Sunday, July 28, 2013

Meet Glen Doherty, Hero, Killed In Benghazi. His Death Is Not A “Phony Scandal”, It Is A Crime

Weasel Zippers  "Thank you to Glen’s mother for allowing this footage of her son to be seen, so we could know him as more than a name.
"His smile and infectious nature draw you in; to know that this man was left to die is almost incomprehensible." 

Obama’s doomed attempt to save his legacy/ The White House adopts a strategy of deception by distraction

From Lucianne: Emily Miller's excellent look at Obama's "sad attempt
to save his legacy" took the day.

Political Cartoons by Chip Bok
Emily Miller  "President Obama’s approval ratings are falling faster than skydiver Felix Baumgartner during his record-setting jump from outer space.

"In a desperate move to salvage his second term, Mr. Obama threw out his top liberal agenda items — immigration, gun control and race relations — and pivoted to the economy. The problem is that the only one to blame for the five-year malaise is the current resident of the Oval Office." Via Lucianne

Are media buying into ‘phony scandal’ claim?

Fox News

"Becky Gerritson, a Tea Party activist whose group was stalled by the IRS and who testified about it on Capitol Hill, took umbrage at the administration's "phony scandal" line.
" "I think it's like the captain of the Titanic calling the icebergs phony," she said. " "I think the only phony thing going on is the narrative that the White House is trying to push off on the American people." "


Saturday, July 27, 2013

Grievance, Inc. 7/27/13

"EW and TMZ both cite sources claiming that Corey Clark (Season 2, pictured), Jaered Andrews (Season 2), Jacob John Smalley (Season 2), Donnie Williams (Season 3), Terrell Brittenum (Season 5), Derrell Brittenum (Season 5), Thomas Daniels (Season 6), Akron Watson (Season 6), Ju’Not Joyner (Season 8), and Chris Golightly (Season 9) are part of a lawsuit that claims that were mistreated while on the show and unfairly disqualified from the competition, mainly due to their race."
....The letter cited ”cruel and inhumane” treatment....
""You have a certain entitlement as a white person that people of color don’t have. You don’t see that? You’re filtering through a place of privilege that you don’t understand. Your privilege does not allow you to see certain biases and certain circumstances in society.""
 " “We need a real conversation about race in this country, not the same old right-wing divide and conquer garbage,” Sharpton said. “Bill O’Reilly, the Willie Horton stuff has got to go.” "
 "A terrorist petitioning an American hating organization. Oh, that will go over well."

Jesse Jackson: Boycott Florida Over 'Stand Your Ground'  ""We can boycott Florida, cut conventions in Florida, for its 'stand your ground' laws," said Jackson, speaking on a panel at the National Urban League's annual conference in Philadelphia. "If we can boycott South Africa and bring it down, we should boycott Florida and bring it down." "

Fort Hood suspect to Fox: US at war with Islam

Juror B29 and Zimmerman Revisionism

Powerline Blog  "One of the George Zimmerman jurors, identified as Juror B29, gave an interview to ABC News on Thursday that some news outlets treated as a blockbuster. The juror, whose first name is Maddy,... was quoted as saying that Zimmerman “got away with murder.” (Some observers said that if you watch the unedited footage of the interview, which is available online, the suggestion that Zimmerman got away with murder was offered by one of the ABC interviewers and repeated by the former juror.) She also said that “in our hearts we felt he was guilty.” At the same time, Juror B29 said that the evidence just wasn’t there to convict, and she believed the prosecution never should have been brought. Then again, despite that admitted lack of evidence, Maddy told the interviewers that she was the one who held out for a second degree murder conviction–despite the lack of substantial evidence, apparently.

Obama: Ho Chi Minh 'Inspired' by the Declaration, Jefferson; Press Coverage Is Superficial, Hostile Towards 'Right-Wingers'

Newsbusters "At the White House on Thursday, President Obama let his radical leftist slip show when he accepted a 67 year-old letter from from Ho Chi Minh to U.S. President Harry Truman given to him by Vietnam's current president Truong Tan Sang and spoke of the letter's contents: "... we discussed the fact that Ho Chi Minh was actually inspired by the U.S. Declaration of Independence and Constitution, and the words of Thomas Jefferson. Ho Chi Minh talks about his interest in cooperation with the United States. And President Sang indicated that even if it's 67 years later, it's good that we're still making progress.""
Obama would like to inform you Ho Chi Minh was totally inspired by Thomas Jefferson
Nevertheless, was it really necessary tacitcly to praise a man who killed approximately half-a-million people in an effort to consolidate his power, or to concede ideological similarities between the founding of the United States and modern Vietnam? In Sang’s translated remarks, the Vietnamese president doesn’t mention Minh at all and doesn’t hint at any remorse over his actions. Instead, he noted that he and Obama ”touched upon the war legacy issue, including human rights” and that the two “still have differences on issue.”
Obama says mass murderer Ho Chi Minh was inspired by Jefferson    "This kind of tone deafness by Obama, quoting Ho as if the monster actually admired much of anything about the US and wasn't just sucking up to Truman in his letter, shows the president to be the radical that anyone with an ounce of brains has known since he announced for president. To speak admiringly of such a man as Ho Chi Minh reveals a blindness about history that we've come to expect from Obama."

Move over Jane Fonda, President Barack Obama has all but toppled you from that iconic anti-aircraft gun perch as as America’s top Communist Viet Nam booster

Reflections from a Lonely Rooftop in Benghazi

Political Cartoons by Chip Bok
Chip Jones   "As the story unfolds about the heroism of the diplomatic security officer (Conservative Reports Online has declined using his name out of respect for his safety) who was gravely wounded and lost a leg in the second wave of fighting in the debacle now simply called “Benghazi”, the general public deserves to know the experience of this man and his colleagues Glen Dougherty and Tyrone Woods.
"But to totally appreciate what this unnamed ARSO (Assistant Regional Security Officer) endured on that lonely rooftop, so far from home, let’s look back at what he had done just before, starting after supper at the CIA Compound just down the street."....
And all the while those men were rushing upstairs, into the possible teeth of death, to honor their commitment to their brethren, the President  of the United States climbed stairs as well….off to go to bed….

And there were our men, left stranded on a lonely rooftop in Benghazi…..

Friday, July 26, 2013

Krauthammer: Stein’s Law

Charles Krauthammer  "If there’s an iron rule in economics, it is Stein’s Law (named after Herb, former chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers): “If something cannot go on forever, it will stop.”

"Detroit, for example, can no longer go on borrowing, spending, raising taxes and dangerously cutting such essential services as street lighting and police protection. So it stops. It goes bust.

"Cause of death? Corruption, both legal and illegal, plus a classic case of reactionary liberalism in which the governing Democrats — there’s been no Republican mayor in half a century — simply refused to adapt to the straitened economic circumstances that followed the post-World War II auto boom."....
 Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler

President Obama ran against cynicism — and defined his presidency by it.

Jonah Goldberg  "Even now, the Cynic-in-Chief admits that his “highest priority” is neither economic growth nor job creation but reducing income inequality. In fairness, he says he wants to reduce inequality through something called “middle-out” economic growth by taxing the wealthy (again). But my hunch is that the highest priority for those without work is . . . work. While the president’s highest priority is to exploit resentments."
Michael Barone: “Pivot to the economy” may be a useful catch phrase, but Obama has few serious policy recommendations.   
"We have a president who loves to give campaign speeches to adoring crowds, but who doesn’t seem to have much interest in governing.

"That was apparent Wednesday, when Barack Obama delivered the first of several promised “pivot to the economy” speeches at Knox College in Galesburg, Ill., where he spoke eight years ago as a newly elected U.S. senator."
Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler


Vimeo   "Documentation, chapters, and videos at:

"Traces the history of PLO/Fatah, now better known as the 'Palestinian Authority,' the organization that will govern a future Palestinian State. The video shows how PLO/Fatah emerged from the German Nazi Final Solution. Hajj Amin al Husseini, father of the Palestinian Movement, creator of Fatah, and mentor to Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas, was co-director with Adolf Eichmann of the death camp system that exterminated between 5 and 6 million European Jews in WWII."


Alan Caruba; What "Phony" Scandals is Obama Talking About?

Warning Signs
"It is absolutely astonishing that Obama could refer to “phony scandals” when the list of genuine scandals keeps growing. Despite the best efforts of the mainstream media to deflect attention from them, they have become a constant factor from Obama’s first term to his second. To dismiss them as “phony” is a display of arrogance that is breathtaking."....

The Democrats just can’t seem to take America’s side

PowerLine  "Let’s see. The current Democratic standard-bearer (and U.S. president) believes that Ho Chi Minh was inspired by America’s founding fathers and, apparently, that Harry Truman should have cooperated with the mass murdering Vietnamese Communist.
"The previous Democratic standard-bearer, John Kerry, considered the U.S. troops who fought against Ho Chi Minh’s forces to be like “the Army of Genghis Khan.” Kerry is now the U.S. Secretary of State.
"It almost makes you nostalgic for the days when the Democratic standard bearer was merely a war-hating draft dodger."....