Accuracy in Academia; Dismantling Progressive Slot Machines "“Progressives who are reliably hostile to the idea of intelligent design in human evolution, are positively ecstatic about it in economic planning,” Kernen notes. “Of course, intelligent design in biology at least argues that the designer is divine and resides in heaven; in Progressive economics, it just assumes that the designer has a Ph.D. and lives in Washington, D. C.” "
"Kernen shows how the attempts of social engineers to improve the human condition with government mandates frequently go awry. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is one of these. Although the goal of the ADA was “to improve job prospects for disabled Americans,” “employment of disabled men in their prime earning years—age twenty-one to fifty-eight—declined after the passage of the ADA.” "
"Kernen shows how the attempts of social engineers to improve the human condition with government mandates frequently go awry. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is one of these. Although the goal of the ADA was “to improve job prospects for disabled Americans,” “employment of disabled men in their prime earning years—age twenty-one to fifty-eight—declined after the passage of the ADA.” "