Friday, February 15, 2013

UPDATED: Meteor explodes over Russian Urals, injuring 950 – live updates

Global climate change suspected as the cause.

UK Guardian  Regional governor reports more than 950 injured
• Dramatic pictures show meteor streaking through sky
• Unclear whether it was a single meteor or shower
Read our latest news story on the meteor
Read the latest blog summary
Video here. Sorry that the commercial you have to first endure is longer than the clip, but I thought it was worth the wait.

JAWA Report has several videos 

There is an asteroid passing near earth soon and this may be a part of that which broke off. 
"Given that many asteroids have large boulders held by weak gravity and also these events close proximity, I'm speculating that 2012-DA14 could have many companion objects in its orbit, possibly from a prior collision. Obviously the public statements of no danger at all were less than accurate, although we know the large asteroid will not strike Earth. Its possible there are other unknown objects."
This article says it was not related to the asteroid

MSNBC said this is caused by old, tired Republican policies. President Obama will respond to the incident as soon as his work day begins.

UPDATE: Sonic boom caused by meteorite hurtling above Russian town at 33,000mph smashes buildings and injures 1,000 people before the space rock crashes into frozen lake 
Unexpected sight: A terrifying meteorite shower left a thousand people injured, buildings devastated and the mobile network wiped out when it hit Russia this morning
More here.  And here.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Republicans in Senate block vote on Hagel

And Mr. Obama has worked so hard to cultivate friendships in the GOP

Senate Republicans block vote on Hagel nomination 
"Senate Republicans blocked a vote on Chuck Hagel’s nomination as secretary of defense on Thursday, launching an unprecedented filibuster and a severe rebuke to the White House.
"Falling one vote shy of the 60 needed to move forward on the nomination, the Hagel filibuster brought stark condemnations from President Obama and Senate Democrats for its precedent-setting nature -- the first time a defense secretary nominee had been filibustered. The setback came during what many believe is a critical period for the Pentagon as it winds down troops from Afghanistan and implements costly budget cuts.
"It was also a hard slap to a former colleague and member of the chamber."

And this next remark is pure Obama:
He added that “it’s just unfortunate that this kind of politics intrudes at a time when I’m still presiding over a war in Afghanistan and I need a secretary of defense who is coordinating with our allies” on U.S. strategy in the region.

Hagel fails to beat filibuster on day of more troubling revelations
"The Washington Free Beacon reported today about a speech Hagel gave in 2007 — as reported at the time by one of his supporters — that the State Department had become an “adjunct” to the Israeli Foreign Ministry."
"Hagel supporters are fuming, but he was a bad selection.  It’s not over, they can bring it up for another vote, but it’s time for this divisive and bad choice to step aside."

If we didn't laugh, we'd go nuts

Alan Caruba; From SOTU to SNAFU

Warning Signs
"The SOTU was yet another opportunity since 2008 to repeat that “nothing I’m proposing tonight should increase our deficit by a single dime.” I am still waiting for the mainstream media to challenge him on this, but unfortunately everyone will have to wait four years more before we don’t have to listen to it again.
...."The President’s ideological devotion to the notion that government can “fix” every problem and create job growth is a Marxist fantasy that will affect everyone’s life in the decade ahead. The sum total of the CBO projections is that socialism does not work and capitalism, when it is allowed to function, does."

Here's a real piece of work for you: Chris Matthews: Obama’s SOTU Speech Was Like Being At A Black Church 

Journalism is...

Victor Davis Hanson on The Decline of America

image1-Today's cartoons: Delivering SOTU doesn't deliver jobs
National Review Online   Hanson writes of the post-war destruction of German industry compared with the relative British industrial survival:
 "Yet Britain missed out on the postwar German economic miracles, in part because after the deprivations of the war, the war-weary British turned to class warfare and nationalized their main industries, which soon became uncompetitive." Hanson continues:
The gradual decline of a society is often a self-induced process of trying to meet ever-expanding appetites rather than a physical inability to produce past levels of food and fuel or to maintain adequate defense. Americans have never had safer workplaces or more sophisticated medical care — and never have so many been on disability.
Hanson sums up his thoughts with these chilling words:
"By any historical marker, the future of Americans has never been brighter. The United States has it all: undreamed-of new finds of natural gas and oil, the world’s preeminent food production, continual technological wizardry, strong demographic growth, a superb military, and constitutional stability.
"Yet we don’t talk confidently about capitalizing and expanding on our natural and inherited wealth. Instead, Americans bicker over entitlement spoils as the nation continues to pile up trillion-dollar-plus deficits. Enforced equality, rather than liberty, is the new national creed. The medicine of cutting back on government goodies seems far worse than the disease of borrowing trillions from the unborn to pay for them.
"In August 1945, Hiroshima was in shambles, while Detroit was among the most innovative and wealthiest cities in the world. Contemporary Hiroshima now resembles a prosperous Detroit of 1945; parts of Detroit look like they were bombed decades ago.
"History has shown that a government’s redistribution of shrinking wealth, in preference to a private sector’s creation of new sources of it, can prove more destructive than even the most deadly enemy."
Emphasis added, as you knew it would be.
 Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

We are his valentine

Let's see what the low-information voter is being told lately, shall we?

A little perspective on Rubio's sip of water  "You want a cringe-inducing gaffe involving a sip? How about this incident of Obama's, now consigned to the memory hole?

Rubio water-swig replay tally: MSNBC 155, CNN 34, Fox News 12 [VIDEO]
"Throughout the broadcast day...MSNBC showed a replay of Rubio’s swig approximately 155 times — 101 of which came during “The Rachel Maddow Show,” which played the moment on loop at the bottom of the screen for more than 13 minutes."
...."Added Sullivan: “Why would they be so focused on a man reaching for water instead of on what he said? Because they know they can’t effectively tear down his message.” 
 Via Sweetness and Light
CNN Slides Ever Lower  "Their panel is more or less a Chris Dorner fan club, with one lonely exception who thinks the most salient fact is that he was a murderer:"...

What’s Gotten Into the Water at CNN?  "CNN’s anti-Rubio, anti-dihydrogen monoxide-themed Chyron is proof that “at long last, American media reaches peak moron. I’m just thankful that Newsbusters was there to capture it. They’ve waited years for this moment and now, finally, it’s here. Cherish it, guys.”
Big Journalism covers this here

Lets see; Bill Clinton was accused of rape, he used the president's office for, um, hanky-panky - once while on the phone. No. Not a career-ender. Nothing with the magnitude of taking a drink of water during a speech. But the one thing making it be a career-ender over Clinton's antics: the help of the press informing the voters who elected Obama. As with Clinton and Obama, these "journalists" have no shame, no capacity for embarrassment.
 Big Journalism has this same take:  "In the view of the mainstream media, leaving a drowned woman in your car at the bottom of a river shouldn’t end your career (Teddy Kennedy); ejaculating on an intern in the Oval Office shouldn’t end your career (Bill Clinton); allowing a male prostitution ring to run from your apartment shouldn’t end your career (Barney Frank); leaving Americans without security in Benghazi and quietly going to sleep as 4 Americans die there isn’t a career ender.
"Sipping water – now that’s the end of the world. After all, when all Democrats walk on water, sipping it just seems sacrilegious."
Well, the MSM does worship the water Obama walks on.

Poll Shows Media Wildly Out-of-Touch with Priorities of Americans "The media doesn't want to talk about the state of the economy, because Obama doesn’t want to talk about the state of the economy, because the media's nothing more than a tool of The State that prefers to cover issues one person (Obama) wants covered, instead of issues the people would like covered."
George Stephanopoulos Touts Obama's 'Dramatic,' 'Emotional' Speech, Chided Rubio's 'Hard-Edged' Response  "George Stephanopoulos on Wednesday's Good Morning America delighted over Barack Obama's "dramatic," "emotional" and "ambitious" speech. During live coverage of last night's Republican response, however, the former top Clinton aide lectured viewers that Marco Rubio's speech was "hard-edged." " Primitive, according to MSNBC
WashPost Hires "Democratic Flack" Who Trashed Ann Romney As Having 'Never Worked a Day in Her Life'  "Imagine the firestorm of outrage that would be ignited in the liberal media were a conservative paper like the Wall Street Journal to hire a Republican pundit who insulted First Lady Michelle Obama during last year's campaign, even if said pundit subsequently apologized. Now compare that to the silence that most certainly will greet the Washington Post hiring Hilary Rosen as an opinion contributor."

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Coulter: White liberals tell black lies about civil rights

Ann Coulter

"It wasn’t a “tough” decision for Eisenhower to send troops to Little Rock in 1957.
"In the presidential campaign the year before, the Republican platform had expressly endorsed the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education. The Democratic platform did not.
"To the contrary, that year, 99 members of Congress signed the “Southern Manifesto” denouncing the court’s ruling in Brown. Two were Republicans. Ninety-seven were Democrats.
"As president, Eisenhower pushed through the 1957 Civil Rights Act and the 1960 Civil Rights Act. He established the Civil Rights Commission. It was Eisenhower, not Truman, who fully desegregated the military.
"Meanwhile, the Brown decision was being openly defied by the Democratic governor of Arkansas (and Bill Clinton pal), Orval Faubus, who refused to admit black students to Little Rock Central High School.
"As LBJ explained to fellow Democrats after doing a 180-flip on civil rights as president and pushing the 1964 Civil Rights Act (which resembled the 1957 Civil Rights Act he had gutted as a senator): “I’ll have them ni---rs voting Democratic for two hundred years.” That’s according to a steward on Air Force One, who overhead him say it."

The press narrative on Dorner takes shape

Before we proceed to the main article below, let's learn a bit about Dorner's victimsYeah, OK; "alleged victims", who were allegedly murdered. And who will be allegedly buried soon while their families mourn their alleged loss.
Michael Crain, 34  "Crain, a police officer with the city of Riverside, was mortally wounded on Feb. 7 in an ambush shooting as he sat in a police car at a stoplight.
Crain, 34, leaves his wife, a 4-year-old daughter and a son, 10. They remain under police protection until Dorner is caught.
Jeremiah MacKay, 35   "MacKay was a sheriff’s deputy based out of Yucaipa and graduated from Rim of the World High School in 1995. He was married and had children, according to his Facebook page. He was the sergeant-at-arms for the Emerald Society."

Keith Lawrence, 27 " Some at USC want the public to know that Keith Lawrence was more than just a loving partner to fiancee Monica Quan — he was a young law enforcement officer with a bright future."

Monica Quan, 28  "Quan and Lawrence were found shot to death Feb. 3 in the parking structure of their Irvine condominium complex. The couple was allegedly killed by former LAPD officer Christopher Jordan Dorner, who was fired from the department in 2009. Authorities believe Dorner, who was represented by Quan’s father at his termination hearing, targeted Monica Quan and her fiance in an act of revenge."

Now, on to the story:
This headline paints the picture: Dorner manhunt: Incendiary tear gas reportedly used on cabin
Doesn't that send the message that the police set the fire intentionally?
LA Times 
"Faced with regular barrages of gunfire, officers confronting suspected killer Christopher Dorner lobbed incendiary tear gas into the cabin where Dorner allegedly was holed up, said law enforcement officials with knowledge of the situation.
"The cabin caught on fire and authorities believe Dorner was burned inside. A body was discovered but authorities have not confirmed it was Dorner."

Five paragraphs down, the article says:
Hoping to end the standoff, law enforcement authorities first lobbed "traditional" tear gas into the cabin. When that did not work, they opted to use CS gas canisters, which are known in law enforcement parlance as incendiary tear gas. These canisters have significantly more chance of starting a fire. This gas can cause humans to have burning eyes and start to feel as if they are being starved for oxygen. It is often used to drive barricaded individuals out.
What conditions did Dorner create inside the cabin that ignited the gas?
Political Cartoons by Eric Allie
Don't take this next article seriously; it comes from The Peoples Cube:
President Orders Flags to Half Staff for Activist Dorner
Dear Comrades,
On news of the heroic death of Social Justice Activist
Christopher Dorner, Comrade Party Chairman and President Barack Barackovich Obama has ordered all flags to be flown at half-staff until his remains are brought to Washington DC for interment at Arlington National Cemetery. In addition, three days of official mourning have been ordered, and all non-essential Federal workers have been given paid leave to participate in tribute activities
Now we prepare for the LA Times to demolish the police for whatever actions they took in the manhunt. Watch for pictures of sad and angry faces of Dorner's family with reports of their pending lawsuits.

The State of Our Union Rendered in a Fractured Bizarro Lens

Bryan Preston at PJ Tatler 
Lincoln Comp 590 cdn
"Obama called for the federal government to “redesign high schools.” Does he not know that schools are creatures of local and state, not the federal, governments? Does he care? Does he see no limits at all on the things that should occupy a president’s time?
"And again, on what basis does the president who cannot even submit a budget make the claim that he is qualified to redesign high schools?
"It’s all absurd. Barack Obama is the absurd president. He makes no attempt to make any sense, yet the media will pretend that he is a visionary.
"The reality is, Barack Obama is just a very powerful crank."
Emphasis added. Via Lucianne

Did ANYONE notice Rubio's effective rebuttal to Obama's policies?

Let's get this Rubio thing out of the way first. The transcript of his rebuttal will be so much more effective than the video.
UPDATE: Read Rubio's rebuttal transcript here before you get to anything that MSNBC has said.
"The Office of Speaker Boehner released a transcript of Marco Rubio's State of the Union speech (as prepared for delivery). Read the full text of the rebuttal below:"....Excerpt here:
....And more government isn’t going to inspire new ideas, new businesses and new private sector jobs. It’s going to create uncertainty.
Because more government breeds complicated rules and laws that a small business can’t afford to follow.
Because more government raises taxes on employers who then pass the costs on to their employees through fewer hours, lower pay and even layoffs....

Rubio's Strong, Accessible Rebuttal  "Responding to a presidential State of the Union speech is often a thankless task. Following the president's act, which oozes prestige and historic significance, almost always makes the next guy seem small and trivial by comparison.... Sen. Marco Rubio broke the mold last night.  He delivered a substantive, relatable and cheerful response, and did so with a natural and effective ease:" I wish. But Rubio did go straight for Obama and his polemics.

It is doubtful many will remember much of the content of Marco Rubio's Republican response to the State of the Union, but many will recall his untimely thirst.  "As was the case with Mitt Romney's "binders full of women comment," the blogosphere was abuzz following the akward incident.
From political aggregator Philip Bump:
Posted by Sen. Rubio
"Let's analyze why Rubio's lunge was awkward.
  1. He hasn't finished his sentence. Finish your sentence first!
  2. Commit to the water. Stop. Drink. When you're done, say excuse me and continue.
  3. Do not look at the camera while reaching for/replacing the bottle. It makes you look very nervous.
  4. And absolutely no matter what, do not look at the camera while drinking. Do not do that.
"Hope that helps, future presidents."
This same writer also said of Obama:
"Of all of his State of the Union addresses, this may be the president’s most informative and instructive, providing a summary of what he has already accomplished, and listing what he needs to do."
Politico - which Rush considers an online version of MSNBC - had this on Rubio's drink:  "Twitter exploded during Sen. Marco Rubio’s Republican response to the State of the Union, as the Florida senator appeared a little sweaty and dry-mouthed at mid-speech, taking an awkward swig from a bottle of water that had been placed off-camera. Rubio handled the hullabaloo with some humor, later tweeting a picture of the water bottle."

Neal Boortz: Excuse me, but I wasn't paying attention.  "Back then we realized what a great potential for American leadership rested in
Marco Rubio.  Last night he showed it in his response to The Destroyer.  Here’s a link to Rubio’s response.  Read it.
"This man – this Marco Rubio – may be America’s best – and last – hope."

Updates follow:
Chris Matthews Bashes Rubio's Response to State of the Union As ‘Primitive’

Marco Rubio Schools Obama Shill George Stephanopoulos, Reminds Host That Sequester Was President's Idea   "Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos was in full Obama talking points mode, Wednesday, grilling Marco Rubio on why he won't support the President's agenda."