Saturday, July 27, 2013

Reflections from a Lonely Rooftop in Benghazi

Political Cartoons by Chip Bok
Chip Jones   "As the story unfolds about the heroism of the diplomatic security officer (Conservative Reports Online has declined using his name out of respect for his safety) who was gravely wounded and lost a leg in the second wave of fighting in the debacle now simply called “Benghazi”, the general public deserves to know the experience of this man and his colleagues Glen Dougherty and Tyrone Woods.
"But to totally appreciate what this unnamed ARSO (Assistant Regional Security Officer) endured on that lonely rooftop, so far from home, let’s look back at what he had done just before, starting after supper at the CIA Compound just down the street."....
And all the while those men were rushing upstairs, into the possible teeth of death, to honor their commitment to their brethren, the President  of the United States climbed stairs as well….off to go to bed….

And there were our men, left stranded on a lonely rooftop in Benghazi…..

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