Friday, December 28, 2012

Takers, get ready to party! Makers, BOHICA*

Neal Boortz   "Obama says he wants “revenues.” Well that’s fine! It’s additional tax revenue that helped us balance the budget when the GOP controlled the congress and Clinton was in the White House. There’s a difference though … a huge difference. The “revenues” that led us to our last balanced budget came from tax receipts brought on by a surging economy. It was the Dot.Com boom. The revenues came from economic growth, not tax increases. Now take a close look at all of the rhetoric surrounding the fiscal cliff talks today. Do you see any mention anywhere about additional tax revenues resulting from a growing economy? No … you don’t. That’s not part of the Obama/Democrat equation. The ONLY revenues the left approves of are revenues from tax increases. That’s it. We can’t balance the budget if we don’t increase taxes. Economic growth is not part of the picture. 
"Need convincing? Follow this scenario:"... 

Political Cartoons
*"Bend over, here it comes again"

The 10 Worst Regulations of 2012

Heritage  "It seems that no aspect of American life can escape government regulation. In the past year, regulators drafted rules that addressed everything from caloric intake to dishwasher efficiency.

"Most of these rules increase the cost of living, others hinder job creation, and many erode freedom. Not all regulations are unwarranted, of course, but increasingly, the rules imposed by the government have less to do with health and safety and more to do with whether government or individuals get to make basic pocketbook and lifestyle decisions that affect them. And it is not just the regulators who are to blame. Congress writes laws that give unelected bureaucrats the broad powers they wield.
"Today we bring you 10 of the worst regulations from 2012." Read on if you dare...

Keep Israel in mind

Argus Hamilton: The News in Zingers

Jewish World Review   "David Letterman was awarded a Kennedy Center Honor in Washington Tuesday. He overcame a heart bypass and depression to enjoy a sex scandal in the workplace. The award was named to honor a president who overcame a bad back to achieve the same goal."
.... "President Obama left Hawaii for Washington for budget talks with Republicans this week. Massive defense cuts are looming if they collapse. If we can just rig it to where North Korea is the world's only superpower, the Mayans will have been right, only a month off. "

It's hard to wish David Gregory, NBC and the media in general well

Via Ann Althouse:  Gregory had no intent to commit a crime; he was committing journalism instead.   "Gun owners often say they want the government to leave them alone; why then are some clamoring for Gregory to be prosecuted?" Asks Howard Kurtz, with amazing naivete. The implied argument is quite weird and perverse.

How would Gregory cover this story? Arizona Ranchers Demanding Protection From Armed Drug Smugglers  "Jim’s house has been burglarized twice and one of his neighboring ranchers has moved his family off the ranch for fear of them being harmed by the illegal activities. When asked if the borders are safer now than before, they laugh and say they’ve gotten worse, despite what the government claims. Jim told a news crew:" Read more...
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson
From Legal Insurrection; Washington, DC Gun Attorney David Benowitz On The David Gregory Situation  "On the one hand, the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) is faced with what could be perceived as someone publicly flouting the law to make a point on TV. This practically compels MPD to investigate. On the other hand, given that there seem to be large obstacles to prosecution, no injuries were sustained, and that there is no real possibility of any punishment being either necessary or actually imposed, is this a case that DC’s Office of the Attorney General should take on?"

Probably true and Gregory will benefit from the publicity, unfortunately. I still have problems with the man over the extreme disrespect he- along with others, including Norah O'Donnell- publicly showed President Bush to his face. Do not expect this blog to shed any tears for Gregory nor to wish him well. TD
Big Journalism takes on the Wall Street Journal over this  "And that is partly the point of conservative criticism--to point out that gun control, as it already exists, ensnares otherwise law-abiding citizens in absurd and self-contradictory regulations. The other point is to illustrate that the mainstream media elite, and the liberal political forces it serves, want to apply one law to themselves and another to the rest of America. It is all right for Gregory to violate the law, but a private citizen might go to jail."
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

If Today's Media Had Covered Jesus' Birth...

Diogenes' Middle Finger  Yes, that is the name of this blog. It comes to us via Sense of Events, so it isn't my fault; I inherited this article. And they got it from The People's Cube.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Time for conservatives to learn from Saul Alinsky and Obama/ 12 ways to do just that

Thomas Lifson  "David Gregory and Piers Morgan have both met the Alinskyite Right, and progressives in positions of power should take note. Both men are the targets of digital petition drives aimed at holding them to their own standards, and ridiculing them, invoking Rules 4 and 5 from Rules for Radicals:
4. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules." If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.
5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon." There is no defense. It's irrational. It's infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.
But since the 1960s, the left has grabbed control of education, the nonprofit sector, the arts and culture, and the Democratic Party. The Right feels, and actually is, powerless in most of these areas. Thus, conservatives are beginning to [understand] that we must emulate the (successful) tactics of the left, in leveraging our ability to influence the major institutions shaping our lives.

Legal Insurrection has it's own take on this column by Lifson   "Is there any more vile network than MSNBC, which has turned into a stinking cauldron of race and class warfare? Yet there is no group targeting MSNBC akin to Media Matters which targets Fox News and other conservative media. I wish the Media Matters of the world and their tactics didn’t exist, but they do … and they are effective. Fox News is on the defensive all the time, while MSNBC gets a pass."

Video explaining Liberal Universities

:12 Ways To Use Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals Against Liberals Going into the next primary election, Republicans would do well to remember number 7 in this list:
7) A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag. This one seems self-explanatory, but in practice, it can be tough to keep things on a timeline. This is what happened to the Occupy Movement, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the Republican race for the presidency, too. If it goes on too long, people sour on it whether it’s a war, an election, or a tactic.
But, is there a lot conservatives can learn from his tactics? Absolutely. Some of it we can apply and some of it we can see how the Left has applied it against us

Compare the Rules for Radicals with Obama’s behavior. Rubbing resentments, fanning hostilities and searching out controversy:

What is meant by "Consent of the governed" and who can revoke it?

John Locke
Consent of the governed definition:  "A condition urged by many as a requirement for legitimate government: that the authority of a government should depend on the consent of the people, as expressed by votes in elections."
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed...
             Declaration of Independence, United States of America, 1776
Just 21% of voters nationwide believe that the federal government enjoys the consent of the governed.
From The Blaze
I like this post, even knowing it ain't gonna happen. In attempting to edit improper grammar and punctuation, the site required that one must log in. As usual the capcha code wouldn't work, so no errors in the text could be corrected by me. Read the post as it is:

The Declaration of Consent Revocation
...."The history of this federal government, and its tyrannical despotic president, Barack Hussein Obama, is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over We The Free People of these States. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world."
42.The government has engaged in the most tyrannical of endeavors, that of which has the object of complete disarmament of We The People, effectively enslaving us to their tyranny, that of which we cannot allow, causing us to publish this Declaration.
43.In every stage of these abuses, we have petitioned for redress in the most humble of terms. Our repeated petitions have landed on deaf and unwilling ears and have been answered by repeated injury. A government of which character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyranny, is unfit to retain the consent of a Free People.
"45.Therefore, We the People, by authority of our ultimate supremacy in government, solemnly publish and declare, that the consent to govern given to the current federal government of the United States by We The People of the States united, is hereby immediately revoked, that their bureaucracy is to be immediately dissolved, and the President, his entire administration, and those individuals appointed by him to hold unelected office, immediately resign their posts; erected in its place a government holding true to the Constitution as outlined by our Founding Fathers barring the provisions of slavery and lack of adequate suffrage for all; and that this new government adheres to new rules, including:"....
Hat tip to Tom Williams, posting at Oregon Military Veterans, Family and Supporters

Beyond Defeat or Defiance; Redefining state-based health reform under Obamacare.

American Enterprise Institute   "But one way or another, taxpayer subsidies for new ACA coverage for at least several million Americans will start flowing out of Washington in 2014. The results of the 2012 election, as well as last June’s Supreme Court decision upholding the health law as constitutional, mean that Obamacare’s plans for even more doses of health care subsidies, regulations, and mandates cannot be fully stopped. However, changing the terms of how this happens and reshaping the future nature of our health system remain possible."
Related posts at this site:
The Brits are experts at government-run healthcare:

Elections have consequences and these are some that voters have coming

Obama Claus Gives You 90 More Days To Collect Your $50,000 Reparations Check  "Circle March 25, 2013 on your calendar. That's the last day you can submit your claim form from this official U.S. government website to collect fifty thousand tax-free American dollars, courtesy of the Obama administration in its current multi-billion giveaway scheme. "

Senators Pushing for Online Sales Tax Next Year "Congress may not want to dump an online sales tax on Americans in the wake of Christmas, but they’re preparing to do so next year."
Lets see now, who is it that is in charge of the Senate?

Victor Davis Hanson;   Let the Real Fat Cats Pay Their Fair Share ...."For much of 2012, Obama waged a veritable class war against conservatives, as if they were all right-wing clones of Donald Trump and the Koch brothers. But modern Democrats — Nancy Pelosi, George Soros, Steven Spielberg, Brian Williams or Oprah Winfrey — are as likely to be very wealthy as are Republicans, who increasingly better represent small-business owners desperately struggling to become affluent.
"Next time around, Republicans might remind us of that paradox by nominating a small-business scrapper, who -- unlike millionaires such as Al Gore, John Kerry or Barack Obama — did not go to prep school and the Ivy League. And they might find better ways for those in academia, entertainment, sports, big law and the media to pay their fair share."

Thomas Sowell; Taxing the Poor  "Someone who is trying to climb out of poverty by working their way up can easily reach a point where a $10,000 increase in pay can cost them $15,000 in lost benefits that they no longer qualify for. That amounts to a marginal tax rate of 150 percent-- far more than millionaires pay. Some government policies help some people at the expense of other people. But some policies can hurt welfare recipients, the taxpayers and others, all at the same time, even though in different ways.

"Why? Because we are too easily impressed by lofty political rhetoric and too little interested in the reality behind the words. "
Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino

CNBC Anchor Challenges Dem Senator On Cliff Negotiations; Floor Traders Erupt In Cheers

Big Journalism  " “That’s all you want to do. That’s it. It’s your way or the highway. Raise the rates on the rich. No other way. Your way or the highway. That’s it. That’s where we are. Thank you, Senator.”

"That's how CNBC anchor Maria Bartiromo (right) finished her interview with Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) last week as the two went back and forth over the fiscal cliff negotiations in Washington DC. It was the first time a Democrat has really been challenged over their lack of leadership in the negotiations.
"Conventional wisdom (and therefore the dominant narrative in the media) focuses on Speaker John Boehner and House Republicans being intransigent and not meeting President Obama and the Democrats for a "balanced approach." Bartiromo exploded that narrative by challenging Cardin on ANY alternative type of revenue stream that doesn't include raising tax rates. Cardin would not agree to any of them, thus destroying the idea that Democrats are embracing the "balanced approach." "
Video at the link.

"A Christmas Story" cast; where are they now?

A Christmas Story House
A great site for aficionados of the movie because of all the links and interesting trivia from then and now.

A Christmas Story cast reunion around the leg lamp at A Christmas Story Convention.
From left to right Ian Petrella (Randy), Zack Ward (Scut Farkus), Tedde Moore (Miss Shields),
Yano Anaya (Grover Dill), Dwayne McClean (Black Bart), Scott Schwartz (Flick), Patty Lafontaine (Elf),
Drew Hocevear (Elf) and Jom Moralevitz (Freight Man).
At bottom: Randy hiding under the sink.
The evil Scut Farkus, aka Zack Ward
Santa and the elves. Ho,ho,ho Patty Johnson (head elf), Drew Hocevar (male elf), and
Jeff Gillen(Santa)

"Like many others, Johnson, Hocevar and Gillen reached their thespian zenith with ‘A Christmas Story.’ Gillen created Great Southern Studios, a production company in North Miami Beach, Florida, and was its president until 1995, when he suffered a fatal heart attack. Patty Johnson and Drew Hocevar continue to live in Ohio, where both are employed as teachers."