Weasel Zippers "“I say I don’t know what he’s thinking, but I sure know what he’s saying and doing,” Krauthammer said. “The lengths to which he will go to avoid telling us the truth about the enemy is becoming comical and certainly embarrassing."
The Boston bombers and political correctness "The elephant in the middle of the room that no one seems to want to look at is that there are people in this country, perhaps many people, who have been welcomed into this country, lived here for quite a while, embraced by Americans and treated kindly, who smile at you and seem perfectly normal, and who would happily kill you as an infidel."Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Fast food worker strikes spread to Chicago
marfdrat |
"This doesn't matter to the community organizers. They are not interested in keeping companies in business. In fact, their hatred of capitalism is driving them to force companies out of business. Of course, if they are successful, the companies will cut hours and hire fewer workers - unless the workers successfully organize a union, in which case, fast food restaurants would soon become extinct. "
San Francisco Mandates $10 Minimum Wage. Why Not Make it $25, or $50? "This doesn’t change the point of the post, which is that government interference in labor markets creates unintended consequences – namely, higher unemployment for low-skill workers."
Tamerlan Tsarnaev: Drudge's latest updates
Boston bomb suspect's name was on classified government watch lists
"Tamerlan Tsarnaev, was listed on the U.S. government's highly classified central database of people it views as potential terrorists. But the list is so vast that this did not mean authorities automatically kept close tabs on him, sources close to the bombing investigation said on Tuesday."
Named after the Muslim warrior Tamerlane So we have been told. They can't put anything on the internet that isn't true.
"Timur's armies were feared throughout Asia, Africa, and Europe, sizable parts of which were laid to ruin by his campaigns. Scholars estimate that his military campaigns caused the deaths of 17 million people, amounting to about 5% of the world population." Even more than were killed by global warming that same year.
Russia contacted US government ‘multiple’ times "Senators said the briefing also revealed failures among federal agencies to share vital information about Tsarnaev, indicating, they said, that the US government still has not established a strong system to ``connect the dots’’ about would-be terrorists residing in America more than a decade after 9/11."
Dead Boston bomber's body has NOT been claimed - days after he was killed in shootout with cops
Taken down: As Dzhokhar drove the car, his older brother was taken down by police. His body is circled. Videos and photos at this site. If this had been LA, the Times would already be trashing the police for jumping out of the way and showing photos of the bomber's grief-stricken family.
Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Family Received Welfare
"The state’s Executive Office of Health and Human Services said those benefits ended in 2012 when the couple stopped meeting income eligibility limits. Russell Tsarnaev’s attorney has claimed Katherine — who had converted to Islam — was working up to 80 hours a week as a home health aide while Tsarnaev stayed at home."
As in the UK, I understand welfare checks are considered jizya by many Islamists: tribute payments to Muslims by non-Muslims (infidels).
"Tamerlan Tsarnaev, was listed on the U.S. government's highly classified central database of people it views as potential terrorists. But the list is so vast that this did not mean authorities automatically kept close tabs on him, sources close to the bombing investigation said on Tuesday."
Named after the Muslim warrior Tamerlane So we have been told. They can't put anything on the internet that isn't true.
"Timur's armies were feared throughout Asia, Africa, and Europe, sizable parts of which were laid to ruin by his campaigns. Scholars estimate that his military campaigns caused the deaths of 17 million people, amounting to about 5% of the world population." Even more than were killed by global warming that same year.
Russia contacted US government ‘multiple’ times "Senators said the briefing also revealed failures among federal agencies to share vital information about Tsarnaev, indicating, they said, that the US government still has not established a strong system to ``connect the dots’’ about would-be terrorists residing in America more than a decade after 9/11."
Dead Boston bomber's body has NOT been claimed - days after he was killed in shootout with cops
Taken down: As Dzhokhar drove the car, his older brother was taken down by police. His body is circled. Videos and photos at this site. If this had been LA, the Times would already be trashing the police for jumping out of the way and showing photos of the bomber's grief-stricken family.
Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Family Received Welfare
"The state’s Executive Office of Health and Human Services said those benefits ended in 2012 when the couple stopped meeting income eligibility limits. Russell Tsarnaev’s attorney has claimed Katherine — who had converted to Islam — was working up to 80 hours a week as a home health aide while Tsarnaev stayed at home."
As in the UK, I understand welfare checks are considered jizya by many Islamists: tribute payments to Muslims by non-Muslims (infidels).
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Obama’s revenge
Dick Morris "So many of the unattractive parts of the personality and presidency of Barack Obama are evident in how he has handled the sequestration issue —and it’s worth looking at for what it tells us about our president and his administrative style.
"Let’s start with his detachment from the business of government and administration. Confronted with a congressional mandate to cut about $40 billion in spending this year from a total non-defense discretionary budget of about $600 billion, he just ordered across-the-board reductions in proportion to the legislative totals."
"The bald fact is that the president either could not or did not want to be bothered to spend the time to identify $40 billion of waste, fraud and duplication in a $600 billion budget. It was too much effort for him.
"But then, one wonders why he didn’t just tell his Cabinet secretaries to make the cuts and delegate them to do the research and scouring? Why go with the furlough system for cutting spending? Why not lay off the people we don’t need? If we could get by with 7 percent less work by federal employees, why not just fire 7 percent of them?"
"And, by refusing to prioritize, he ensured that the sequestration cuts would affect everything, not just the optional areas of federal activity." Read more
"Let’s start with his detachment from the business of government and administration. Confronted with a congressional mandate to cut about $40 billion in spending this year from a total non-defense discretionary budget of about $600 billion, he just ordered across-the-board reductions in proportion to the legislative totals."
"The bald fact is that the president either could not or did not want to be bothered to spend the time to identify $40 billion of waste, fraud and duplication in a $600 billion budget. It was too much effort for him.
"But then, one wonders why he didn’t just tell his Cabinet secretaries to make the cuts and delegate them to do the research and scouring? Why go with the furlough system for cutting spending? Why not lay off the people we don’t need? If we could get by with 7 percent less work by federal employees, why not just fire 7 percent of them?"
"And, by refusing to prioritize, he ensured that the sequestration cuts would affect everything, not just the optional areas of federal activity." Read more
Why the Boston Bombers Succeeded
STRATFOR "As we've previously discussed, the best defense against the grassroots threat are grassroots defenders. These include the police and alert citizens who report suspicious activity -- like people testing bomb designs -- a frequent occurrence before actual bomb attacks. The slogan "If you see something, say something," has been mocked as overly simplistic, but it is nonetheless a necessity in an environment where the broad, ambiguous threat of grassroots terrorism far outstrips the ability of the authorities to see everything. Taking a proactive approach to personal and collective security also beats the alternative of living in terror and apprehensively waiting for the next simple attack."
Read more: Why the Boston Bombers Succeeded |
Read more: Why the Boston Bombers Succeeded |
These days it's hard to tell what is satire and what is really happening
Not from The Onion, as far as I know. But this is on the internet and they can't put anything on the internet that isn't true. TD
Marriage Equality for Bachelors; Facebook
Nadine Schweigert, North Dakota Woman, 'Marries Herself,' Opens Up About Self-Marriage
Marrying Yourself
Marriage Equality for Bachelors; Facebook
If two bachelors can get married then why not one? We demand full same-self marriage equality for bachelors, bachelorettes, widows, widowers and uncommitted persons now!
Most logic textbooks still say, "All bachelors are unmarried." Why?
End the discrimination and bachelorphobia! Support same-self marriage now!Nadine Schweigert, North Dakota Woman, 'Marries Herself,' Opens Up About Self-Marriage
Marrying Yourself
Internet sales tax advances after Obama endorsement
Every night we go to bed wondering what this government will do to us next.
The Hill "Legislation that would empower states to tax online purchases cleared a key hurdle in the Senate on Monday after winning an enthusiastic endorsement from President Obama.
"Senators advanced the bill in 74-20 procedural vote on Monday evening, just one vote short of the backing it received in a test vote last month. Twenty-six Republicans joined Democrats in moving forward with the bill." Read more.
The Hill "Legislation that would empower states to tax online purchases cleared a key hurdle in the Senate on Monday after winning an enthusiastic endorsement from President Obama.
"Senators advanced the bill in 74-20 procedural vote on Monday evening, just one vote short of the backing it received in a test vote last month. Twenty-six Republicans joined Democrats in moving forward with the bill." Read more.
Report: Amnesty Will “Transform” Political Landscape, Crush Republicans In Future Elections…
Weasel Zippers
If these people had been on the voting rolls in 2012 and voted along the same lines as other Hispanic voters did last fall, President Barack Obama’s relatively narrow victory last fall would have been considerably wider, a POLITICO analysis showed.
Key swing states that Obama fought tooth and nail to win — like Florida, Colorado and Nevada — would have been comfortably in his column. And the president would have come very close to winning Arizona.
"Amnesty will hand the nation to the left on a silver platter."
If these people had been on the voting rolls in 2012 and voted along the same lines as other Hispanic voters did last fall, President Barack Obama’s relatively narrow victory last fall would have been considerably wider, a POLITICO analysis showed.
Key swing states that Obama fought tooth and nail to win — like Florida, Colorado and Nevada — would have been comfortably in his column. And the president would have come very close to winning Arizona.
Sympathy for Dzhokhar
Conservative Daily News
"In the “Sunday spin” for Washington politicians Senator Dianne Feinstein of California brought the “sympathy for Dzhokhar” out of the media and into the political realm with her statement, regarding his enemy combatant status, “I do not believe … that he is eligible for that. It would be unconstitutional to do that”. Keep in mind that this is the same senator that has been the foremost senate advocate for disregarding the Second Amendment (or second of our Bill of Rights) for all other Americans. Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.
"In the coming days watch and you will see a decided effort by many in Washington and in the media begin to regurgitate Feinstein’s orchestrated message. Within a week we will witness Chris Mathews claim that calling Dzhokhar an enemy combatant is being racist."
"In the “Sunday spin” for Washington politicians Senator Dianne Feinstein of California brought the “sympathy for Dzhokhar” out of the media and into the political realm with her statement, regarding his enemy combatant status, “I do not believe … that he is eligible for that. It would be unconstitutional to do that”. Keep in mind that this is the same senator that has been the foremost senate advocate for disregarding the Second Amendment (or second of our Bill of Rights) for all other Americans. Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.
"In the coming days watch and you will see a decided effort by many in Washington and in the media begin to regurgitate Feinstein’s orchestrated message. Within a week we will witness Chris Mathews claim that calling Dzhokhar an enemy combatant is being racist."
Monday, April 22, 2013
Putting Lipstick on the Obamacare Pig
John Fund "Even formerly enthusiastic Democrats now predict a “train wreck.” "
"The Department of Health and Human Services has just handed out a $3.1 million PR contract to improve the public image of Obamacare. Advertising Age reports that the firm Weber Shandwick will help “roll out a campaign to convince skeptical — or simply confused — Americans the Affordable Care Act is good for them and convince them to enroll in a health plan.”
"Obama officials insist the ads won’t be political, but critics recall that just before the 2010 midterm election, HHS spent $3.2 million on “educational” TV ads praising Obamacare."
"The Department of Health and Human Services has just handed out a $3.1 million PR contract to improve the public image of Obamacare. Advertising Age reports that the firm Weber Shandwick will help “roll out a campaign to convince skeptical — or simply confused — Americans the Affordable Care Act is good for them and convince them to enroll in a health plan.”
"Obama officials insist the ads won’t be political, but critics recall that just before the 2010 midterm election, HHS spent $3.2 million on “educational” TV ads praising Obamacare."
Iran and the progressives; too much alike
Nothing gets past Weasel Zippers:
Iran Channels MSNBC, Blames Boston Terror Attack On U.S. Policies…
"Odd how libs and Islamists are always on the same page… ok, maybe it’s not that odd."
" “The US government is the source of the greatest state-sponsored terrorism and America is inevitably faced with the ugly side of this phenomenon (terrorism) as well,” Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Brigadier General Seyed Massoud Jazzayeri said on Monday."
John Kerry Compares Victims Of Boston Terror Attack To Islamists Killed By Israel During Raid On Gaza Flotilla… "Speaking at Istanbul, Turkey, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry made a jarring comparison between the victims of the Boston Marathon terror bombs and terror activists from the IHH group who were killed when they attacked IDF forces aboard the Mavi Marmara in 2010.
Flashback: Biden Says Corn Syrup More Dangerous Than Terrorism…
"But hundreds of thousands of people die and their lives are shortened because of coal plants, coal-fired plants, and because of corn syrup." says Himself.
DiFi To Peter King: You Have “Real Disdain And Hatred” For Muslims…
"We’ve seen this a million times before. State the obvious when it comes to Islamic terror… get called a bigot."
Geraldo Rivera On Boston Terror Attack: “Regrets To My Muslim Brothers And Sisters”…
Iran Channels MSNBC, Blames Boston Terror Attack On U.S. Policies…
"Odd how libs and Islamists are always on the same page… ok, maybe it’s not that odd."
" “The US government is the source of the greatest state-sponsored terrorism and America is inevitably faced with the ugly side of this phenomenon (terrorism) as well,” Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Brigadier General Seyed Massoud Jazzayeri said on Monday."
John Kerry Compares Victims Of Boston Terror Attack To Islamists Killed By Israel During Raid On Gaza Flotilla… "Speaking at Istanbul, Turkey, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry made a jarring comparison between the victims of the Boston Marathon terror bombs and terror activists from the IHH group who were killed when they attacked IDF forces aboard the Mavi Marmara in 2010.
Donkey Hotey |
"But hundreds of thousands of people die and their lives are shortened because of coal plants, coal-fired plants, and because of corn syrup." says Himself.
DiFi To Peter King: You Have “Real Disdain And Hatred” For Muslims…
"We’ve seen this a million times before. State the obvious when it comes to Islamic terror… get called a bigot."
Geraldo Rivera On Boston Terror Attack: “Regrets To My Muslim Brothers And Sisters”…
PROMISES, PROMISES: Obama's IOUs Start Coming Due
ABC News "President Barack Obama paved his path to re-election with fewer promises than in 2008. The ones he did lay down, though, are meaty, legacy-shaping for him and consequential to ordinary lives today and for generations to come, for better or worse.
"They also are extraordinarily difficult to achieve in a time of gridlock grief and budgets that are tight when they are not paralyzed.
"He's promised to set a course in law against global warming, stop Iran from gaining the ability to make nuclear weapons, slash America's use of foreign oil, restrain college costs, take a big bite out of the national debt even while protecting the heart of the big entitlement programs and overhaul immigration law." Via Lucianne
"They also are extraordinarily difficult to achieve in a time of gridlock grief and budgets that are tight when they are not paralyzed.
"He's promised to set a course in law against global warming, stop Iran from gaining the ability to make nuclear weapons, slash America's use of foreign oil, restrain college costs, take a big bite out of the national debt even while protecting the heart of the big entitlement programs and overhaul immigration law." Via Lucianne
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