John Fund "He’s a man of the Left, and now he sees no need to hide it."
" Obama has every right to reach far to the left as he tries to reorient America to his liking, much as Reagan did his best to turn America to the right in the 1980s. The difference is that Reagan never hid who he was, what he believed in, and who his staunchest allies were. Obama has consistently cloaked his beliefs and associations, aided by a compliant media that have abetted and adored him every step of his career. Now that Obama has become more forthright about who he is, we can fight the ideological battle over his ideas in earnest. Let’s hope that he now displays more honesty and clarity about his beliefs than he treated the American people to during his two presidential campaigns."
"So just to be clear on a few of the crazy things we've been told:" Read more:
" Obama has every right to reach far to the left as he tries to reorient America to his liking, much as Reagan did his best to turn America to the right in the 1980s. The difference is that Reagan never hid who he was, what he believed in, and who his staunchest allies were. Obama has consistently cloaked his beliefs and associations, aided by a compliant media that have abetted and adored him every step of his career. Now that Obama has become more forthright about who he is, we can fight the ideological battle over his ideas in earnest. Let’s hope that he now displays more honesty and clarity about his beliefs than he treated the American people to during his two presidential campaigns."
America Gets 'Te'o'd' by Obama "When will the American people wake up to the incredible hoax that is currently being perpetrated upon them? Much like Te'o, Americans are involved in an emotional relationship with an individual despite most having never met him face to face. That individual is President Obama. But unlike Te'o's relatively harmless "girlfriend" hoax, President Obama's hoax, thanks to the help of the MSM, is a threat to every American and threatens the survival of the republic as we know it.
"Fortunately, the new media is willing to step up and do the job the ideologically driven MSM refuses to do. "So just to be clear on a few of the crazy things we've been told:" Read more: