Bloomberg News " [Barham Salih] went on to blame Iraqis, rather than Americans, for the failures of the
past decade. “Much can be said about U.S. missteps and miscalculations in this
process, but there is no denying that Iraqi political leadership bears prime
responsibility for squandering a unique opportunity to deliver to their people.
This has been nothing short of a drastic failure of leadership on our part! The
Kurdistan region offers hope that all is not lost in Iraq.”
" “All Iraqis lived under a regime that had complete disdain for human life,” he said. “Executions and killings continued at will. Thousands of Iraqis were being sent to the mass graves. The Kurds were never safe as they knew that Saddam could at any time decide to reconquer the no-fly zone.”
"He went on, “Saddam was a menace to the Kurds, to the other Iraqi communities, and an inherent danger to the region. He was, from our perspective in this part of the world, a grave and mortal danger that we could never be safe from while he was still around.” "
New Yorker |
" “All Iraqis lived under a regime that had complete disdain for human life,” he said. “Executions and killings continued at will. Thousands of Iraqis were being sent to the mass graves. The Kurds were never safe as they knew that Saddam could at any time decide to reconquer the no-fly zone.”
"He went on, “Saddam was a menace to the Kurds, to the other Iraqi communities, and an inherent danger to the region. He was, from our perspective in this part of the world, a grave and mortal danger that we could never be safe from while he was still around.” "