This is Neal Boortz's final week on the air and his insights will be missed by me. Boortz had a lawyer's skill at taking a complex issue and boiling it down so even I can understand the concepts and principles as you will, hopefully see in these post excerpts from just today:
(I believe even Obama voters and the first OJ jury can grasp Mr. Boortz's points. Naaaaah)
Don't Say I Didn't Warn You "When the country was gearing up to re-elect Barack Obama (don’t say I didn’t warn you!), I warned you that a second term of Dear Ruler would bring about a few things … that there were going to be a few focuses for his second term:"....
"Whatever way the White House could find to thank the labor unions for their support, they would exploit in Obama’s second term. We are already seeing the beginning signs of that in the second term via the National Labor Relations Board.
"Then there is climate change."....
"President Obama" "If I had it my way, the two words would never be uttered in the same sentence. I still have enough respect for the Office of the Presidency to not call the current occupant of the White House, President Obama.
"Apparently this doesn’t sit well with certain liberals like MSNBC’s Toure. Racially-chipped people like him consider calling Obama just “Obama” without the “President” to be an outrage."....
Rectal-Cranial Inversion Moment of the Day "The truth is that deficit reduction is not a worthy goal to Obama because he doesn’t know how to accomplish it. He CAN’T accomplish it by increasing the size and scope of our government, as he has already done and will continue to do. Even with his precious tax increases, it won’t make a dent in our deficit because our government simply spends too much. Yes, we could grow our way out of this mess, but Obama doesn’t know how to do that either! Taxing the producers, the job creators and more government spending isn’t exactly a recipe for economic growth. "
Blame .. Talk Radio! "So now … the progs are after the Second Amendment. Make no mistake, the First Amendment is also on their list, especially talk radio. Obama has plans to destroy syndicated talk radio before this term is up. It’s something called community advisory boards.".
Gun Show Loophole Nonsense "The fact is that a criminal who is out to kill someone is going to get a gun through whatever means they can, legally or illegally. So why then restrict the people who seek to protect themselves from such evil? Liberals say it is the government’s job to protect you from such evil. But when your house is being broken into and you have a predator aiming a gun at you or your family, the government isn’t there to disarm the thug. That is your life on the line … and don’t let these liberals convince you that you don’t have an "unalienable right” to protect it."
At This Rate ... Boortz asks: "The truth is that I believe America is on the decline and that our best days are behind us. Here are a few reasons as to why …
Read more here, but his list ends with this:
Ready To Rule From Day One " It is said that no decision is made without input from Valerie Jarrett. As she was heading Obama’s transition team Jarrett famously said: “We will be ready to rule from day one.” Not “lead” …. RULE. Funny..."
(I believe even Obama voters and the first OJ jury can grasp Mr. Boortz's points. Naaaaah)
Don't Say I Didn't Warn You "When the country was gearing up to re-elect Barack Obama (don’t say I didn’t warn you!), I warned you that a second term of Dear Ruler would bring about a few things … that there were going to be a few focuses for his second term:"....
"Whatever way the White House could find to thank the labor unions for their support, they would exploit in Obama’s second term. We are already seeing the beginning signs of that in the second term via the National Labor Relations Board.
"Then there is climate change."....
"President Obama" "If I had it my way, the two words would never be uttered in the same sentence. I still have enough respect for the Office of the Presidency to not call the current occupant of the White House, President Obama.
"Apparently this doesn’t sit well with certain liberals like MSNBC’s Toure. Racially-chipped people like him consider calling Obama just “Obama” without the “President” to be an outrage."....
Rectal-Cranial Inversion Moment of the Day "The truth is that deficit reduction is not a worthy goal to Obama because he doesn’t know how to accomplish it. He CAN’T accomplish it by increasing the size and scope of our government, as he has already done and will continue to do. Even with his precious tax increases, it won’t make a dent in our deficit because our government simply spends too much. Yes, we could grow our way out of this mess, but Obama doesn’t know how to do that either! Taxing the producers, the job creators and more government spending isn’t exactly a recipe for economic growth. "
Blame .. Talk Radio! "So now … the progs are after the Second Amendment. Make no mistake, the First Amendment is also on their list, especially talk radio. Obama has plans to destroy syndicated talk radio before this term is up. It’s something called community advisory boards.".
Gun Show Loophole Nonsense "The fact is that a criminal who is out to kill someone is going to get a gun through whatever means they can, legally or illegally. So why then restrict the people who seek to protect themselves from such evil? Liberals say it is the government’s job to protect you from such evil. But when your house is being broken into and you have a predator aiming a gun at you or your family, the government isn’t there to disarm the thug. That is your life on the line … and don’t let these liberals convince you that you don’t have an "unalienable right” to protect it."
At This Rate ... Boortz asks: "The truth is that I believe America is on the decline and that our best days are behind us. Here are a few reasons as to why …
Logicology |
- An electorate ignorant enough to re-elect Barack Obama
Ready To Rule From Day One " It is said that no decision is made without input from Valerie Jarrett. As she was heading Obama’s transition team Jarrett famously said: “We will be ready to rule from day one.” Not “lead” …. RULE. Funny..."