What I cannot figure is who is actually running this nation? We see below how Obama is turning the GOP into knots and befuddling them completely, winning most encounters with them. Yet he went into office with nearly zero experience in governing anything and is -I'd say- the least qualified man in Washington to do so. This being so, then just who is the brains behind the Obama golden tongue?
Ann Coulter; Stop letting idiots destroy GOP "Not two days later, in the Republican primary for Tim Scott’s old congressional seat from South Carolina, among the top two finalists was Mark Sanford, the Todd Akin of South Carolina. You would think Akin would stand in history to teach Republicans to stop giving away winnable seats by running ridiculous candidates. Alas, no."
The Republican ‘Autopsy’ "The RNC’s report bears an eerie resemblance to establishment Republicanism c. 1945."
"....as Brent Bozell put it, establishment Republicans are trying to “out-Democrat” the Democrats."
Photo: Republican Thomas E. Dewey, who lost in 1948 to Democrat Harry Truman. Don't gloat, Democrats; today you would call Truman a right-wing extremist.
Michael Barone; The GOP should at least avoid an alienating tone in the immigration debate. "My observation in travel over the years is that Hispanics are treated very differently by Anglos in Texas than in California.
"In Texas, white Anglos see people with Hispanic features as fellow Texans. They smile and say howdy. They know, because they have to take Texas history in high school, that Hispanics have been living in Texas for more than 200 years and that some fought for Texas independence against Mexico." (Emphasis added.)"The Republican National Committee report is not a bad start."
Four Things the RNC Report Got Right "...it did get a few important things right. I do mean a few — I usually have five in these columns, but I could only think of four."
I particularly liked this section: "Kill Cannibalistic Primaries."
...."As the military saying goes, “amateurs talk about strategy, professionals talk about logistics.” And that’s what the RNC document does, mostly."
Ann Coulter; Stop letting idiots destroy GOP "Not two days later, in the Republican primary for Tim Scott’s old congressional seat from South Carolina, among the top two finalists was Mark Sanford, the Todd Akin of South Carolina. You would think Akin would stand in history to teach Republicans to stop giving away winnable seats by running ridiculous candidates. Alas, no."
The Republican ‘Autopsy’ "The RNC’s report bears an eerie resemblance to establishment Republicanism c. 1945."
"....as Brent Bozell put it, establishment Republicans are trying to “out-Democrat” the Democrats."
Photo: Republican Thomas E. Dewey, who lost in 1948 to Democrat Harry Truman. Don't gloat, Democrats; today you would call Truman a right-wing extremist.
Michael Barone; The GOP should at least avoid an alienating tone in the immigration debate. "My observation in travel over the years is that Hispanics are treated very differently by Anglos in Texas than in California.
"In Texas, white Anglos see people with Hispanic features as fellow Texans. They smile and say howdy. They know, because they have to take Texas history in high school, that Hispanics have been living in Texas for more than 200 years and that some fought for Texas independence against Mexico." (Emphasis added.)"The Republican National Committee report is not a bad start."
Four Things the RNC Report Got Right "...it did get a few important things right. I do mean a few — I usually have five in these columns, but I could only think of four."
I particularly liked this section: "Kill Cannibalistic Primaries."
...."As the military saying goes, “amateurs talk about strategy, professionals talk about logistics.” And that’s what the RNC document does, mostly."