Monday, February 4, 2013

In case you missed it…

From the blog, This ain't Hell, but you can see it from here comes this tribute to what they say is the best Super Bowl commercial ever.
"I missed it because I haven’t watched sports for years, but I read reviews of the Jeep/USO commercial on Facebook and it was everything they said it was. The good folks at the USO sent us the video;" 

"Great video, Jeep, you earned this link. Some of my best (and cutest) friends support the USO, I hope you do, too."

Obama Administration: We Will Still Force Christians to Act Against Their Faith

CNS News  "The Department of Health and Human Services on Friday set the stage for a massive showdown between the federal government of the United States and American Christians who believe the government has no right to force them to act against their faith by mandating that they buy, provide or facilitate health-care coverage that includes sterilizations, contraception, or abortion-inducing drugs.

"HHS released a new proposed regulation under the Obamacare law that the department presented as an accommodation to religious “organizations” that object to providing sterilizations, contraceptives and abortion-inducing drugs in their health care plans. However, the proposal does not truly expand the exceedingly narrow religious exemption presented in the initial regulation, which was finalized last year, and continues to offer no exemption at all to Christian individuals or business owners."

Rick Terrell on gun control

HHS Mandate: Another Offensive Update

The Foundry
"The latest proposal fails to protect businesses such as Tyndale House, the nation’s largest Bible publisher; or Hercules Industries, a family-owned and operated HVAC company; or Hobby Lobby, an arts and crafts retailer—all of which seek to operate according to deeply held religious and moral beliefs.
In fact, the Administration explicitly states that it does “not propose that the definition of eligible organization extend to for-profit secular employers.”
"Even for organizations that qualify for the accommodation, the government would still require material cooperation by employers and unnecessarily entangle them in providing services to which they hold moral or religious objections."

What do we take from the fact that Iran likes Hagel, but our ally Israel worries about him?

Can Jewish Groups Speak Out on Hagel? "However, the Hagel nomination illustrated that groups that see themselves as above politics can't entirely avoid some fights. The nomination of a person who has publicly bragged about his standing up to the "Jewish lobby" and opposed sanctions or even the threat of using force against Iran should have crossed the line between something that merely raised eyebrows and battle that needed to be fought."

Jennifer Rubin; Hagel sinking   "Imagine if this man were sent to Tehran or Jerusalem or Russia on a critical visit? I shudder to think of it."

Chuck Hagel's Confirmation Hearings..And What They Tell Us About President Obama   

"Actually, the Iranians are not the only anti-semites backing Chuck Hagel. Here's well known anti-semite,  anti-Israel shill and former member of George Soro's Media Matters M.J. Rosenberg, who tweeted: "I spent a couple of hours with Hagel a few years ago. Talked about Israel. Happily, he is lying today & knows it. He'll be a good SeDef"."   From Joshuapundit

Why did Iran endorse Hagel? Well, remember that they endorsed Obama too.  To hate Israel is to love Obama; how can it be said otherwise?
"Then, in 2007, Hagel voted against designating Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps as a terrorist organization, despite the force’s role in orchestrating attacks against U.S. troops in Iraq. Hagel further opposed the Iran Counter–Proliferation Act and sent a letter to President George W. Bush, urging him to engage in “direct, unconditional, and comprehensive talks with the Government of Iran.” "

Obama Taps Mini Chuck Hagel for Mini Defense Dept. Secretary

The Real Barack Obama

John Fund  "He’s a man of the Left, and now he sees no need to hide it."
" Obama has every right to reach far to the left as he tries to reorient America to his liking, much as Reagan did his best to turn America to the right in the 1980s. The difference is that Reagan never hid who he was, what he believed in, and who his staunchest allies were. Obama has consistently cloaked his beliefs and associations, aided by a compliant media that have abetted and adored him every step of his career. Now that Obama has become more forthright about who he is, we can fight the ideological battle over his ideas in earnest. Let’s hope that he now displays more honesty and clarity about his beliefs than he treated the American people to during his two presidential campaigns."
America Gets 'Te'o'd' by Obama  "When will the American people wake up to the incredible hoax that is currently being perpetrated upon them?  Much like Te'o, Americans are involved in an emotional relationship with an individual despite most having never met him face to face.  That individual is President Obama.  But unlike Te'o's relatively harmless "girlfriend" hoax, President Obama's hoax, thanks to the help of the MSM, is a threat to every American and threatens the survival of the republic as we know it.
"Fortunately, the new media is willing to step up and do the job the ideologically driven MSM refuses to do. 
"So just to be clear on a few of the crazy things we've been told:"    Read more:

Obama Wants Your Guns, Homeland Security Says Defend Yourself With Scissors  "Apparently, “Defend yourself with a legal firearm” is not part of the new Department of Homeland Security curriculum.
"They have now resorted to a training video that encourages you to use scissors to protect yourself in the event that you are a victim of a shooting." 

Hope n' Change  ...."That's why the Department of Homeland Security has produced a video which explains that in an "active shooter" situation, you can take out the bad guy using an ordinary pair of scissors - assuming that the shooter isn't wearing body armor, that he doesn't see you coming, that you don't slip in the blood of other victims, and that the shooter doesn't turn you into swiss cheese when he gets tired of receiving annoying little jabs."
...."No mention is made of "shooting back," because the only people who should be carrying guns are police, lunatics, and the Mexican drug cartels. Additionally, the video doesn't clarify whether it would be permissible to use scissors against a radical Muslim like Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hassan, considering there's a chance you might accidentally cut off part of his holy beard."
Oh, yeah; there's this point of view on the subject as well.

What Uncle Sam can (and cannot) do to improve K–12 schooling: Lessons for the next four years

American Enterprise Institute
President Barack Obama and Education Secretary Arne Duncan talk in a hold area before the President delivers his third annual  back-to-school speech at Benjamin Banneker Academic High School  in
Washington, D.C. Sept. 28, 2011.
"...because decisions directly affecting individual schools are made at the state and local levels, Washington bureaucrats have largely failed at enforcing mandates and fixing poorly performing schools. The new Obama administration would do well to embrace a more measured approach to education reform that reflects lessons learned from past successes and failures."

Sunday, February 3, 2013

UPDATED: White House Issues Warning Not To Manipulate/Photoshop Image of President Obama Skeet Shooting

Free Republic  Via Tom Williams at Oregon Military Veterans, Family & Supporters
"President Barack Obama shoots clay targets on the range at Camp David, Md., Saturday, Aug. 4, 2012. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
"This official White House photograph is being made available only for publication by news organizations and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House.
More on this here.

Laughing is our way of crying

NY Times Op-Ed Slanders Tea Party, Falsely Accusing It Of Assaults On Public Officials

Weasel Zippers
"Tea Party member being arrested at protest. Whoops, sorry, that’s an Occupier, NOT Tea Party member. It’s never a Tea Party member, just like it’s never lupus."

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Mark Steyn: Easy to see why Tehran endorses Hagel

Orange County Register  "Carl Levin, the Democrat chair, stepped in to contain further damage. "We do have a position on containment, and that is we do not favor containment," he clarified. "I just wanted to clarify the clarify."
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell
 "Containment? Prevention? What difference does it make?
Could happen to anyone. I well remember when Neville Chamberlain landed at Heston Aerodrome in 1938 and announced the latest breakthrough in appeasement: "I have here a piece of paper from Herr Hitler." Two minutes later, he announced, "I have here a second piece of paper from my staffer saying that I misspoke." "Who can forget Churchill's stirring words in the House of Commons? "If, indeed, it is the case that I said, 'We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall never surrender!,' then I misspoke. I meant to say that we're keeping the situation under review and remain committed to exploring all options."
 "It's easy to make mistakes when you're as expert in all the nuances of Iranian affairs as Chuck Hagel. After he'd hailed Iran's "elected, legitimate government," it fell to another Democrat, Kirsten Gillibrand, to prompt Hagel to walk it back. Okay, delete "elected" and "legitimate": "What I meant to say, should have said, is that it's recognizable." "