Fox News "New U.S. ambassador to the UN Samantha Power didn't waste her diplomatic skills on Vietnam veterans at a New York speech, praising actress Jane Fonda for "being outspoken on behalf" of her convictions."
"But Vietnam veterans have long held a less charitable view of the Oscar-winning actress, who in her younger days took her anti-war activism to North Vietnam, where she posed with Viet Cong soldiers at a missile battery and earned the derisive nickname "Hanoi Jane." The now-75-year-old actress has since apologized for what she told Oprah Winfrey was an "unforgivable mistake" made in 1972. Fonda told Winfrey she was taken to a North Vietnam military site during the last day of her visit, despite her objections."
"Joe Kristek, a 69-year-old former Army sergeant ... said Fonda "collaborated with the enemy." Kristek repeated an old allegation that Fonda took notes from American POWs and, instead of passing them on to their families, instead turned them over to their captors. Fonda has said she did meet with POWs, but denies turning over their messages."
Jane Fonda Supported the Enemy in Vietnam and Her Conduct Got American POW's Killed-Truth! and Fiction! There is no dispute that her visit took place and that her words and actions were in support of the enemy. This particular email includes three stories, two of which have been denied by the POWs who are named, and one of which has been confirmed as true by the source, although he was not named in the email.
"But Vietnam veterans have long held a less charitable view of the Oscar-winning actress, who in her younger days took her anti-war activism to North Vietnam, where she posed with Viet Cong soldiers at a missile battery and earned the derisive nickname "Hanoi Jane." The now-75-year-old actress has since apologized for what she told Oprah Winfrey was an "unforgivable mistake" made in 1972. Fonda told Winfrey she was taken to a North Vietnam military site during the last day of her visit, despite her objections."
Fonda and another Obama diplomat |
Jane Fonda Supported the Enemy in Vietnam and Her Conduct Got American POW's Killed-Truth! and Fiction! There is no dispute that her visit took place and that her words and actions were in support of the enemy. This particular email includes three stories, two of which have been denied by the POWs who are named, and one of which has been confirmed as true by the source, although he was not named in the email.