Monday, January 14, 2013

Neal Boortz: I'm really gonna miss the guy

This is Neal Boortz's final week on the air and his insights will be missed by me. Boortz had a lawyer's skill at taking a complex issue and boiling it down so even I can understand the concepts and principles as you will, hopefully see in these post excerpts from just today: 
(I believe even Obama voters and the first OJ jury can grasp Mr. Boortz's points. Naaaaah)

Don't Say I Didn't Warn You  "When the country was gearing up to re-elect Barack Obama (don’t say I didn’t warn you!), I warned you that a second term of Dear Ruler would bring about a few things … that there were going to be a few focuses for his second term:"....
"Whatever way the White House could find to thank the labor unions for their support, they would exploit in Obama’s second term.  We are already seeing the beginning signs of that in the second term via the National Labor Relations Board.
"Then there is climate change."....

"President Obama"  "If I had it my way, the two words would never be uttered in the same sentence.  I still have enough respect for the Office of the Presidency to not call the current occupant of the White House, President Obama.
"Apparently this doesn’t sit well with certain liberals like MSNBC’s Toure.  Racially-chipped people like him consider calling Obama just “Obama” without the “President” to be an outrage."....

Rectal-Cranial Inversion Moment of the Day "The truth is that deficit reduction is not a worthy goal to Obama because he doesn’t know how to accomplish it.  He CAN’T accomplish it by increasing the size and scope of our government, as he has already done and will continue to do.  Even with his precious tax increases, it won’t make a dent in our deficit because our government simply spends too much.  Yes, we could grow our way out of this mess, but Obama doesn’t know how to do that either!  Taxing the producers, the job creators and more government spending isn’t exactly a recipe for economic growth. "

Blame .. Talk Radio!  "So now … the progs are after the Second Amendment.  Make no mistake, the First Amendment is also on their list, especially talk radio.  Obama has plans to destroy syndicated talk radio before this term is up.  It’s something called community advisory boards.".

Gun Show Loophole Nonsense "The fact is that a criminal who is out to kill someone is going to get a gun through whatever means they can, legally or illegally.  So why then restrict the people who seek to protect themselves from such evil?  Liberals say it is the government’s job to protect you from such evil.  But when your house is being broken into and you have a predator aiming a gun at you or your family, the government isn’t there to disarm the thug.  That is your life on the line … and don’t let these liberals convince you that you don’t have an "unalienable right” to protect it."

At This Rate ... Boortz asks: "The truth is that I believe America is on the decline and that our best days are behind us.  Here are a few reasons as to why …
Read more here, but his list ends with this:
  • An electorate ignorant enough to re-elect Barack Obama
"If you can read those and then honestly tell me that we can overcome this, then I want to know who is going to do it and how it is going to be done.  Can’t think of anything or anyone, can you?"

Ready To Rule From Day One  " It is said that no decision is made without input from Valerie Jarrett.  As she was heading Obama’s transition team Jarrett famously said:  “We will be ready to rule from day one.”  Not “lead” …. RULE.  Funny..."

Sunday, January 13, 2013

No one can hear you scream

The Promised Land of Fracking

Real Clear Politics  "Environmental activists, who once hailed natural gas as the bridge fuel to the renewable energy future, have turned with a vengeance against it. Originally, activists who worried about man-made global warming produced by burning fossil fuels that emit carbon dioxide favored fracking because burning natural gas produces about half the carbon dioxide emitted by coal. However, local and national environmental groups have turned decisively against shale gas based on both not-in-my-backyard concerns and the fear that cheap natural gas undermines the economic case for solar and wind power."
"Contamination of drinking water wells by fracking was dramatized in the dishonest documentary Gasland in which a homeowner in Colorado used a cigarette lighter to cause his running faucet to flame up. As it happens, an analysis by the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission found that the natural gas in that homeowner's well was from natural sources and was not related to fracking [PDF] as claimed in Gasland."
Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Here’s an unbelievable collection of the old time radio shows.

Radio Radio  "If you have nothing to do for the next 6 to 10 years you can play with this.
"Here’s an unbelievable collection of the old time radio shows.
"This is a chance to go back in time, and listen to radio.

Al Gore and Al Jazeera- America's Loss is Their Gain!

The California Chronicle; Al Gore and Al Jazeera- America's Loss is Their Gain!  
 Al Gore may now be richer than Mitt Romney, but, our nation is poorer as a result!  
   "Whereas, Mitt made his money by investing in America and creating jobs in the process, Al has done just the opposite.  As a high priest of the global warming cult, he has lobbied to reduce the production levels of American industry.  He has helped spur the outsourcing of jobs to foreign countries.  And, he has helped to artificially squash our domestic supply of energy and the thousands of jobs that could be created through the production and use of this energy.  Al is no hero, but he is no doubt a shrewd business man.
     "Al Gore's latest triumph is the sale of the Current TV network he helped create.  This left-leaning media company was so proud of its emphasis on the environment and sustainable lifestyles that it wouldn't even sell any ads to the oil industry.   Be that as it may, Al and his partners had no compunction selling the entire station to oil magnates from Qatar!  Current TV is now Al Jazeera TV!  But, wait, the story gets worse!
     "Glenn Beck is a conservative author, television host and radio talk show host.  To say he leans right would be an understatement, but he is with no doubt a patriotic American.  Beck reports that his company actually made an inquiry to purchase Current TV, but was told that the owners wouldn't sell to him because of his politics!
Please pause to consider what this means. 
     "Al Gore and company wouldn't sell ads to an oil company but they are now $500 million richer because they sold the entire network to Middle East oil barons?  Al Gore would not sell to Glenn Beck because of his conservative, libertarian politics, but he would sell to the one mouthpiece that has done more to promote terrorist propaganda throughout the world than any other medium?
     "Speaking of propaganda, if you study the origins of the Global Warming religion, you will discover that it has nothing to do with the environment, but everything to do with redistributing wealth from America and Europe to Third World countries.  We can now surmise some of this redistributed wealth was also directed to Al Gore's personal bank account!
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell
     "The greenhouse gas theory was manufactured by a think tank called the Club of Rome.  I was assigned one of their reports as required reading in a political science class while attending UCSD, over 30 years ago.  The Club of Rome published a series of reports warning that the redistribution of wealth was essential and they came up with the Trojan horse of global warming as the con to get America to agree to give up its standard of living in order the save the planet.
     "The planet quit warming 16 years ago!  All that we are witnessing today in the form of climate change are weather patterns and phenomenon that have all occurred in the past and will be repeated again in the future.  Nothing has changed, except that Al Gore became a very rich man, a true 1%!"  
By Andy Caldwell; "In the hotbed of California's Central Coast, Andy Caldwell hosts a radio program that actually is fair and balanced. Award winning government watchdog Andy Caldwell is an opinion leader and advocate who presses for answers to questions that matter."

Rush Limbaugh Is Right: The Academic Pro-Pedophile Movement Is a Real Danger

The Other McCain  The entire article is reprinted below:
Hat tip to Melissa Bohanan in Conservative Bloggers on Facebook
Rush Limbaugh  sparked criticism this week by pointing to an article in the British Guardian newspaper as evidence of “a movement to normalize pedophilia.” Limbaugh’s liberal critics are ridiculing his contention, but the movement he described is very real.
In 2002, Judith Levine published Harmful to Minors, a book which stirred a massive controversy because of its claims that the dangers of pedophilia were exaggerated. I covered the controversy in a long article for The Washington Times:
[Levine] said, “The research shows us that in some minority of cases, young – even quite young – people can have a positive sexual experience with an adult. That’s what the research shows.”
Featuring a foreword by Clinton administration Surgeon General Dr. Joycelyn Elders, Ms. Levine’s book endorses a Dutch law, passed in 1990, that effectively lowered the age of consent to 12. Ms. Levine cites research about “happy consensual sex among kids under 12,” and writes: “America’s drive to protect kids from sex is protecting them from nothing. Instead, often it is harming them.” . . .
A 1998 “meta-analytic” study in an American Psychological Association (APA) journal argued, among other things, that “value-neutral” language such as “adult-child sex” should be used to describe child molestation if it was a “willing encounter.” . . .
Ms. Levine’s book favorably cites the Rind study and, in a telephone interview, she defended the study as “methodologically meticulous.” But Baltimore psychologist Joy Silberg, whose clinical practice involves treating child-abuse victims, says the study is “horribly flawed.”
“I can’t call it science,” she said.
One co-author of the 1998 study was Robert Bauserman, now employed by the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. As early as 1989, Mr. Bauserman had written about “man-boy sexual relationships” in Paidika. He also co-authored a 1993 article with Mr. Rind about “adult-nonadult sex.”
You can read the whole thing. The point is that, more than a decade ago, there was a clearly identifiable movement within academia that was attempting to normalize “adult-child sex.”
Rind and Bauserman were part of it, and Bauserman’s history of association with the Dutch pedophile journal Paidika should raise red flags. Indeed, the Guardian article that caught Limbaugh’s attention actually cites a Paidika contributor:
A Dutch study published in 1987 found that a sample of boys in paedophilic relationships felt positively about them.
That study was by Theo Sandfort, a Dutch academic and member of Paidika‘s editorial board. Sandfort contributed an article entitled “Constructive Questions Regarding Paedophilia” to the third issue of the journal in 1988, contributed another article (“The World is Bursting with Adults, so I’m always Glad to See a Little Girl”) to the eighth issue in 1992, and published a two-part article (“The Sexual Experiences of Children”) in consecutive issues of Paidika in 1993 and ’94.
For several years, Professor Sandfort wrote about almost nothing else. He is author of the 2001 book Childhood Sexuality and co-edited the 1990 book Male Intergenerational Intimacy with fellow Paidika contributor Edward Brongersma, who was convicted for having sex with a 16-year-old boy. Readers will perhaps not be surprised to learn that Sandfort is now on the faculty of Columbia University.
Judith Levine’s 2002 book cited Sandfort and Brongersma among her sources, and she also cited another Paidika contributor, a lawyer named Lawrence A. Stanley, as an expert on the supposed non-danger of child pornography. Under the aliases “N.S. Aristoff” and ”L.A. Stanaman,” Stanley was quite directly involved in the business, and was arrested a few months after Levine’s book was published:
An American lawyer who specialized in defending those accused of child pornography is under arrest in Brazil, charged with violating that country’s laws against child exploitation.
Lawrence Allen Stanley, 47, was arrested June 8 after police in Salvador say they found more than 1,000 photographs and more than 100 videos of young girls in swimsuits and underwear.
The arrest came days after the Brazilian magazine Epocha reported that Stanley, a fugitive who has lived in Brazil since 1998, had built an international business photographing Brazilian girls and selling their photos through the Internet. . . .
Under the alias L.A. Stanaman, Stanley operated the “MiniModels” Web site, featuring photos of girls ages 8 to 14 in what police Officer Rui Gomes described to the Associated Press as “sensual poses.” . . .
Stanley has been identified as the owner of Alessandra’s Smile, a New York company that sells erotic material about girls. He is also the publisher of Ophelia Editions, which produces books with pedophile themes, and Uncommon Desires, a newsletter that has called itself “the voice of a politically conscious girl-love underground.”
Stanley has a criminal record. He was charged with “sexual aggression” against a girl in Quebec in 1990, but Canadian officials never sought extradition. In 1998, a Dutch court convicted Stanley in absentia for sexual abuse of three children ages 7 to 10, Epocha reported. He faces a three-year prison sentence if he returns to the Netherlands. . . .
In 1989, federal authorities accused Stanley of conspiring with a client, photographer Don Marcus, to import child pornography. Marcus — who fled to France to escape prosecution and is still a fugitive — asked Stanley to pick up a suitcase that was found to contain child pornography. His attorney argued that Stanley did not know what was in the suitcase, and a jury acquitted him in 1993. . . .
Read the whole thing. The point is that the “research” cited in favor of the normalization of pedophilia is generally produced by “experts” of a very dubious nature, whose interest in the subject matter does not seem to be merely academic. And yet, as evidenced by Columbia University’s hiring of Professor Sandfort, there are evidently those in the academic community who do not see this movement as dangerous.

Political Cartoons by Chuck Asay
When Rush Limbaugh called attention to this Monday — after National Review‘s Wesley J. Smith wrote about the Guardian article — Limbaugh was mocked by CNN’s Soledad O’Brien:
Rush Limbaugh speaking out against what he is calling a liberal attempt to, quote, “normalize pedophilia.” The conservative radio show host says it could be the next step for those who support gay marriage. . . .
Limbaugh citing a column in the “Guardian” newspaper that quotes researchers that claim pedophilia is a distinct sexual orientation. He said, Exhibit A, is that the media went easy on Elmo puppeteer Kevin Clash who lost his job on Sesame Street after several men came forward saying they had a sexual relationship with Clash back when they were teenagers.
Ed Driscoll refers to O’Brien’s reaction as evidence of “epistemic closure” on the Left, and it goes to show the reflexive political reaction of liberals to everything nowadays: If conservatives are on one side of an issue, liberals feel obliged to weigh in on the other side.
Therefore, if Rush Limbaugh warns against the dangers of an effort to normalize pedophilia — a very real movement, and one which the administration of Columbia University evidently approves — liberals must declare that the movement is not dangerous. (Emphasis added. TD)

Related: How to Normalize Pedophilia in 5 Easy StepsHas the normalizing of pedophilia begun?

Surely that stuff about the trillion-dollar coin is a prank. Right?

Shall we laugh at this story? Or tremble in fear? Those who respect the Obama Administration will laugh or cheer perhaps. Those who have looked at the past performance of these people will likely hide under their bed in a fetal position.

CNBC: The Secret History of the Trillion Dollar Coin  "Just when you thought you knew everything about the trillion dollar platinum coin, you may be surprised to find out that there's more mileage than you had imagined behind the quick-fix idea for the debt ceiling."
Political Cartoons by Eric Allie
Theater of the Absurd: Administration won't rule out minting $1 trillion platinum coin  "Much of the last 4 years has been a nightmare for conservatives. But there is a crazy, stupid, absurd idea being seriously discussed in Washington that makes previous nightmares from the White House pale in comparison.
"The idea is for the Treasury Department to mint a platinum coin and declare it to be worth $1 trillion. If Congress won't raise the debt ceiling, the coin would be deposited at the Federal Reserve and Obama could continue to spend money." The WSJ did take note that Jay Carney would not reject the idea as ridiculous.

Sure, I know Obama voters have the intellect of the first O.J. Simpson jury, but surely his administration has sophisticated, economically sound people in it. Look at the names of those people: there's, um, well...
Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler
The Wall Street Journal doesn't take this too seriously; Nor did John Stewart.
Fox News Special Report had this take on Jack Lew's signature, which Stewart also had fun with in the previous video.
 Political Cartoons

Al Gore, pride of the environmental left

Current TV staffers rip (fracking) Al Gore for (fracking) sale to (bleep-bleep-bleeping) Al Jazeera 
" “Of course Al didn’t show up,” said one high placed Current staffer. “He has no credibility. He’s supposed to be the face of clean energy and just sold [the channel] to very big oil, the emir of Qatar! Current never even took big oil advertising—and Al Gore, that bulls---ter sells to the emir?”
"The displeasure with Gore among the staff was thick enough to cut with a scimitar." ....

Al Gore Is a Big Oil Man Now
Political Cartoons
Political Cartoons
Political Cartoons by Henry Payne
Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert
 "A decade ago, Al Jazeera’s flagship Arabic-language channel was reviled by American politicians for showing videotapes from Al Qaeda members and sympathizers. Now the news operation is buying an American channel, having convinced Mr. Gore and the other owners of Current that it has the journalistic muscle and the money to compete head-to-head with CNN and other news channels in the United States."
Hmmm. Odd. I went to Mother Jones Magazine, a left, left, left publication and found nothing on Gore's selling Current TV. The most recent post in the magazine was January 11, 2012, so this was a current issue. I typed in "Al Gore sells Current TV" and then just "Al Gore" but there was nothing on the subject. And they do most definitely have coverage of environmental issues.
(When there is time, maybe we can go back to the late 90's, type in "Monica Lewinsky" and see if they covered that.)

Krauthammer; The meaning of Hagel

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Charles Krauthammer
“This is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility.”
Barack Obama to the Russians
"So what’s going on? Message-sending. Obama won reelection. He no longer has to trim, to appear more moderate than his true instincts. He has the “flexibility” to be authentically Obama.
Hence the Hagel choice: Under the guise of centrist bipartisanship, it allows the president to leave the constrained first-term Obama behind and follow his natural Hagel-like foreign policy inclinations. On three pressing issues, in particular:" Read more...

 But at the end, Mr. Krauthammer interprets for us the import of what this last election will mean for the US role in the world. If that all makes you happy as far as foreign policy goes, consider also what it will mean for this nation economically. We have yet to see the effects of that, but they will come.

"The rest of the world can see coming the Pentagon downsizing — and the inevitable, commensurate decline of U.S. power. Pacific Rim countries will have to rethink reliance on the counterbalance of the U.S. Navy and consider acquiescence to Chinese regional hegemony. Arab countries will understand that the current rapid decline of post-Kissinger U.S. dominance in the region is not cyclical but intended to become permanent.
"....Hagel matters only because of what his nomination says about Obama.
".... Before Election Day, Obama could only whisper it to his friend Dmitry. Now, with Hagel, he’s told the world.
(Emphases added. TD)
Political Cartoons by Chuck Asay
Did We Vote for American Retreat?  "I don't remember voting in November on whether the United States should resign as global hegemon and step down from being the only superpower. Do you remember that being on the ballot?"
Well, Obama and Democrats did praise those in the streets defecating on the American flag, did they not? Well, didn't they?
Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert

Friday, January 11, 2013

2013: Welcome to Very, Very Scary Times

Victor Davis Hanson  "On the One Hand"…
"These should not be foreboding years. The US is in the midst of a veritable energy revolution. There is a godsend of new gas and oil discoveries that will help to curtail our fiscal and foreign policy vulnerabilities — an energy bonanza despite, not because of, the present administration."
Political Cartoons by Steve Breen
"Free at Last from Constitutional Chains"....
"But I thought it was the Constitution, not the anti-Constitution or egalitarian good will, that separated us from Hitler’s Germany, Mussolini’s Italy, Tojo’s Japan, Stalin’s Soviet Union, Mao’s China, and most of the miserable places that one sees abroad today, from Cuba to North Korea, which all had and have one thing in common — the embrace of some sort of national, republican, or democratic “socialism” guiding their efforts and plastered about in their sick mottoes."
"Give Real Freedom a Chance"
"I am sure that history offers all sorts of examples where people without evil documents like our Constitution protected free speech and religious worship — out of “respect.” Ask Socrates, Jesus, six million Jews, 20 million Russians, or those with eyeglasses during the days of the Khmer Rouge. Apparently, what stops such carnage is not the rule of constitutional law, but good progressive minds who care for others and show respect. I’ll try that rhetoric on the next thief who for the fourth time will steal the copper wire conduit from my pump."

Obanomics in pictures

Obama gets Nobel Peace Prize, Clinton made Father of the Year! It's good to be a Democrat the Media Loves

Hope n' Change
...."Frankly, Hope n' Change Cartoons suspects that the "National Father's Day Council" isn't really using their heads when they make a selection as stupid as this one (or, in 2007, when they chose Democrat John Edwards, who created an out of wedlock child while screwing around on his cancer-stricken wife).
"In fact, we're rather suspicious that there is no "National Father's Day Council," and that it's really just a cover story for a bunch of guys who go out whoring once a week and don't want their wives or their children to find out."  The father of the year's past girlfriends
"The source claims Monica has more or less given up on finding love.
"'Monica still feels like she's the punchline to a dirty joke,' the source said.
"'The publicity over her affair with Clinton ruined her chances of ever finding a decent guy. "
...."An eyewitness told the Enquirer that gawkers at other tables were making jokes at her expense, while she looked emotionless."