Saturday, September 29, 2012

Viewers Guide: Obama’s “Economic Patriotism” video

Conservative Daily News   "On Wednesday, the Obama campaign released an ad showing the President explaining his economic plan for his next four years. Big promises with no detailed actions are the mainstay of the production, but we offer a  viewer’s guide to put the rhetoric in perspective."
Following the video is analysis of each of Mr. Obama's points from the columnist's perspective. Kind of a "this is what the truth is..." commentary.

"Obama ends the video saying that “it’s time for a new economic patriotism” – sounds a lot like, get ready for Obama’s new normal – 1% or less GDP growth, high unemployment and skyrocketing numbers of Americans on government assistance. Several democrats have referred to their tax the rich proposals as helping the wealthy be more patriotic. Perhaps that what Obama means with this new term."

Friday, September 28, 2012

From Haile Selassie to Bibi Netanyahu (We learn nothing from history)

By Alan Caruba at Warning Signs    "On June 20, 1936, Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia addressed the League of Nations following the annexation of his nation by Italy the previous year, after Mussolini’s army had invaded. Both nations were members of the League. It condemned the invasion and had imposed economic sanctions that were weak and ignored by its members.   (This related newsreel may be prophetic)
"In the wake of having been driven from Ethiopia, Selassie warned the League’s assembled diplomats “It is us today. It will be you tomorrow.” "....(More excerpts after the video)

This video seems to portray the plight of Israel in 2012, right down to the Italian catcalls that speak to me of today's leftist, anti-Israel protesters. Our current national leadership is made from the same mold as those weak-willed leaders of the 1936 democracies, who, in fairness, were only reflecting the attitudes of the public who put them in power and kept them there. (Their "base", as we refer to them today. Their base is an ass.)TD

....Caruba's column continues: Netanyahu "asked of a nuclear Iran, “who would be safe in the Middle East, in Europe, in America, anywhere?” Just as Selassie had told the League of Nations, Netanyahu told the UN General Assembly a blunt truth, but it has not stirred many, including the U.S., to action except to park warships in the Persian Gulf, a familiar warning. "
"Israel will be tasked to save the West because the West, once again, cannot find the courage to save itself, just like in 1936."

Cowardice now, just as then, puts millions of Jewish lives at the mercy of wicked nations who want to kill Jews by the millions and who have a proven track record of doing just that. TD

Some Obama voters

Obama Voter: Assassinated Libya Ambassador ‘had it coming’     "There are really no words for this guy. One person on the YouTube comments said, “stupid”.  Maybe they are being a bit too kind."

How Obama Got Elected... Interviews With Obama Voters Nancy Pelosi is "pretty cool".

What Do Barack Obama Voters Know?

This next one has gone viral and has been featured by Rush the past couple of days. 
" "It’s true that government provides free cellphones to the poor and disabled people," the site reads. "But the Obama part is not true as Obama didn’t initiate this program. It’s on the run [sic] since the administration of Reagan." "

"Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., received a mailed solicitation last year informing her she was eligible for a phone, leading her to question the program."
However I'm sure the government will do much better handling your health care.


WND   "He suggested that Muslims living in Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and the U.S. kill Westerners who criticize Islam and display their decapitated heads along roads.
" “While expressing respect for those calling to boycott European and American products over the release of the film ‘Innocence of Muslims,’ which negatively depicts Muhammad, Muhib insists that the best way to deter people from insulting Muhammad and his wives is to implement his proposal,” the terror monitor report said.
"The report said it was in a posting called “Allah Willing, This Is How We Will Avenge Our Prophet Against Those Insulting Him.” 
...."The suggestion for beheadings recalls the recent reports from WND that Muslims in the Middle East are returning to crucifixions as a method of punishment.
"WND had confirmed a Sky News Arabia report of the crucifixion of dissidents in Egypt.
"Then a report from Lebanon Today translated into English, said the Yemeni jihadist group Ansar al-Shariah took control of the Azzan area of Yemen and imposed Islamic law, or Shariah.
"In the process, the group crucified three men, accusing them of being agents for the U.S. The executions reportedly took place several months ago."  Hat tip to Walt Stier, Santa Maria, CA
Includes this graphic video.

On the Obama Middle East Foreign Policy

Foreign Policy News Items: CNN says Obama favored on foreign policy;  Obama Favored in Key Muslim CountriesObama's High Ratings Hold Despite Some Policy Concerns

The above were from the "Go Figure" file. The following come from the "Reality" file:

Victor Davis Hanson on Middle East Madness   "President Obama chose not to support nearly a million Iranian dissidents in 2009. Two years later, he belatedly offered encouragement to the revolutionaries who overthrew Egyptian strongman Hosni Mubarak.
"Yet those snubbed in Iran were far more likely to oppose radical Islam than the protestors who later put the Muslim Brotherhood in power in Cairo."  (Emphasis mine, TD)

Hanson also calls Obama, "President Ethelred"  (More specifically, "Ethelred the Unready")  "If Obama were a conservative Republican, a George W. Bush for example, the media narrative of Libyagate would be one of an asleep, incompetent president, lieutenants who were brazenly mendacious, an incompetent secretary of state, and an administration conspiracy of silence — juxtaposed with a wider story of a disastrous retreat from Afghanistan, an abandonment of any influence in Iraq, a refusal to recognize the situation in Syria and Egypt — and impotence as a war looms between Iran and Israel."

Thomas Lifson writes in American Thinker: Susan Rice blew off Netanyahu UN speech    "The US is backing away from its relationship to Israel. And after the election, Obama will have a lot more flexibility."
Even Dems on the Hill wondering what the heck happened in Benghazi   "The media has already moved on to other, more important things - like trying to defeat Mitt Romney. The death Ambassador Stevens has become a non-event and will stay that way until long after the election."

Bibi calls it like it is.  "If only we had a leader this strong."
Sununu: ‘Lazy and Detached’ Obama Set Stage for Ambassador’s Murder  " “This president has, in my opinion, failed to maintain respect for the United States in that part of the world. And respect is one of the great assets you have in trying to protect your diplomats around the world,” he said."

Barack Obama: Slacker-in-Chief  "Obama this week met with exactly zero world leaders at the United Nations General Assembly, not least of them Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who wants to stop Iran from redecorating Jerusalem and Tel Aviv with mushroom clouds. Obama found time, however, to serve as “eye candy” for Whoopi Goldberg and the cast of The View."

Thomas Sowell calls Obama "Our Feckless* First Leader"    An appearance on Letterman trumps meeting with Netanyahu.
"The only question now is whether the American voters will wake up before it is too late — not just for Israel, but for America."
*Feckless; 1. weak, ineffective  2: worthless, irresponsible

How about this for a cowardly foreign policy move? Anti-Islam filmmaker arrested; held without bail   "You can't escape the notion that the film is at the heart of these proceedings and it will be seen that way in the Muslim world. They will recognize the parole violation as an excuse - happens in their countries all the time. A free speech advocate or political reformer is arrested and charged with a crime unrelated to his political activities. This is a favorite tactic of authoritarians around the world and now, it's being used in America."

Obama losing the hobo vote

Legal Insurrection   "Spray painted on the side of a railroad car isn’t the same as a bumper sticker, but that also can explain the rather less than witty expression of opinion."

Israel vs. Iran and America

From The Patriot Factor;  Netanyahu gets it...Obama does not
"Netanyahu began by answering, in carefully chosen words, Ahmadinejad’s comment that Israel has no roots in the region.  He said, with a calculatedly reserved passion, that “3000 years ago, King David reigned over our eternal Capital of Jerusalem...the Jewish people have come home…we will never be uprooted again!”
"NEVER AGAIN...never ever again will the Jewish people be thrown out of their homeland...a homeland given to them by God.  My words but I’m sure the thoughts of this great man."  
.... "Six weeks or so to go and then Israel will once again have a friend in the White House; a friend who will stand by her...who will fight alongside her if need be; a friend who understands that the bond between America and Israel will NOT be severed no matter how the traitor in the White House wants it to be...
..."a friend by the name of Mitt Romney.
"Yesterday, Benjamin Netanyahu showed the world what a true leader of men looks like...on November 6th ‘We the People’ will show him and Israel that we got it right this time."  Diane Sori.   Hat tip to Rick Bulow, Chicago

Will the World Heed Netanyahu’s Warning?  "But, as the UN’s own investigative body, the International Atomic Energy Agency has reported, the progress made in the last year makes the advances Netanyahu discussed quite realistic."  

The prophet Ezekiel spoke of God's regathering Jews back to the land He had given to them:   And I will bring them out from the people, and gather them from the countries, and will bring them to their own land, and feed them upon the mountains of Israel by the rivers, and in all the inhabited places of the country. Ezekiel 34:13

As did the prophet Jeremiah:   However, the days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when it will no longer be said, ‘As surely as the Lord lives, who brought the Israelites up out of Egypt,’ 15 but it will be said, ‘As surely as the Lord lives, who brought the Israelites up out of the land of the north and out of all the countries where he had banished them.’ For I will restore them to the land I gave their ancestors. (Jeremiah 16)

Because God had promised the land to Israel back in the days of Genesis:  The LORD said to Abram, after Lot had separated from him, “Lift up your eyes and look from the place where you are, northward and southward and eastward and westward, for all the land that you see I will give to you and to your offspring forever. I will make your offspring as the dust of the earth, so that if one can count the dust of the earth, your offspring also can be counted. Arise, walk through the length and the breadth of the land, for I will give it to you.”

And Israel will come back from the nations to stay:  ...."When I bring them home from the lands of their enemies, my holiness will be displayed to the nations. Then my people will know that I am the Lord their God - responsible for sending them away to exile and responsible for bringing them home. I will leave none of my people behind. And I will never again turn my back on them, for I will pour out my Spirit upon them, says the Sovereign Lord." Ezekiel 39:25-29 

Report: U.S. Troops In Afghanistan Told No More Close Air Support…

Michael Yon  via Weasel Zippers   "... I don’t think that the American citizens would be happy if they knew that their soldiers were being prohibited from defending themselves in any way because of politically driven orders, but that is precisely what is happening in this war right now even as I write this letter. The soldiers of the U.S. never engage the enemy unless we know that we have will always have the tactical advantage in defending ourselves, that advantage is the use of close air support and air weapons team. To take those weapons away from us is to level the playing field for the enemy and thus exposing our soldiers to more danger(Emphasis in the original)
....The very presence of aircraft over our foot patrols has also saved lives and now our chain of command is being told by our political leadership that this is now not allowed. 
....we can’t drop a bomb on the enemy that we have positively identified, than what the hell are we doing here?   Hat tip to Christy Waters, Georgia.

From Let them fight or bring them home!   "Our political establishment has lost its way or maybe the American population has lost its moral compass and have consciously chosen men of unscrupulous character and such a deplorable lack of courage to represent them. In either case the affect is the same on our War Fighters."

Thursday, September 27, 2012

It's Bush's fault and I killed bin Laden

Oh, goody: Get excited for this major motion picture about fracking

Hot Air Hopefully, the video below will help offset some of the anti-fracking propaganda, some of which is included at the link.
 "Because I’m just so wildly fond of celebrities using their pop-cultural platforms to ‘educate’ others on complex economic and environmental issues that they don’t actually understand at all, you can probably guess just how excited I am about this little gem of intellectual dishonesty, courtesy of Matt Damon and our enlightened Brahmin in Tinseltown, due to hit theaters this December. Hint: Promised Landbasically looks like the brazenly deceitful Gasland “documentary,” remade into a fictional storyline."
...."While overwhelming evidence suggests that hydraulic fracturing is in fact reviving small-town America, why is it that no celebrity has stepped up to make a major movie about the environmentalists’ conservation movement impoverishing rural Americans and forcing private individuals off of their land?" 

Fracking Dangers, Real and Overblown  "Basically, I went into this story, early last year, assuming that it would be easy to show that hydraulic fracturing, or blasting open rock deep underground, directly threatens drinking water supplies. But what I learned in my reporting is that while this may not be impossible–and while more research needs to be performed to determine how likely it is–it doesn’t appear to be the largest concern."

Why one is skeptical of Hollywood-backed scares; there is a proven track record giving us good reasons.

Why “Stop! Don’t Eat That!” Often Isn’t Good Advice

The biggest unfounded health scares of 2010   "We do this each New Year’s Eve by making a list of the top unfounded health scares of the outgoing year. "

Facts Versus Fears a Review of Unfounded Health Scares of 1997  Includes DDT, Red Dye #2, Cell phones, the link between coffee and cancer, among many others.

Liberal mental health laws, not guns, cause these tragedies

The coming presidential debates

The Narrative Has Already Been Written  "If Obama stumbles in his first debate against Romney, the ObamaMedia will be doing what they can to justify his lackluster performance by reminding the audience that Obama didn’t have adequate time to prepare, considering the tremendous duties associated with being the Commander-in-Chief. 
"Mitt Romney on the other hand, he doesn’t have to bear the burden of being the president.  He’s a fulltime candidate.  So anything less than perfect will reflect poorly on him.  And let’s face it; if the ObamaMedia is the judge, there is no chance of Romney ever coming out of these debates looking good, let alone perfect."  Neal Boortz
Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler

Victor Davis HansonCan Romney appear as an upbeat Reagan to Obama’s petulant Carter?   "What does 1980 tell us about 2012? Barack Obama, like Carter, can run neither on his dismal four-year stewardship of the economy nor on his collapsing Middle East policy.

Instead, Obama, as Carter did, must stamp his opponent as too inexperienced, too out of touch, and too uncaring to be president. While Carter was a dull speaker and Obama, in contrast, possesses teleprompter eloquence, there is no evidence that Obama is any better a debater than was Carter."

L. A. Times is laying the groundwork to explain a bad Obama performance in the contest.  "As far as Parsons is concerned, Obama is at a disadvantage for the up coming debates because he is busy being president and has less time for debate practice than Romney."   Well, this is the paper of choice for TV actors, Oscar/ Emmy/Grammy award winners and an unnamed corpulent movie director. 

Busy Obama Campaigning In Virginia Today

White House Dossier  "President Obama, who has failed to make room in his schedule to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu or any other world leader during this week’s opening of the UN General Assembly, will be campaigning today in Virginia Beach, Virginia. 
Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
Netanyahu, whose country may soon be going to war with Iran, will meet with Secretary of State Clinton instead. Others who have found room in their schedule to meet with Netanyahu are Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper – who recently threw all of Iran’s diplomats out of his country – and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.  
"The White House, which has been under fire for ducking Netanyahu, has not ruled out a meeting, and may in the end bow to pressure to schedule one. Netanyahu is in the United States until Saturday night.
"Netanyahu could easily make the quick hop to Washington from New York. And Obama has demonstrated an ability to take a spontaneous trip to New York, having used Air Force One to escort his wife there for a date in 2009."  (Emphasis added for snarkiness)