Salon "When people hold their breath for your imminent words, isn’t it exasperating when you open your mouth, but don’t say much?
"Finally the president has spoken about George Zimmerman’s acquittal. Even as the country waited for his singular response – the nation’s leader and a law professor who once looked like Trayvon Martin – the president danced around the issues. And what a dramatic anti-climax, listening to the president refuse to say anything insightful or profound about the acquittal. In signature professorial style, the president gave us the “context” to the episode and to black people’s “pain.” But he didn’t offer a meaningful opinion on the episode’s hot molten core: racial profiling, vigilantism, and “Stand Your Ground” laws."
So he didn't say much one way or the other? How about the fact that he didn't try to tamp down the riot threats and the black bigotry that tears this nation apart? Via Lucianne.
Video: Dr. Ben Carson: 'Racial Profiling Not the Real Threat to Young Black Men' "Race relations in the wake of George Zimmerman´s acquittal has become a contested topic in the United States, with even President Obama weighing in on racial profiling. Dr. Ben Carson and Rep. Donna Edwards (D-MD) continued the discussion of race on Fox News Sunday. Rep. Edwards believes it was appropriate for the president to speak about race as it relates to this case. “When I talk to my son who’s 24 and to his peers, what they say is that the president gave them their voice for their experiences.” "
If this means anything to you, Bill Maher called Dr. Carson a "drooling idiot"
"Finally the president has spoken about George Zimmerman’s acquittal. Even as the country waited for his singular response – the nation’s leader and a law professor who once looked like Trayvon Martin – the president danced around the issues. And what a dramatic anti-climax, listening to the president refuse to say anything insightful or profound about the acquittal. In signature professorial style, the president gave us the “context” to the episode and to black people’s “pain.” But he didn’t offer a meaningful opinion on the episode’s hot molten core: racial profiling, vigilantism, and “Stand Your Ground” laws."
So he didn't say much one way or the other? How about the fact that he didn't try to tamp down the riot threats and the black bigotry that tears this nation apart? Via Lucianne.
Video: Dr. Ben Carson: 'Racial Profiling Not the Real Threat to Young Black Men' "Race relations in the wake of George Zimmerman´s acquittal has become a contested topic in the United States, with even President Obama weighing in on racial profiling. Dr. Ben Carson and Rep. Donna Edwards (D-MD) continued the discussion of race on Fox News Sunday. Rep. Edwards believes it was appropriate for the president to speak about race as it relates to this case. “When I talk to my son who’s 24 and to his peers, what they say is that the president gave them their voice for their experiences.” "
If this means anything to you, Bill Maher called Dr. Carson a "drooling idiot"