Monday, November 18, 2013

Jeff the Chef's recipe for gourmet toast

Jeff’s Toast Of The Town
·         Bread
·         Butter
·         Toaster
·         Jam, Jelly or peanut butter

·         Reach hand into bread bag far enough to extract two bread slices that are nowhere near either heel.

·     Remove bread slices and drop them into the toaster- only one slice per toaster slot please.
·     Press down bread to engage toasting process. Toast to desired toastyness- ensuring bread is cooked long enough to be considered toast. Eating undercooked toast can cause illness.
·     After toasting is complete, remove bread from toaster and lay flat on the counter. Toast is much easier to butter in the horizontal position (the toast, not you).
·     Spread butter across the toast in a left to right manner ensuring even butterness. Using margarine or “buttery spread” is forbidden. While using a knife is OK, a spreader is recommended because it will be more gentle with the toast. Avoid using Disney’s so-called “Pooh Spreaders” because that just sounds gross.
·     Once you have achieved buttery perfection choose your favorite final coat. This can be peanut butter, jam, jelly or honey. If you are making toast for your kid brother you may also use hair gel, barbeque sauce or furniture wax.
·     Spread final coat in the same manner as the butter layer. Eat and enjoy! Especially you, Little Brother.
Jeff Hayden, Plano, TX

Getting rid of old regulations is much too hard

Marginal Revolution posted this column from the New York Times business section with the comment:  TYLER COWEN: Getting Rid Of Old Regulations Is Much Too Hard. Yes, it is….
 More Freedom on the Airplane, if Nowhere Else   "Conservatives typically complain about too much regulation, but liberals should be concerned, too, because pruning away rules we don’t need should help usher in an economy with more job creation and stronger economic growth.
"The total number of federal regulatory restrictions is now more than one million. And they’re not all necessarily good ideas. For instance, the Food and Drug Administration has banned some useful asthma treatments because they have a slight negative impact on the ozone layer. The nation has medical-device regulations that take longer to satisfy than those of the European Union."....
 TYLER COWEN is a professor of economics at George Mason University.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

This Is A Delicious Take Down Of Nancy Pelosi. By David Gregory Of All People.

Chicks on the Right
Notice she continues to lie and attempt to change the subject

Alan Caruba: Is Obama Brilliant or Stupid?

This are the very words I had been hoping to write because they all need to be said:

Warning Signs
..."Playing devil’s advocate, I would argue that Obamacare is the ultimate example of how utterly stupid liberal programs to alter the nation’s economy are. Why would anyone think that the government could possibly take charge of one sixth of the nation’s economy and arguably the finest healthcare system in the world, and not completely ruin it?"
"The government took over the nation’s educational system and it has been failing students for decades...The government took over the environment and, instead of being responsible for removing pollution from the air and waters, now have an agency that is undermining all aspects of the economy, from access to energy reserves to increased costs of manufacturing.
..."Obama’s handling of the nation’s foreign affairs has been a dismal failure. Either he is stupid or his advisers are dumber than he is..."
But as liberals such as Chris Mathews would claim, all these problems caused by this president would be just fine with us on the right if only Barack Obama were white. TD 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Obama’s sorry story/ The President struggles to salvage his health reform law, and his credibility

NY Daily News  "Desperate times call for desperate measures, so on Thursday one desperate President, Barack Obama, attempted to sell the idea that he had found a way to keep his Obamacare pledge: “If you like your insurance plan, you can keep it.”
"This exuberantly delivered and oft-repeated sales pitch for the program that has dominated his presidency “ended up not being accurate,” as Obama mincingly put it.
"He had no choice — not when health insurers complying with his regulations have canceled policies for millions of Americans."  Read more:

27 Democratic senators who promised you could keep your health coverage

Byron York  "How many Democrats made the promise? There's no comprehensive list of all of them, but Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's office has compiled a list of 27 Democratic senators who pledged that Americans could keep their coverage under Obamacare. The list includes the entire Democratic leadership in the Senate as well as Democrats facing tough re-election races in 2014, like Mary Landrieu, Mark Begich, and Kay Hagan. Here is that list, compiled by McConnell's office:"....  The list.

OK, you can say these people all lied, but you must never, never say President Obama lied if you know what is good for you.

Tingles Sees Racism Driving Republicans To Call Obama A “Liar”…
"The “lie” Cheney referred to was Obama’s promise that if people liked their health plans, they could keep them, which turned out to not be precisely the truth."

When a Palestinian teen shed the last traits of humanity

A bloodstained bus seat where soldier Eden Atias was stabbed to death by a young Palestinian man on a bus at the central bus station in Afula (photo credit: Avishag Shaar Yashuv/Flash90)

Times of Israel   "I cannot get the vision of Eden Atias, stabbed again and again and again, and bleeding to death in his blue fabric seat on a bus at Afula bus station on Wednesday morning, out of my head. And I’m sure I’m not alone in the abiding sense of horror and despair.
 "The main enemy of Israeli-Palestinian reconciliation is the hatred for Israel that is being nurtured daily in the hearts of so many in the West Bank and Gaza — the constant peddling of the narrative that says Israel has no right to exist, and that its people are rapacious invaders who must be struck down. Sixteen years filled only with that despicable falsehood brought Hussein Rawarda to the moment, on Wednesday morning, when he shed the last vestiges of his humanity and took away Eden Atias’s life."

UnitedHealth drops thousands of doctors from insurance plans: WSJ

Yahoo News   "UnitedHealth Group dropped thousands of doctors from its networks in recent weeks, leaving many elderly patients unsure whether they need to switch plans to continue seeing their doctors, the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday.
"The insurer said in October that underfunding of Medicare Advantage plans for the elderly could not be fully offset by the company's other healthcare business. The company also reported spending more healthcare premiums on medical claims in the third quarter, due mainly to government cuts to payments for Medicare Advantage services.
"The Journal report said that doctors in at least 10 states were notified of being laid off the plans, some citing "significant changes and pressures in the healthcare environment."...
Bull China copy
"UnitedHealth is participating in about a dozen new state insurance markets that launched on October 1 to offer subsidized health coverage under President Barack Obama's healthcare overhaul."


Via Instapundit;   Obama Pushes To Save The Holiday Season For A Million Unemployed People  "The Obama administration on Friday came out strongly in support of extending long-term unemployment insurance past its current expiration date.
Top economic adviser Gene Sperling said in a statement to The Huffington Post there is "no question" that Congress should extend emergency unemployment insurance for the more than 1 million workers who could be affected when benefits expire between Christmas and the New Year.
" 'We have always done so when unemployment is this high and would make little sense to fail to do so now when we are still facing the burdens of the worst downturn since the Great Recession," Sperling said. "It is high bang for the buck for the economy, reduces poverty and helps workers who lost jobs due to no fault of their own get back on their feet.'"

The Week in Pictures: The Old Fumblerooskie Edition

Will Rogers copy
Powerline  "So while the New York Times is going with “incorrect promise” (a phrase that has never appeared in the paper before that anyone can find) to describe Obama’s “terminological inexactitude” (Churchill’s famous term for “lie”), Obama is going with “we fumbled.”  Fumbled, eh? ...  It’s starting to look more like one of those old Oakland Raider trick fumble plays, isn’t it?"

Mt Stupid copy

Theo (The Dog) And Beau (The Toddler) Star In A Naptime Love Story

Huffington Post  " 'We found him tucked together with his two siblings in the back yard of the Santa Cruz SPCA," mom of three Jessica Shyba writes on her blog, Momma's Gone City, of the puppy her family brought home last week."....
... "Their daily naps have turned into "what I can only describe as the most organic and beautiful friendship I have ever witnessed," Shyba writes."

Friday, November 15, 2013

Friday night posts on Obamacare

National Review Writer: Obamacare ‘The Biggest Mistake That Any Party Has Made in 100 Years’ 
..."Asked first to react to the president’s press conference, Cooke said that it might be “the lowest I’ve ever seen him.”
“ 'He looked broken,” he added. “And he flailed. He filibustered when he was given the Iran question in the middle, for example. He talked at length. He just desperately didn’t want to talk about health care.' ”

39 Democrats Break With Obama to Pass Upton 'Fix'   "The Upton bill now goes to the Senate. Sen. Mary Landrieu is sponsoring legislation that is similar to Rep. Upton's, except that it would require insurance companies to continue offering the individual plans. Upton's bill would allow them to offer the plans, but not require them to do so."
10 Senate Dems Who Should Apologize for ObamaCare

Obamacare: How Is Incompetence a Defense?  "President Barack Obama made several excuses for himself and his party in an attempt to minimize the damage the Obamacare debacle will cause Democrats in the 2014 midterm elections. All of these excuses, however, try to use incompetence to excuse failure."
The Washington Post Pinocchios   "Getting another three Pinocchios from the Post for blaming health insurance companies for people losing their health coverage didn’t do it. But finally, hearing an earful from 16 panicked Democratic senators apparently got through to the president, convincing him that he needed to come clean because their constituents are so outraged over ObamaCare’s failings."
Obama channels 'Animal House' at presser   "You screwed up...You trusted us."

The President Is Losing His Plan  "The callous disregard for the very idea of law inherent in this manner of governing is matched by the overt cynicism of the move itself: After having created the circumstances in which millions of people lose their health coverage, the administration imagines this latest move can allow Democrats to say that the president and his health reform are not at fault but insurers and state insurance commissioners are because, after all, although they have had to prepare to follow the law for three years they now have thirty days to prepare to ignore it."
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell