Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The New American Enemies List

Note that the IRS is not interested in leaking to Democrat senators or former administration official rumors about George Soros’s income or the details of the tax returns of Warren Buffett, Steven Spielberg, or Bill Gates.

Victor Davis Hanson   "There is currently a climate of fear growing throughout the United States. Millions of Americans are terrified of the IRS, the Department of Justice, the EPA, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and even perhaps the FBI, CIA, and State Department.
"These government agencies have never been bigger, more powerful, and more ideologically driven. Citizens fear them for understandable reasons: those who do nothing wrong, whether in filing tax forms or trying to buy a rifle, are considered suspect and deserving to be the target of either federal scrutiny or presidential slurs.  But those who do a great deal of wrong, either by illegally entering the country, disrupting polling, trafficking in weapons in Mexico, eavesdropping on American citizens, pulling tax information for partisan purposes, subverting a government agency, or lying to the public about government activity, seem exempt from punishment — and, more chillingly, sense that they are so exempt."
IRS: 'Tea Party' Was Shorthand for Political  "Internal Revenue Service director of rulings and agreements Holly Paz explained that the IRS simply used “tea party” as shorthand for politically-involved groups in profiling non-profit applicants. She said that when tax agents in Cincinnati referred to tea party groups as requiring special scrutiny, they simply meant all groups with a political activity level."

Monday, June 17, 2013

In case Big Brother wants to talk to you

"Once installed, AMBER and Emergency alerts are automatically sent to your phone unless you switch them off via Settings, but you can't disable Presidential alerts."

Federal Alerts Have Invaded Your Phone  "The presidential alert is any time Obama wants to talk to you.  I remember when the federal law was passed, and it was not that long ago.  But if Obama ever wants, or any president now, ever wants to issue a presidential alert, it's thought of as very, very rare, and only in the most dire emergencies.  But that ability now exists for the president of the United States to send out emergency text messages essentially to every telephone." 

 I don't know why, but this film just came to mind

Now you know where the term "drink the Kool-Aid" comes from when referring to devoted followers.

Students will learn anti-Israel tactics at Quaker-subsidized camp

Alana Goodman  "Anti-Israel college students will trek to a scenic campsite in upstate New York this summer to learn how to launch campus boycotts against the Jewish state at a program subsidized and run by one of America’s largest
Quaker faith groups.
“It doesn’t help a single Palestinian. It doesn’t improve the quality of life for Palestinians. It is simply anti-Israel,” the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Abraham Cooper told the Washington Free Beacon. “Unfortunately, the community of the people associated with this particular church have embraced [the BDS campaign] completely, so much so that they are using up whatever moral capital they have to do training for an immoral, hypocritical, and anti-Semitic undertaking.”
Via Allyson Christie at Allyson’s Geo-Political Inspections, focusing on Israel, The West and Political Islam

A Letter to the Quakers  ...."The massacre of this harmless family, all residents of one of the settlements you so despise, is only the latest in a long line of atrocities that have been carried out against Israeli civilians. Palestinian terrorist attacks have no excuse, yet I have never seen a supporter of the Palestinians march or protest against the very great evil they represent."
By Teresa Parker in A Liberal Defence of Israel

Moonbat Icon Barbra Streisand In Israel: Slams Jewish State’s Treatment Of Women… Says Nothing About Severe Repression Of Women In The Islamic World…
"Slamming Israel for its treatment of women while in the Middle East, doesn’t get any more hypocritical than that."

Meanwhile the Russians support Palestine on "moral grounds"   "One does not really need to support the people who not only kill their enemies, but open up their bodies, eat their intestines in front of the public and cameras,"  says Putin. (He's referring to this)

Muslim Persecution of Christians: March, 2013

Raymond Ibrahim  "The Islamic jihad against Christians in Nigeria is proving to be the most barbaric.  A new report states that 70% of Christians killed 41 people were killed in a suicide bomb attack at a bus station in a predominantly Christian neighborhood.  According to the Christian Association of Nigeria, these attacks “were a signpost of the intended extermination of Christians and Christianity from northern Nigeria.” "
around the world in 2012 were killed in the African nation.  Among some of the atrocities committed in March alone, at least

SHAME ON ABC! They can’t find any Americans with justifiable anti-Muslim sentiment to report on so they use actors to play redneck ‘Islamophobes’ 

"Inside a deli they have an actor pretending to be an anti-Muslim bigot berating and insulting an oh-so-innocent sounding Muslim clerk to see what the reactions of other people in the store would be. They even use an actor dressed up like an American soldier to stick up for the Muslim clerk."

Nigerian Jihadist Group Boko Haram Attacks Four Churches, Slit Throat Of Pastor After He Refuses To Convert To Islam… " He said: “as the gunmen threw some explosives at our church, they forced the retired Reverend to renounce Christianity and be converted to Islam, but Rev. Jacob defied the gunmen’s threats of being killed, as he insisted on being a Christian among his people on the hills of Hwa’a. They slit his throat with sharp objects; and we started to flee for safety, as we don’t know the next targets of these gunmen.” "

Taught to Be Evil

Hoover Institution Stanford University  "What we teach children can be a matter of life and death. Two pioneers of education confronted the power of indoctrination."
"Kandel and Brickman had much in common. Both were historians, identified 

strongly as Jews, and generated ideas on education that were shaped by firsthand experiences with international conflict, revolution, and discrimination. As prolific scholars, they advanced many of comparative education’s most important topics: how schools indoctrinate children, build national identities, strengthen or weaken democracy, and reduce or exacerbate ethnic and racial cleavages and gender and social class inequalities."  By Erwin H. Epstein.
Brickman (photo)saw the effects of Nazism first-hand. Drafted in 1943, he spent part of his military service behind enemy lines in Germany—where he donned an SS uniform and served as a spy for the OSS, the forerunner of the CIA.

Via Victor Davis Hanson

We Have a Guaranteed Freedom of Nothing!

Terrorism of this sort will not be tolerated
Conservative Daily News  "The new rules being put in place by the administration would require soldiers to keep Bibles out of plain view. If soldiers are sitting on their bunks discussing the Bible, God, or Jesus and a non-believing soldier walks in and is offended they have to stop! Chaplains performing services can’t use the name of Jesus even if the family asks."
• The Air Force censored a video created by a chaplain because it included the word “God.” The Air Force feared the word might
offend Muslims and atheists.
• A service member received a “severe and possibly career-ending reprimand” for expressing his faith’s religious position
about homosexuality in a personal religious blog.
• A senior military official at Fort Campbell sent out a lengthy email officially instructing officers to recognize “the religious right in America”  as a “domestic hate group” akin to the KKK and Neo-Nazis because of its opposition to homosexual behavior.
• A chaplain was relieved of his command over a military chapel because, consistent with DOMA’s definition of marriage, he
could not allow same-sex weddings to take place in the chapel
Mikey Weinstein, founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation a Pentagon consultant under Obama:  
“Today, we face incredibly well-funded gangs of fundamentalist Christian monsters who terrorize their fellow Americans by forcing their weaponized and twisted version of Christianity upon their helpless subordinates in our nation’s armed forces' .
...."And the Obama administration is sitting down to talk with this man to craft new policies for “religious tolerance” in our military."
Intolerant bigot

Michelle confronts a lesbian heckler; "No Need to Rewrite History, Mr. President"

RealClearPolitics  "In [White House image-maker's] telling, Barack Obama's greatness was foreshadowed by actions of almost every U.S. president since Calvin Coolidge. (Inexplicably, Gerald Ford was left out of the revisionism. One assumes it was an oversight.)  
"The word for this kind of thing is Orwellian, and it's overused in American politics today. Or, maybe not. The phrase comes from "1984," George Orwell's postwar classic. The novel is set in a frightening future controlled by a leader (Big Brother) whose power is enhanced by a pervasive cult of personality."


On the NSA: Our Disappearing President

Stephen Hayes  "At press time, even former vice president Dick Cheney was planning to strip off his waders and put down his fly rod in order to explain and support the surveillance in an appearance on Fox News Sunday. Virtually every public official with detailed knowledge of these programs has spent time over the past two weeks touting their reported successes and arguing for their continuation.
"But not Barack Obama."

House Intel Chair: Snowden ‘Betrayed His Country, and He Should Be Treated Just Like That’

Clips from Eric Bolling’s Interview with Edward Snowden’s Father  Dick "Cheney labeled Edward Snowden a traitor on Fox News Sunday yesterday. Fox commentator Eric Bolling, on the other hand, sees Edward Snowden as heroic and his viewpoint is likely the reason that Ron Snowden, Eric’s father, chose Bolling to conduct an interview about his son."
...."Ron Snowden’s father wants his son to stop leaking secrets, come home, and face what he has done."  (Video)

China: The U.S. should really explain all of this unfortunate surveillance business   "....the U.S. is indeed cyberspying on targets in both Hong Kong and China (as if both countries aren’t already perfectly well aware of the other’s activities, or something), but here it comes — complete with the usual hypocritical, “we’re just a victim here!”, thinly veiled outrageous outrage."
Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
 Snowden ‘Betrayed His Country, and He Should Be Treated Just Like That’  " “A whistleblower comes to the appropriate authorities with the appropriate classifications, so that we can investigate any possible claim,” he explain. “He didn’t do that — he grabbed up information, he made preparations to go to China.” " 

Samantha Power: The Quintessential 'Blame America First'-er

Big Peace   "The United Nations has long been a cesspool of hostility towards the United States, Israel, and freedom more generally. It is dominated by those who promote and protect our enemies’ interests, while undermining ours. Worse yet, we pay much of the UN’s budget.

"Past presidents have responded to this travesty by sending ambassadors to the UN who unapologetically challenged that agenda.....

"It is, therefore, a particularly repugnant irony that President Obama wants to entrust Dr. Kirkpatrick’s former post to Samantha Power, a woman who epitomizes the left-wing partisans President Reagan’s ambassador famously characterized as the “Blame America First crowd.” "

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Springsteen writes for the wrong generation

I love Bruce Springsteen's music and can listen to it all day, many songs making me stop to just enjoy the experience of listening to them, their refrains bouncing around in my head for hours afterward.

But then I pay attention to what the man is saying.

One song such as this is "American Land", a real stem-winder of a song that stirs the emotions and pride in American history through each verse. Until this stanza:
They died building the railroads, worked to bones and skin
They died in the fields and factories, names scattered in the wind
They died to get here a hundred years ago, they're dyin' now
The hands that built the country we're always trying to keep down
It was just not in the man to give our nation untainted praise.

There was a video some time back of Springsteen doing solo acoustic on a British street and asking people to make requests. If only someone could have said to him, "Man I love anything you do as long as you aren't trashing our country!"

The man just sees a different America and I don't know where he gets his impressions. Perhaps it is when he leaves his mega-million dollar estate through its locked gates to rub elbows with Pete Seeger, Bill Ayres, Reverends Wright and Sharpton, along with other liberal and entertainment elites.

Whomever has influenced "The Boss", the Great Depression is the America Springsteen visualizes and writes about, making him the darling of the guilt-ridden limousine liberals:
It was a good career choice because he is the darling of the left, adored in Hollywood, university campuses, liberal millionaires and the entertainment industry around the world. A musical Howard Zinn, if I may.
It would be courageous but not a good career move for Springsteen to write about the America we have seen all too often today:
Tom Joad would be disgusted
Yet here is the real story; the decline of a great nation that has always confessed its sins and worked to make them right, yet all the while being the bulwark oppressed nations rush to for comfort and protection.
Sadly, I do feel our nation and it's principles have generally been superior to those of most of her inhabitants. That was true during slavery and Jim Crow and is so now in our present culture which calls  good evil and evil good  

This twenty-first century decline of America is the stuff of songs, but there seems to be nobody capable of writing them, including Bruce Springsteen.
Bill Hayden, the Tunnel Dweller