Sunday, September 30, 2012

Infidel Babe Of The Week Realizes Obama Might Not Have Israel's Back

By Pastorius at Infidel Bloggers Alliance  "This video got my attention from minute one."

Obama and Iran combined are a real threat to the existence of Israel.

Mitt's getting advice up the wazoo, but here's more:

Thomas Lifson; Pssst, Mitt! Read this before Wednesday's debate  "Mitt can explain that Obama has made it harder for ordinary Americans to invest in their fellow Americans. The real clincher that makes the case is that Americans #1, 2, and 3 could easily be the same person, an unemployed union member with pension benefits, for example. The system by which Am ericans invest in each other has been hobbled by Obama's policies."

Forbes; October Surprise: How "The Economy" Slipped Away From Romney  "First problem for Romney is that there is now a broader discussion of the economy, in part the result of “the 47 percent” fiasco.  After “the economy,” the phrases most often used by top influencers last week were “the 47 percent” (69 mentions), “the Middle East” (54 mentions), and “early voting” (39 mentions).  The fact that “the 47 percent” is still driving so much conversation is of course meaningful.  It’s not just the volume of the conversation.  It’s also the way “the 47 percent” is helping to reframe the discussion around the economy. "

Al Hunt; Obama’s Penchant for Arrogance Is Bigger Debate Foe  "Obama and his top political advisers basically are contemptuous of their opponent, according to people who’ve spent time with the president in private. Four years ago, the Obama camp viewed John McCain as wrong for the times, but had personal respect for him. 
"It’s different today. The president’s campaign sees Romney as an out-of-touch stiff without core beliefs, willing to say or do anything for political advantage.  
"Fair or not, that’s a derisive characterization."

Libya Attack Still an Inexplicable Failure

Max Boot in Commentary Magazine;  "This lapse is all the more shocking given the fact that the State Department Bureau of Diplomatic Security is known for taking an ultra-cautious approach to protecting America’s representatives abroad. Heads should roll over this failure. (They should also roll over the Anglo-American military failure to protect Harrier jump jets at Camp Bastion in Afghanistan.) And senior officials in the Obama administration, starting with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, must explain how this inexplicable failure took place."

"Just days ago, our Cairo embassy was invaded and sacked by a mob while Egyptian security ttood by and watched. None of the perpetrators have been arrested and Egypt's Islamist President Mohammed Morsi took almost a week before issuing a pro forma grudging apology.

"None of that matters.  President Obama wants to give his Muslim Brotherhood pals a special jirzyah of nearly half a billion dollars:"

When does the press begin calling it "Libyagate"?

"Al-Qaeda is on the path to defeat." -- President Barack Obama: Sept 6th, 2012, at the Democratic Convention.
"What you'll see below was inspired by the vitally important video-report Brett Baier closed "Special Report" with last night, but this will hopefully go into even greater detail. We'll also look into three specific areas: 1) Security failures. 2) The lies. 3) The attempted cover up of numbers one and two."....
"The Weekly Standard's Stephen Hayes asks:
Some of the misleading information provided to the public could not possibly have been a result of incomplete or evolving intelligence. The information about security for the ambassador and the compound, for instance, would have been readily available to administration officials from the beginning. And yet when Susan Rice appeared on five political talk shows on September 16, she erroneously claimed that the two ex-Navy SEALs killed in the attack were, along with several colleagues, providing security. They were not. Why did she say this?
"Good question. But I have a better one: Why did our president say the same:"

 Lies Upon Lies to Cover-Up Blood on His Hands  "Interesting that, just days after the liberal convention where these statements were front and center and after a year of spiking the football…We get attacked…BY al QAEDA…on 9-11.
"Obama, in his arrogance and desperate to win an election, reverted to statements such as these to make him appear tough on terrorism.  It backfired. BIG TIME.
"Unaccounted for are documents from the consulate. Some  are reported to contain names of Libyans who have been working with Americans.
"Remember the good Doctor in Pakistan who helped us to identify bin Laden? WE THREW HIM UNDER THE BUS!!!
"Now…We potentially have Libyans who were helping us and who’s names are in the hands of al Qaeda!!
"How fortunate for al Qaeda that our FBI has NOT been to Benghazi!!!!!"

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Movie portraying American oil and natural gas producers as greedy polluters was financed by the… United Arab Emirates

Michelle Malkin "From the sound of it, the new Matt Damon film “Promised Land” might as well carry the following disclaimer: “This vilification of the U.S. oil and gas industry is brought to you by the friendly folks at Foreign Oil™." 
The author quotes from from this Heritage article:
The creators of Promised Land have gone to absurd lengths to vilify oil and gas companies, as Scribe’s Michael Sandoval noted Wednesday. Since recent events have demonstrated the relative environmental soundness of hydraulic fracturing – a technique for extracting oil and gas from shale formations – Promised Land’s script has been altered to make doom-saying environmentalists the tools of oil companies attempting to discredit legitimate “fracking” concerns.

"Normally Hollywood takes a skeptical tone toward the motives of big business and refuses to be used to push greedy corporate interests… unless those interests are financing their films."

Damon's 'Promised Land' Uses Money from OPEC Member to Trash American Oil Companies  "The movie presents American oil companies as greedy corporations that trash and pollute small-town America in attempts to extract oil and gas from shale formations. Yet, because fracking has been proven environmentally sound in the real world, the movie suggests oil companies might be planting "doom-saying" environmentalists in order to undercut the legitimacy of environmental voices all-together."....
"U.S. oil and gas companies are now using fracking techniques to get natural gas well: Cheniere Energy is about to start exporting 2.2 billion cubic feet of natural gas per day from Louisiana. Since the UAE ranks sixth-worldwide in natural gas reserves, 2.2 billion cubic feet a day flooding the market from Louisiana cannot be welcome news." 

This won't be the first time for fracking as Hollywood's newest villain. Remember this  ‘Rizzoli and Isles’ episode called, ‘Dirty Little Secrets’? 
"The plot featured an ex-Blackwater agent, masquerading as a yoga guru, who kills a vegan student and a professor in order to hide his drilling for natural gas from shale. This episode was a triple decker for left-wing stereotypes."
 Fracking replaces, pharmaceuticals, Wal Mart, insurance companies, developers, the CIA, the Army and a host of others that this country can not do without in real life. (Will Islamic radicals ever be cast as bad guys in a movie?)
So...Hollywood's distaste is mainly toward American "big oil" and not foreign "big oil", eh?

From Israel; Awesome: The biggest anti-Obama, pro-Romney ad on Israel you've ever seen

israel matzav, Jerusalem   "The Republican Jewish Coalition presents "Perilous Times," a mini-documentary in which Israeli experts and everyday citizens candidly discuss their concerns about the U.S.-Israel relationship under Pres. Obama. Among the notable experts consulted for this film are :

• Zalman Shoval, former Israeli ambassador to the U.S. and a highly-respected diplomat;
• Oren Kessler, foreign affairs correspondent at the Jerusalem Post;
• Barry Rubin, an expert on terrorism and Middle East affairs;
• Jacob Levy, Israel's leading pollster and founder of Gallup Israel;
• Itamar Marcus, founder and director of Palestinian Media Watch; and
• Yair Shamir, leading Israeli businessman; former chair of El Al and Israel Aerospace; son of former PM Yitzhak Shamir.
Posted by , Israel; an attorney.

This and the following post from iOwnTheWorld

Penn and Teller demonstrate civics

It's Saturday and here is Charles Krauthammer

Go large, Mitt   "The United Nations being an institution of surpassing cynicism and mendacity, the speech was so naive it would have made a fine middle-school commencement address. Instead, it was a plaintive plea by the world’s alleged superpower to be treated nicely by a roomful of the most corrupt, repressive, tin-pot regimes on earth.

"Yet Romney totally fumbled away the opportunity. Here was a chance to make the straightforward case about where Obama’s feckless approach to the region’s tyrants has brought us, connecting the dots of the disparate attacks as a natural response of the more virulent Islamist elements to a once-hegemonic power in retreat. Instead, Romney did two things:"....
"Romney has accumulated tons of cash for 30-second ads. But unless they’re placed on the scaffolding of serious speeches making the larger argument, they will be treated as nothing more than tit for tat."

"If President Obama were Republican, the media would be going nuts over what happened in Libya earlier this month, so much so that it would be having a significantly negative impact on his reelection chances.

"But because these folks are all in on getting this man another four years, their reporting on this matter has been atrocious. 
"Sadly, that's been par for the course for America's corrupt press since Obama first threw his name into the presidential ring in February 2007.
"For the record, besides Totenberg, the other "liberal pals" on the panel were PBS's Mark Shields and Politico's Evan Thomas."

Debates will never be a home game for Romney and Ryan

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Topics Announced for First Obama-Romney Debate  Oct 3rd, 9 pm Eastern  "The commission said Wednesday that the six 15-minute topic segments for the first debate are: The topics were selected by PBS’s Jim Lehrer, moderator of the first debate, and are also subject to change if news breaks, the commission said. 

The Economy – I
The Economy – II
The Economy – III
Health Care
The Role of Government
LA Times helps Obama with excuses before the fact   " President Obama has blocked out three days to prepare for the October debates, but with the constant pressures that come with one of the world's most important jobs, aides worry he may not get enough practice at the podium."  Letterman and "The View" took a lot out of him, you know.

Media still doing what media has always done for Democrats

Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden
The Media's Fatal Slide Continues  "The big media had no interest in following the story; the celebrity journalists knew the president and they knew he was a stout fellow. He meant well and deserved a second term."

Excellent, in-depth column by Pat Caddell;   Romney is not going to win the White House if he doesn’t speak in plain terms about the true nature of this election campaign.   "Yet even now, with just six weeks to go before the election, Romney could turn this election around if he could go on the offensive on multiple fronts, against Obama supporters in the media, and--even more crucially--against Barack Obama on the Middle East. In the paragraphs to follow, we will explain how Romney could do it."  

American Thinker; Barack Obama's Terrorist Attack Cover-Up  "The movie claim is a "look squirrel" distraction that Obama knew wouldn't be challenged by the MSM (since they're in his pocket).  And he was right.  They parroted his claims about the movie as the cause and went back to criticizing Mitt Romney.
"And the "investigative reporting" from CNN, NBC, CBS, PBS, and the rest of the alphabet media?  Crickets."

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson
Did MSNBC Doctor Another Video to Trash Romney? Read more:  "Townhall observed, "What appears to be an unpopular Romney seeking appreciation and attention from a Paul Ryan-infatuated audience is really a man who is generously deflecting attention away from himself onto his VP nominee."  
"That's clearly not what Scarborough and Brzezinski depicted, is it?"
...."Assuming the callers into the "Pat and Stu" show were correct, one has to wonder if Scarborough and Brzezinski were similarly duped or somehow a part of the canard.
"Regardless of the answer, that's one fine "news network," isn't it?"

Allen West’s campaign commercials

This Ain't Hell (But you can see it from here)
"Murphy’s campaign responded by bringing up the 2003 incident in Iraq in which then-Lt. Col. West fired a gun near the head of an Iraqi detainee during an interrogation. Military prosecutors charged West with assault and he potentially faced 11 years in prison and dishonorable discharge. After a military hearing, he was fined $5,000 and allowed to retire as a lieutenant colonel with a full pension."
Background on The case of Lt. Col. Allen B. West.   ..."After about 20 more minutes of useless questioning, West grabbed the man, held him down near a box full of sand used to discharge jammed weapons, and said something like, "This is it. I'm going to count to five again, and if you don't give me what I want, I'm going to kill you." West held the man down, counted to five, and then fired his pistol into the discharging box about a foot from the Iraqi's head. He began talking. Over the next few minutes, the prisoner gave very specific information about the plot. He named the conspirators, gave times and dates of the assassination plan, and even described how attacks would be made."

Arab American Voters 'Overwhelmingly' Support Obama

Newsmax  "But those Arab-Americans who are Muslims now “overwhelmingly” support the Democratic candidate compared to four years ago, he adds

....."They can be attracted to a Republican candidate but the Republican Party has to have a message that reaches them.
"“Right now, it does not have a message that reaches them. It’s hostile on Middle East issues, hostile on the civil rights of people of Arab descent, very hostile on issues involving Islam and the Muslim community, and that’s not a winning formula to get votes.”"