Monday, September 16, 2013

Alan Caruba; My Cold War and Now Yours

Warning Signs
"The historian, John Lewis Gaddis, author of “The Cold War”, noted that “By the end of the Cold War, there was little left to hope for from communism, and nothing left to fear.” Now it’s America’s turn to be governed by a president other nations do not fear and who is increasingly mocked by bad actors throughout the world."
 "Mentored in his youth in Hawaii by Frank Marshall Davis, a card-carrying member of the Communist Party USA, it doesn’t take a Ph.D. to figure out why Barack Obama has brought this to pass. When that is combined with his raging narcissism, pathological lying, and incompetence, you can begin to understand the events surrounding the Syrian crisis."
"The events leading up to Putin’s editorial were the most glaring example of President Obama’s manifest lack of fitness for the job. Unfortunately, the only means of recall is impeachment and a sharply divided nation is not going to go there. We have forty more months of Obama’s destruction of America’s economy and reputation."  Full article.

That NY Times Putin column: What Putin Has to Say to Americans About Syria

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Russia eats America's lunch

Putin bothered

Humiliated by Putin   " "Putin openly despises your president," Russian political analyst Andrei A. Piontovsky told The New York Times. So why would he help Mr. Obama out of a jam?
"The Russian leader was following sage advice offered by a Chinese general 2,500 years ago.
" "Do not press a desperate foe too hard," advises Sun Tzu in "The Art of War." "Build your opponent a golden bridge to retreat across." If you know your enemy and you know yourself, you'll win all your battles, Sun Tzu said."
The import of all this and something few Obama voters- I'm sure- have not the wisdom to comprehend:
"Mr. Putin has been handed "the most spectacular public relations victory imaginable," said British journalist Janet Daley.
"Russia has been shut out of the Middle East ever since Egypt switched sides after the 1973 Arab-Israeli war.
"Now Mr. Putin is viewed as the strong horse. Our allies in the region are frustrated and fearful."

Obama's successor can speak truthfully of the mess they inherited from this  administration.
Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail
; Obama Lost More than Style Points in Syria
"By demonstrating his lack of will to act on what he has rightly labeled a human-rights catastrophe, President Obama has not only secured the Russian base in Syria; he has sent the region a signal that the U.S. is a paper tiger.'

And I feel that is just fine with the American left. We get the government we deserve.

PowerLine; ‘Twas a famous victory  "According to Obama, ’twas a famous victory. There is something chilling about Obama’s performance in the interview below with George Stephanopoulos."

What Syrian Rebels Think of Obama  "AFP went to Aleppo to get the views of Syrian rebels on the Obama-Putin deal. Not surprisingly, the rebels are angry:"
“America told the world it would bomb Syria and then, when the time came, it got scared,”.... 
....“Obama has shown himself not to be a man of honour, without anything to say.” …
 "A man standing nearby, interjected: “Obama is a liar. He won’t keep his word. He said he would attack if Assad used chemical weapons against the civilian population. What more does he need to intervene and put an end to this slaughter.”"
Putin's Foreign Minister claims Russia can veto future U.S. strike in Syria

Mark Steyn; American Ineffectualism "Every American ally is cringing with embarrassment at the amateurishness of the last month. "
...."This is what happens when you elect someone because he looks cool standing next to Jay-Z."...

The 'ShamWow Guy' cleans up his act

NBC News  ""The ShamWow guy," Vince Offer, has returned after a sex scandal to clean up his act with a new product, "InVinceable." It isn't just a six-in-one kitchen cleaner, though. It's a comeback.
"Four years after getting into a slugfest with an alleged prostitute — an incident that spawned a cringe-worthy mug shot and headlines like "ShamWow Guy Beats Up Cannibal Hooker" — the infomercial pitchman who became famous as an irreverent version of Billy Mays is launching a new product that’s supposed to scrub persistent stains. Offer says the black mark on his name after the hooker incident had a silver lining.

Remember his Schticky commercial? 

Jesse Lee Peterson; Blacks have lost moral authority on civil rights

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson   Most blacks have lost the moral authority to claim the mantle of civil rights because they refuse to stand for what is right.
As an example, the 50th anniversary commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s historic march and speech looked like a Ku Klux Klan rally!
  "We now have a full-fledged racist, socialist president in the White House. Obama is no different than Jeremiah Wright Jr., Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton – he’s just more polished and better at hiding who he is.

"Throughout American history, whites have played a significant role in helping blacks secure freedom and equality. We can no longer relinquish the civil rights mantle to liberal racist blacks. It’s time to take back our country and confront black racism head on, but it will take both whites and freethinking blacks, standing together once again, to get it done."

Actor James Woods; “Obama: the gift from hell that keeps on giving.”

WND  "Even Hollywood gets it right sometimes. Actor James Woods
sounded an alarm heard ’round the world by tweeting: “Obama: the gift from hell that keeps on giving.”
"These nine words make for a good billboard, don’t they?
"No truer words have been written about this faux president, disturbingly demoniacal, who deserves a lengthy entry in “Malleus Maleficarum” – as does George W. Bush and his diabolical gang*."  Kipp C.

 * The latter phrase TD takes great issue with. Enemies did not laugh at America because of President Bush, but because of those who ridiculed and thwarted him. TD

Suspected death toll rises from Colorado floods as nearly 500 unaccounted for

Why the Tunnel Wall hasn't been posting much lately; there has been no internet access close by our location near Fort Collins.

Rescue personnel search for flood victims near
Fort Collins, Colorado, on September 13.
Colorado braces for more heavy rain, devastating floods
 "Meanwhile, President Barack Obama signed a disaster declaration and ordered federal aid for Colorado. The White House said in a statement Saturday night that the action makes federal funding available to affected individuals in Boulder County. The government said that other counties could be added later."

World Net Daily; Colorado floods unleash Bible prophecy – again!
"Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper became the latest U.S. official to utter the words familiar to readers of the bestselling book, “The Harbinger,” and the bestselling faith movie, “The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment,” following a man-made or natural disaster."

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Tunnel Wall has limited internet access

TD is near Fort Collins, CO and the internet has been down for going on three days, the only access being a McDonalds in Wellington, CO.
Please keep checking in every day because we hope to make up for lost time as soon  as practicable. TD

Managing Our Expectations: What We Can and Can’t Learn from Innovations in Teacher Quality in Other Countries

American Enterprise Institute  "International comparisons are prevalent in the education reform debate, but this work often concentrates on celebrating culture-building in countries such as Finland and Singapore and encourages the replication in America of overseas models. This paper takes a distinctly different approach to investigating talent management practices internationally by examining practices in a wider range of countries such as China, The Netherlands, and Norway, among others, with a focus on how they are seeding, implementing, and evaluating their interventions. These case studies will seek to broaden our thinking about how innovation within America’s recruiting, training, hiring, evaluating, and teacher compensation systems can be encouraged."

Friday, September 13, 2013

Global Warming junk science and it's offspring

And now it's global COOLING! Record return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 60% in a year

"Some eminent scientists now believe the world is heading for a period of cooling that will not end until the middle of this century – a process that would expose computer forecasts of imminent catastrophic warming as dangerously misleading."
"Some eminent scientists now believe the world is heading for a period of cooling that will not end until the middle of this century – a process that would expose computer forecasts of imminent catastrophic warming as dangerously misleading."

Alan Caruba; The Ethanol Debacle
"All this waste and stupidity comes from three decades of lies about global warming and the supposed need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The President continues to lie about global warming/climate change despite the fact that Earth has entered its seventeenth year of a cooling cycle. "

The Unintended Consequences of Liberal Social Engineering

Wall Street Journal subscriber article; Washington's 'Fair Housing' Assault on Local Zoning  "Our experience in Westchester shows what the country can expect from a new federal discrimination rule."
Thomas Sowell on Unintended Consequences   "Quite aside from the question of whose values and habits may be better is the question of the effects of people living cheek by jowl with other people who put very different values on noise, politeness, education and other things that make for good or bad relations between neighbors. People with children to protect are especially concerned about who lives next door or down the street.
"But such mundane matters often get brushed aside by ideological crusaders out to change the world to fit their own vision."

Rush Limbaugh  "...Okay, let's fast forward to today.  Social engineering is on the verge of being imposed on entire neighborhoods, adults and children alike.  I want to read a little paragraph here from a document about the Department of Housing and Urban Development, HUD.  "The agency wants the power to dismantle local zoning so communities have what it considers the right mix of economic, racial and ethnic diversity. A finding of discriminatory behavior, or allegations of discrimination, would no longer be necessary.

".... HUD wants to be able to force people to move into certain neighborhoods so that there is racial, economic, and ethnic diversity in the neighborhood, not just bus kids to schools.  This is that times 10.  What this is, is nationalizing neighborhoods."

Obama's Plan to Eliminate Suburbs

Thursday, September 12, 2013

The fruits of epic incompetence

Charles Krauthammer  "Take at face value Obama’s claim of authorship. Then why isn’t he taking ownership? Why isn’t he calling it the “U.S. proposal” and defining it? Why not issue a U.S. plan containing the precise demands, detailed timeline and threat of action should these conditions fail to be met?"
"On Thursday, Assad repeated that demand, warning that without an American pledge not to attack and not to arm the rebels, his government would agree to nothing.
"This would abolish the very possibility of America tilting the order of battle in a Syrian war that Assad is now winning thanks to Russian arms, Iranian advisers and Lebanese Hezbollah shock troops. Putin thus assures the survival of his Syrian client and the continued ascendancy of the anti-Western Iranian bloc.

"And what does America get? Obama saves face."

Don't complain about Vladimir Putin's gloating. Our craven behaviour has left him in charge   "Because while Barack Obama's handling of the Syrian crisis has been startlingly inept, the fact is that Congress, by making clear it would not support him and cutting the President's legs off when he asked for backing, has created a world in which Vladimir Putin gets to run the show."
Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

National Review Commentaries on Obama and Syria

In reading these columns by the esteemed people at National Review Online, we are struck by the common thread that this president and his counselors are, to a person, unqualified to run our nation's affairs.
While this material is a condemnation of the Obama administration's amateurism, it highlights the silliness of the American electorate. That and of the cultural rot that led to our selecting this petulant juvenile celebrity as our trophy president. TD

John Podhoretz; Feckless Obama embarrasses the nation
'Thanks to Pres. Obama’s strength,” tweeted House Democratic honcho Nancy Pelosi, “we have a Russian proposal.” The Washington Post’s Ezra Klein tweeted, “Kind of amazed I’m saying this, but the White House may really be about to win on Syria.”
"Ah, yes, winning. Which is to say, being humiliated, acting weak, behaving in vacillatory fashion, making a mockery of your office, destroying your country’s credibility, making your own words look desperately foolish, and ceding foreign policy to the Machiavellian machinations of a gangster regime in Moscow."
 NRO Editors; Amateur Hour
...."This deal is the immediate, concrete expression of that loss, with Putin elevated, Assad more secure, and Obama humiliated."
...."American power is a fearsome thing. But the American presidency at the moment, occupied by a rank amateur, is not."
Political Cartoons by Chip Bok
Victor Davis Hanson; Obama’s Farce
"No one currently in charge of U.S. foreign policy has any record of foreign-policy success. Those who might have offered wise counsel either are dead, have left the administration, or do not exercise authority — Crocker, Eikenberry, Gates, Holbrooke, Mattis, Petraeus."
Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy
Daniel Pipes; Forget Syria, Target Iran
"In this light, I recommend that Congress reject the sideshow proffered by the administration and instead pass a resolution endorsing and encouraging force against the Iranian nuclear infrastructure."

Rich Lowry; Unbelievably Small and Incredibly Unpersuasive
"If he’s not already, the president may soon wonder why, with the Syria vote, he built a pyre, threw his presidency on it, and asked Congress to decide whether to light a match. Considering the gravity of the possible defeat before him, any escape hatch can look attractive, even one provided by his secretary of state’s careless words."
Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail