Friday, February 8, 2013

Why Does the Media Go Easy on Barack Obama?

The Atlantic    "Allegations of liberal media bias are almost constant in the conservative press, but their intensity has increased since President Obama and Hillary Clinton appeared together on 60 Minutes, where interviewer Steve Kroft posed "softball" questions that were almost comically obsequious. "Mr. Kroft, as embarrassing as his interview was, is merely symptomatic of a larger phenomenon: the unprecedented swooning and cheerleading by the press for Barack Obama," Peter Wehner wrote in Commentary, echoing an argument voiced by many on the right. He posits that the rise of conservative media outlets like Fox News may have triggered a liberal backlash."

Mr. Obama, what WERE you doing the night of the Benghazi attack after you punched out for the day?

Dereliction of Duty: Obama Did Nothing to Save American Lives in Benghazi--and Lied About It
"Nothing. That is what President Barack Obama did on the night of September 11, 2012, as terrorists attacked the U.S. consulate in Benghazi and killed four Americans, among them Ambassador Christopher Stevens. President Obama’s inaction was revealed in testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Thursday by outgoing Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey."

Panetta: Obama not present on Night of Benghazi Attack  Apparently he only voted "present" on the issue.
"When asked if Obama at least called to check in as the attack unfolded Panetta said "No."
"When asked if anyone from the White House called that night, Panetta said "No."
"According to Panetta, the President trusted that the Sec. of Defense and Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCOS) Chairman General Martin Dempsey were aware of what military assets were and weren't near Benghazi, so he left it "up to us." "

To digress a bit; That all sounds strangely like this incident:
"Could Obama’s presidency be the most ill conceived in modern times?  What kind of President leaves the people’s business in the middle of a press conference because his wife is waiting on him?

These next from Lucianne:

The Twisted Truth on Obama's Benghazi Response  "In a semi-rational world, no government could withstand the exposure of such inhumanity, not to mention such a total failure to carry out its primary duty -- namely, to protect its citizens against foreign aggression.  In our current, thoroughly irrational world, there remains little doubt that Obama will emerge unscathed from Panetta's testimony, just as Hillary Clinton will remain untarnished after openly declaring, during her own belated testimony, that the clock has run out on any attempt to unravel the administration's web of lies about Benghazi, since "What difference -- at this point -- does it make?"  Read more:

The Weekly Standard reports that Obama did not call or communicate in anyway with the defense secretary that night. "There were no calls about what was going on in Benghazi. He never called to check-in."

The Washington Times reports:  "Administration critics suggest Mrs. Rice was given talking points by the White House as part of an effort to “cover up” what had actually occurred in Benghazi, since the attack came just as Mr. Obama’s re-election campaign was touting the president’s success in “decimating” the leadership of al Qaeda.
"But committee Chairman Carl Levin, Michigan Democrat, tried to steer proceedings away from those insinuations."
123737 600 ObamaSusan Rice cartoons

Plastic bags are destroying our countryside!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Panetta: Obama Absent Night of Benghazi

What difference does it make!?
Weekly Standard   "Panetta said, though he did meet with Obama at a 5 o'clock prescheduled gathering, the president left operational details, including knowledge of what resources were available to help the Americans under siege, "up to us."

"In fact, Panetta says that the night of 9/11, he did not communicate with a single person at the White House. The attack resulted in the deaths of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens.
"Obama did not call or communicate in anyway with the defense secretary that night. There were no calls about what was going on in Benghazi. He never called to check-in."

Dempsey 'Surprised' Hillary Didn't Know About Cable from Benghazi Consulate 

Via Weasel Zippers
 More on this on Friday.

Krauthammer agrees with me about the killing of Anwar al-Awlaki

He surely must read the Tunnel Wall.
Krauthammer: If You Take Up Arms Against The United States You Have Forfeited Your Rights  (Video at the link)
 "I really don't understand this sort of hysteria over the idea of killing Americans who have taken up arms against the United States. Thousands of Americans, Southerners, died in Antietam without any due process. When we stormed the beaches of Normandy on D-day, and Americans approached German bunkers, I don't think anybody asked if they were any German-Americans here, I want to read you the Miranda rights. If you take up arms against the United States you were a target because it was an act of war and you forfeited those rights."

More on this here:  "Similarly, when George W. Bush signed the controversial Military Commissions Act of 2006, he did so at a desk with a sign on the front displaying the words, “Protecting America.” Obama was a vocal opponent of the law, which was criticized for its broad definition of an enemy combatant, its justification of torture, and its apparent encroachment on habeas corpus rights."
Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler

Apparently Tony Bennett also left his brain in San Francisco

American Thinker  "The Nazis, of course, confiscated guns, which ensured that when it came time to haul away the Jews, it could be accomplished with almost no casualties, except for all the Jews.
"Born in 1926, young Anthony Dominick Benedetto was a child as the Nazis assumed power.  My colleague Rick Moran thinks it is "sad" that the 86 year old Bennett has embarrassed himself."  Read more...

The president, when lobbying for his bill, solemnly promised "if you like your healthcare insurance, you can keep it. End of story."

obama, obama jokes, obamacare, cbo, health insurance, stilton jarlsberg, tea party, conservative, hope and change, hope n' change
" But as the sainted Paul Harvey would say, there is...the rest of the story. Specifically, that Barry was lying like a prayer rug, and knew perfectly well that Obamacare was specifically designed to encourage employers to drop healthcare coverage and make previously secure workers into wards of the state."
Obamacare Is Becoming Socialist Healthcare As Predicted "Employers are indeed dropping their employees from health insurance who will in turn be forced to enroll in government healthcare. The costs are rising because we all now have to pay for unreasonable demands such as paying for everyone’s nosebleeds and birth control regardless of whether or not they contribute a dime to Obamacare."

Video: Catholic deacon files suit against HHS mandate  ...."But what happens when an ordained minister owns a for-profit company?  And what if just three years ago, the same ordained minister was hailed worldwide as a hero for the rescue of trapped miners in Chile? KSTP and KAAL-TV, ABC affiliates in Minnesota, profile a new lawsuit filed by Greg Hall, a deacon in Houston who owns a Minnesota mining-equipment manufacturer:"...
..."Be sure to watch to the end, when the anchors express alarm that this may affect “women throughout the state … over 900,000, according to Planned Parenthood.”  How? By not forcing companies like American Manufacturing to distribute birth control for free?" 

What is "". ?

The Tunnel Wall's log shows a reader from Clearwater, Florida logging into the Tunnel Wall to a post entitled only "".
A search failed to turn it up, showing no posts with that title but it seems like something that should be taken car of. If you find some post by this means, a comment on it would be appreciated.
Enquiring mind wants to know.
The Tunnel Dweller, Plano, Texas; formerly 45 years in Santa Maria, Ca.

Texas Lawmakers Blast ‘Anti-American’, ‘Anti-Christian’ Curriculum

CSCOPE (education) according to Wikipedia.
“For us, CSCOPE is a lifesaver,” Dina Webb, director of curriculum in Lackland, told the San Antonio Express. “We don’t mandate how teachers use it and certainly, as a military district, wouldn’t teach anything anti-American. But we certainly don’t have the money or staff to be able to write new curriculum every time the state standards change.”
But critics – including some state lawmakers – believe the curriculum is anti-American.  (From the Starnes article below.)

Todd Starnes  "Texas lawmakers are putting educators on the hot seat after public school curriculum surfaced that  promoted Islam and socialism while deconstructing American values and patriotism."
"School children were exposed to lessons that labeled the Boston Tea Party an act of terrorism. They were also instructed to create flags for socialist and communist countries. And they were also given in-depth lessons in the Islamic faith that included classroom readings from the Koran.
"“They are indoctrinating our children to hate America,” said Janice VanCleave, of Texas Education Patriots. “Texans are embarrassed about this.” "

Texas CSCOPE Review

Is your child in a school that uses CSCOPE? You can Find out Here


 From World Net Daily: Texas teaching 'Allah is the Almighty God'  
"According to excerpts, under the heading, “Who Is Allah?,” students are told:
“Allah is the Almighty God.”
“Allah alone is the Creator. He alone deserves our devout love and worship.”
"Muhammad is described as having become “disillusioned with the corruption in the city and the growing gap between the urban dwellers and the Bedouins (nomadic herders).”
"But there is no mention of his documented sex activities with a child or his penchant for beheading entire indigenous people groups."

Is there a correlation between all this and the massive influx of Californians into Texas? I know, I know; I'm a transplanted Californian, but doing everything possible to keep Texas Texas. TD

First our military, then the Boy Scouts

Political Cartoons by Chuck Asay

"The Roman Catholic Church and Southern Baptist churches have criticized the proposed policy change, but more liberal groups like the United Church of Christ, as well as leaders from the United Methodist Church and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) have called on the ban on gay members to be dropped."

This 2006 article in The Accuser has a comment that should provoke discussion: Child molesting priests are gay, not pedophiles.
...."Gay websites and magazines show a warped fascination with underage boys. Your splitting hairs equivocation shows the bent of your rationalizations to twist reality to support your distorted preceptions of it (reality that is).
"The priests were pedophiles because they preferred males not yet considered adults? Preference for wanting sex with your same gender is homosexuality. Placing artificial distinctions to separate 'gay' from 'pedophile' is smoke and mirror crap meant to fool simpletons."

It is considered unwise to have a male leader on an un-chaperoned outing with a group of girls for reasons that are obvious. I know empirically how a young life can be ruined by such sexual situations created by bad choices of leaders. Now these situations will be forced on children by the tyranny of political correctness. The Tunnel Dweller

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

California at Twilight

Victor Davis Hanson   "More importantly, our power companies have the highest energy bills in the nation, given all sorts of green and redistributionist mandates. The costs fall most heavily on the cold winter/hot summer interior residents, who are the poorest in the state. Those who insist that the utilities invest in costly alternate energy and other green fantasies live mostly in 65-70 degree coastal weather year-round and enjoy low power bills.

"Yet the liberal coastal political lock-hold on the state continues.

"No one in San Joaquin or Tranquility cares about a baitfish in the delta, but they do vote nonetheless for the elites who divert water from farms, put the poor farm worker out of work, and feel good about saving the smelt in the process. Go figure."

Obama's Jihad in Egypt: #Tahrir Sign "Down with the American Democratic Party the ally of Morsi"

 Atlas Shrugs  Notice anything familiar in this picture?
"Obama owns Egypt. No matter how the media obfuscates, deceives and misleads on this jihadist takeover, Obama's Muslim Brotherhood coup in Egypt is DOA and the blood is on Obama's hands. There's no getting out from under that boot. Just ask the Iranians, 24 years and counting."