Monday, February 4, 2013

Obama Wants Your Guns, Homeland Security Says Defend Yourself With Scissors  "Apparently, “Defend yourself with a legal firearm” is not part of the new Department of Homeland Security curriculum.
"They have now resorted to a training video that encourages you to use scissors to protect yourself in the event that you are a victim of a shooting." 

Hope n' Change  ...."That's why the Department of Homeland Security has produced a video which explains that in an "active shooter" situation, you can take out the bad guy using an ordinary pair of scissors - assuming that the shooter isn't wearing body armor, that he doesn't see you coming, that you don't slip in the blood of other victims, and that the shooter doesn't turn you into swiss cheese when he gets tired of receiving annoying little jabs."
...."No mention is made of "shooting back," because the only people who should be carrying guns are police, lunatics, and the Mexican drug cartels. Additionally, the video doesn't clarify whether it would be permissible to use scissors against a radical Muslim like Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hassan, considering there's a chance you might accidentally cut off part of his holy beard."
Oh, yeah; there's this point of view on the subject as well.

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