Weasel Zippers
"Someone got assaulted somewhere in a woodshed.
"Via ConsumerReports:"....
Obamacare opponents have misrepresented Consumer Reports' position
"Someone got assaulted somewhere in a woodshed.
"Via ConsumerReports:"....
Obamacare opponents have misrepresented Consumer Reports' position
"Pundits opposed to the new health care law and some media outlets have tried to suggest that our coverage of the troubled HealthCare.gov site means that Consumer Reports has turned against the Affordable Care Act.
"Not true. Consistent with our mission to inform and protect consumers, particularly in this complicated health care market, our advice remains the same: The best place to buy coverage on your own is through the Health Insurance Marketplace in your state. That guarantees you will get comprehensive coverage, and it's the only way you can lower the cost of your premiums and possibly even your deductibles and copayments."....commented:
"Don't forget the light bulb fiasco......a few years back, Consumer Reports backed those morons in Congress and pimped for the curly fluorescent bulbs. Both ideas were stupid and it only accomplished running every single light bulb manufacturer from the US to China, Mexico, and other nether regions."