Sunday, September 15, 2013

Jesse Lee Peterson; Blacks have lost moral authority on civil rights

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson   Most blacks have lost the moral authority to claim the mantle of civil rights because they refuse to stand for what is right.
As an example, the 50th anniversary commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s historic march and speech looked like a Ku Klux Klan rally!
  "We now have a full-fledged racist, socialist president in the White House. Obama is no different than Jeremiah Wright Jr., Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton – he’s just more polished and better at hiding who he is.

"Throughout American history, whites have played a significant role in helping blacks secure freedom and equality. We can no longer relinquish the civil rights mantle to liberal racist blacks. It’s time to take back our country and confront black racism head on, but it will take both whites and freethinking blacks, standing together once again, to get it done."

1 comment:

Gibby said...

“Fallen Messiah”, "full-fledged racist, socialist president in the White House,"
haw haw, those are real knee-slappers there. I'm so glad that the blacks have a new
spokesman in Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson to remind them that they're worse off now than
they were during slavery. I know that Tiger Woods, Oprah Winfrey and Bill Cosby are
all completely inconsolable over the lost opportunity to work at some cotton mill or
on a sugar plantation for fifteen hours a day. Maybe now those nostalgic days of slavery
can be celebrated properly by freethinking blacks the way we celebrate 1950's drive-in
movies or 60's British Invasion music.