No, it’s not normal and it’s not new. If you are heavily addicted to sexual innuendo and bathroom humor then just tune in CBS, NBC, and ABC. 
"The recent Emmy award show opened with a comedy sketch that included a naked actress (naughty parts blurred out) on the potty. The awards were so politically correct millions of viewers were constipated the following morning." 
How ironic that the celebrities honor Islam, a religion that sees their lifestyles and dreams of beheading them for it.

[NY] "State Senator Tony Avella (D-11th District) had heard enough about "Zionist Nazis" and "the unborn martyrs in our wombs." (video)

Truth 1725

Mike Adams  "One day, I asked Chris to give me some book recommendations so I could read about his religion and, hopefully, better understand him. Chris’ recommendations – there were two of them – were enlightening, to say the least. They clued me in to both the degree and the origins of his spiritual drift. They also spoke volumes about the cultural drift that has accelerated on our nation’s campuses and in our churches over the last few decades. There were two things about his recommended readings that caught my attention. They led me to a couple of conclusions:"... (Outline below)
1. America is becoming a land of cut and paste religion.....2. Americans are beginning to embrace shifting definitions of truth....
Mike Adams is a criminology professor at the University of North Carolina Wilmington and author ofFeminists Say the Darndest Things: A Politically Incorrect Professor Confronts "Womyn" On Campus.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Any old Oregonians remember Art Lacey's Bomber station?

My uncle took me there as a third-grader in the late 40's. For a fill-up, I got to climb up into the bomber and go all the way forward. The pilot's area was covered in pencil graffiti (not gang graffiti back then) and was a mess, but what a thrill for a small boy who recalled the years of World War 2. Even today, certain prop plane noises seem so familiar and take me back to those days. The Tunnel Dweller.

Shortly after WWII a guy named Art Lacey went to Kansas to buy a
surplus B-17. His idea was to fly it back to Oregon , jack it up in the air
and make a gas station out of it. He paid $15,000 for it. He asked which
one was his and they said take whichever you want because there were
miles of them. He didn't know how to fly a 4-engine airplane so he read
the manual while he taxied around by himself. They said he couldn't take
off alone so he put a mannequin in the co-pilot's seat and off he went.
Read the rest of the account here.
These pictures and more were sent to me by Rick Clyne, my former lead man at the Atlas launch site, Vandenberg, AFB, and a former helicopter rescue man/ door gunner from Vietnam.
More at RoadsideAmerica. Then here.  It is still around, but in a different form.   Badly in need of restoration,     Efforts to restore the old bomber.

Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress ; all models:  12,700 planes produced, entered service 1939, B-17F specs: top speed 295 MPH, 17,600 lb. bombload, twelve .50 caliber machine guns

Below: Gunner's positions in a B-17 Flying Fortress. The poor ball turret gunner had a bad time of  it if he couldn't get out and the plane had to make a belly landing.

Poem; The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner

The Fantasy House of Barack Obama

Victor Davis Hanson  This excellent article ends with these words: 
"Remember that the grandees of the universities, the foundations, the arts, the unions, and the government employees are all heavily invested in Obama — the class warrior who assures those of the upper classes that class and racial resentment will be turned against others. Remember the powers of presidential incumbency. Remember that millions are still mesmerized by teleprompted eloquence. Remember that each month thousands more go on food stamps, receive disability insurance, obtain unemployment insurance extensions, and are excused from the federal income tax rolls — and are loyal to those who enable them and hostile to those who might not. Remember that to criticize Obama still almost immediately earns the charge of “racist.”

"It is not easy to overcome all that.
Political Cartoons
"This is an election of smiley fantasies versus a harsh wakeup call to prevent looming financial and overseas catastrophes in the next year or so. And fantasies, not reality, are what half the population may now live for. That Romney is close is a miracle; that he still can win is beyond a miracle. (Emphasis added)
Political Cartoons

Obama at the UN, standing up for America's principles just the way our Founders did

Obama Tells UN: “The Future Does Not Belong To Those Who Slander The Prophet Of Islam”… but I do give him credit for the other comments he makes in this video.

President Obama's remarks at the U.N. General Assembly

Obama Denounces “Crude And Disgusting” Mohammed Movie During Speech To U.N. General Assembly…  “I have made it clear that the United States government had nothing to do with this video, and I believe its message must be rejected by all who respect our common humanity."

Obama Condemns ‘Crude’ Video at UN, Tells World Body to Respect Free Speech  “We need real leadership from the president on these issues, and he’s not providing it. He’s absent or stalling from the situations in Iran and Syria, doing his best to downplay the threats to U.S interests across the Middle East,  hiding from our allies, and silent on the recently deteriorating situation in Afghanistan,” Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) said this morning."

U.S. Imams Call for Restricting Free Speech;  ... And “love,” in his mind, meant that “they should put a law not to insult a spiritual leader.”
 Islamic understanding "is that the “straight path” is Islam, while the path of those who have earned Allah’s anger are the Jews, and those who have gone astray are the Christians. Thus al-Husainy was condemning Judaism and Christianity right under the bowed heads of the assembled Democrats."