From 2008: “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America” "Remember, Senator Obama himself told us that words matter in his “Just Words” speech on February 19, 2008 (see the YouTube of this speech here). So are they just words Senator Obama? Fundamentally transforming? Just words? or words we should investigate and understand their meaning. Seems like you told us words matter, so we’ll go ahead and investigate these words."
In 2011, Slate called these words nothing but political "boilerplate". Still think so?
Metacafe says, "You asked for, and now you have it, the transformation of your once great Republic into a country where the State is the all powerful force that controls almost every aspect of your life from cradle to grave. In fact with their new healthcare plan they'll even hasten your entry into your grave by denying you care if they deem you not worthy of it because of your age and your lack of usefulness to the collective."