Monday, June 17, 2013

Michelle confronts a lesbian heckler; "No Need to Rewrite History, Mr. President"

RealClearPolitics  "In [White House image-maker's] telling, Barack Obama's greatness was foreshadowed by actions of almost every U.S. president since Calvin Coolidge. (Inexplicably, Gerald Ford was left out of the revisionism. One assumes it was an oversight.)  
"The word for this kind of thing is Orwellian, and it's overused in American politics today. Or, maybe not. The phrase comes from "1984," George Orwell's postwar classic. The novel is set in a frightening future controlled by a leader (Big Brother) whose power is enhanced by a pervasive cult of personality."


On the NSA: Our Disappearing President

Stephen Hayes  "At press time, even former vice president Dick Cheney was planning to strip off his waders and put down his fly rod in order to explain and support the surveillance in an appearance on Fox News Sunday. Virtually every public official with detailed knowledge of these programs has spent time over the past two weeks touting their reported successes and arguing for their continuation.
"But not Barack Obama."

House Intel Chair: Snowden ‘Betrayed His Country, and He Should Be Treated Just Like That’

Clips from Eric Bolling’s Interview with Edward Snowden’s Father  Dick "Cheney labeled Edward Snowden a traitor on Fox News Sunday yesterday. Fox commentator Eric Bolling, on the other hand, sees Edward Snowden as heroic and his viewpoint is likely the reason that Ron Snowden, Eric’s father, chose Bolling to conduct an interview about his son."
...."Ron Snowden’s father wants his son to stop leaking secrets, come home, and face what he has done."  (Video)

China: The U.S. should really explain all of this unfortunate surveillance business   "....the U.S. is indeed cyberspying on targets in both Hong Kong and China (as if both countries aren’t already perfectly well aware of the other’s activities, or something), but here it comes — complete with the usual hypocritical, “we’re just a victim here!”, thinly veiled outrageous outrage."
Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
 Snowden ‘Betrayed His Country, and He Should Be Treated Just Like That’  " “A whistleblower comes to the appropriate authorities with the appropriate classifications, so that we can investigate any possible claim,” he explain. “He didn’t do that — he grabbed up information, he made preparations to go to China.” " 

Samantha Power: The Quintessential 'Blame America First'-er

Big Peace   "The United Nations has long been a cesspool of hostility towards the United States, Israel, and freedom more generally. It is dominated by those who promote and protect our enemies’ interests, while undermining ours. Worse yet, we pay much of the UN’s budget.

"Past presidents have responded to this travesty by sending ambassadors to the UN who unapologetically challenged that agenda.....

"It is, therefore, a particularly repugnant irony that President Obama wants to entrust Dr. Kirkpatrick’s former post to Samantha Power, a woman who epitomizes the left-wing partisans President Reagan’s ambassador famously characterized as the “Blame America First crowd.” "

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Springsteen writes for the wrong generation

I love Bruce Springsteen's music and can listen to it all day, many songs making me stop to just enjoy the experience of listening to them, their refrains bouncing around in my head for hours afterward.

But then I pay attention to what the man is saying.

One song such as this is "American Land", a real stem-winder of a song that stirs the emotions and pride in American history through each verse. Until this stanza:
They died building the railroads, worked to bones and skin
They died in the fields and factories, names scattered in the wind
They died to get here a hundred years ago, they're dyin' now
The hands that built the country we're always trying to keep down
It was just not in the man to give our nation untainted praise.

There was a video some time back of Springsteen doing solo acoustic on a British street and asking people to make requests. If only someone could have said to him, "Man I love anything you do as long as you aren't trashing our country!"

The man just sees a different America and I don't know where he gets his impressions. Perhaps it is when he leaves his mega-million dollar estate through its locked gates to rub elbows with Pete Seeger, Bill Ayres, Reverends Wright and Sharpton, along with other liberal and entertainment elites.

Whomever has influenced "The Boss", the Great Depression is the America Springsteen visualizes and writes about, making him the darling of the guilt-ridden limousine liberals:
It was a good career choice because he is the darling of the left, adored in Hollywood, university campuses, liberal millionaires and the entertainment industry around the world. A musical Howard Zinn, if I may.
It would be courageous but not a good career move for Springsteen to write about the America we have seen all too often today:
Tom Joad would be disgusted
Yet here is the real story; the decline of a great nation that has always confessed its sins and worked to make them right, yet all the while being the bulwark oppressed nations rush to for comfort and protection.
Sadly, I do feel our nation and it's principles have generally been superior to those of most of her inhabitants. That was true during slavery and Jim Crow and is so now in our present culture which calls  good evil and evil good  

This twenty-first century decline of America is the stuff of songs, but there seems to be nobody capable of writing them, including Bruce Springsteen.
Bill Hayden, the Tunnel Dweller

Hillary Clinton's Legacy of Scandal; If you read nothing else, be sure to read THIS

American Thinker  "For as long as Hillary Clinton has been on the national  scene, she has left a path of destruction and wreckage in her wake that is both impressive and terrible to behold.  She is a testament to the extent of damage that can be done by one person determined to conquer everything before her in the quest for unlimited power and self-gratification.  The only prize left to her in American politics is the presidency, which she has always felt is hers by right.  Indeed, she would have attained it were it not for the upstart community organizer, a fellow admirer of Saul Alinsky, who spoke in volumes but said nothing. 

"While such determination comes at a staggering cost, we should remind ourselves that the bill is never paid by Mrs. Clinton or her equally arrogant husband."   Read more:
We should be grateful as a nation for the gift of foresight.  May it finally enlighten those who so far have proved poor excuses for sensible American citizens. Via Lucianne

Just sayin'

Four Words to Watch in the Immigration Debate

The Senate Judiciary Committee works on the immigration bill.

Heritage  "The Senate will begin debate on the Gang of Eight’s immigration proposal next week. Here are four words to watch out for as the Senators make their case—and warnings about what they might mean."
"Beware the word “comprehensive.” As Meese notes above, the amnesty of 1986 was also called a “comprehensive” approach to immigration reform. It doesn’t work, and it’s not what we need. We need a separate, step-by-step approach to immigration reform. An approach that works—that the American people can trust—would start with reforming the legal immigration system and enforcing the security measures that are supposed to be in place."

Don't get the impression that we are discontented, but...

Hat tip to Larry Criteser, Eugene, Oregon

The US as illustrated by Jerusalem Post cartoonist

Klueless Kerry
Obama's Israel visit;
 "Okay, so the crowds weren't quite as thin as depicted here--but I couldn't help making a joke about the terrible timing. (Seriously, dropping by for a state visit and snarling all the road traffic outside and within the capital at the height of holiday shopping time? Not cool.)"
Syria And The American Orchestra
So much for the world respecting us since 2008

Evolution of the American Left