Friday, January 24, 2014

Obama betraying democracy forces of Ukraine

Thomas Lifson   "Just as he did with the Green Revolution in Iran, which had the potential to topple the mullahs, President Obama is giving a cold shoulder to the Pro-Western demonstrators in Ukraine. Ever since President Viktor orbit of Western democracies, and instead moved to resume Ukraine's status as more of a Kremlin satellite, the people of that country have rebelled and taken to the streets."
Yanukovych last November decided to pull out of a landmark treaty with the EU that would have swung that country of 45 million strongly into the

Gorbachev asks Putin, Obama to save Ukraine from civil war

Pictures from: Op-ed: The pictures say it all

Just don't call them death panels

Thomas Lifson    Here is how "death panels" in the "Mother of All Nationalized Healthcare Systems", the UK nationalized medical care system.

Pensioners with cancer are being written off as too old to treat, campaigners said yesterday.
They cited figures showing survival rates for British patients aged 75 and over are among the worst in Europe.

"Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel (referred to elsewhere as 'EZ-Kill Emmanuel.), one of the principal architects of ObamaCare, agrees in principle with the idea that fewer years of "useful" life left means that fewer dollars should be invested in care. President Obama, when asked in a town hall format about an elderly patient with a strong will to live who might need expensive treatment, responded that "a pill" might be the only treatment offered." Read more

Ignoring Facts and Attacking Character; The Left finds its foes not just wrong, but morally repugnant.

Thomas Sowell   "One of the things that attracted me to the political Left as a young man was a belief that leftists were for “the people.” Fortunately, I was also very interested in the history of ideas — and years of research in that field repeatedly brought out the inescapable fact that many leading thinkers on the left had only contempt for “the people.”

"That has been true from the 18th century to the present moment. Even more surprising, I discovered over the years that leading thinkers on the opposite side of the ideological spectrum had more respect for ordinary people than people on the left who spoke in their name." ...
"Maybe that is why there are so many fact-free arguments on the left, whether on gun control, minimum wages, or innumerable other issues — and why they react so viscerally to those who challenge their vision."

Case in point is this :
Dem Congressional Candidate 'Likes' Graphic With N-Word and 'Ching Chong' on Facebook
"Erin Bilbray, a Democratic congressional candidate in Nevada, uses Facebook to connect with friends and supporters alike. She also uses it to express support for musicians (Amy Winehouse, Dave Matthews) and, well, other not-so-wholesome things.

"Like this graphic, which the congressional candidate "liked" on Facebook:

"She's running against Republican Joe Heck."

Leno: Obama's New Slogan 'Yes We...'

Is the prosecution of Dinesh d'Souza politically motivated?

This is a follow-up to our piece from yesterday titled Dinesh D'Souza indicted for violating U.S. election law .
Ms. Althouse mentions in this article: "(We saw D'Souza's movie, and I blogged about it here and here.)"
Althouse  Speaking as a lawyer, Ms. Althouse writes:
"Laws need to be enforced neutrally, across the board, or we need to be free of them. When the executive authority spares its friends or, worse, targets its enemies, what is revealed is the insufficient or fake commitment to rules that bind everyone and that deter rule-followers (like me) from engaging in activities we might want to engage in. I want to smoke out this insufficient or fake commitment to campaign finance law by challenging government to prosecute all violators. If that challenge is unmet, we deserve different laws."

Sick joke: Anti-Obama filmmaker indicted for election fraud  "Going after D'Souza is petty politics. He's not an important conservative author or commentator. Recent scandals have tainted his reputation. But "2016" was the second highest grossing political documentary of all time and savaged the president mercilessly
"Reason enough in Obama's mind to destroy him."

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Lessons for Shove Guv Andrew Cuomo

"When you make people feel unwelcome, they just might take their business elsewhere."
Michelle Malkin   "When he railed against socially conservative Republican candidates in a radio interview last week, Cuomo hyperbolically singled out those he called “right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay” citizens. Sounding unapologetically purge-tastic, the governor said that these political opponents “have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are.” His bigoted comments provoked a fierce social-media-driven backlash led by devout Catholics and Second Amendment activists in the Empire State. And now, he’s got job-creating, tax-paying conservative businesspeople threatening to leave. Heckuva job, Andy!"

Before you buy that electric car...

Electric Cars Won’t Save The Planet But Might Kill Their Drivers   "Environmentalists want us to believe that snowstorms and bitter cold are because of “global warming” and they tell us electric cars are the key to salvation. It’s all bunk. It turns out Smart Cars are as stupid as the people that buy them. A new study by the Environmental Science & Technology Journal proves what I’ve been saying all along: electric and hybrid vehicles will not reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere."

Don’t Buy an Electric Car   ... "Still, I’m not a green Grinch. Our house is entirely powered by an enormous solar array. My wife has owned a Honda Civic Hybrid since it first came out in 2003. It just turned over 100,000 miles today. It’s a good car.
"When it comes to energy and the environment, I like to think I’m a pretty sensible, practical person. But I wouldn’t buy an electric car if you paid me. Here’s why:" ...

The Fisker; What Killed the New Electric Car  " Fisker’s failure (like that of the solar company Solyndra before it) is, as a result, being held up as evidence of the futility of all government investments in green technology. Lou Dobbs said, simply, “All they pick are losers.” And House Republican Jim Jordan, who will be chairing a hearing next week on the government’s loan to Fisker, called the company’s troubles “a very timely case study of what happens when the Department of Energy plays venture capitalist with taxpayer money.”


Low Information Voters: adding faces to the voices

Doug Ross  "You may have already seen these LIV thoughts here and here. But what a difference does putting a face to a voice make! The success of the Obamacare graphic (the first one below) made me want to do more with this concept."

Dinesh D'Souza indicted for violating U.S. election law

Reuters  " Dinesh D'Souza, a conservative commentator and best-selling author, has been indicted by a federal grand jury for arranging excessive campaign contributions to a candidate for the U.S. Senate.

"According to an indictment made public on Thursday in federal court in Manhattan, D'Souza around August 2012 reimbursed people who he had directed to contribute $20,000 to the candidate's campaign. The candidate was not named in the indictment.
" 'As we have long said, this Office and the FBI take a zero tolerance approach to corruption of the electoral process," the U.S. Attorney for Manhattan, Preet Bharara, said in a statement released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Bharara is an Obama appointee.
"He also directed a 2012 film critical of President Barack Obama, "2016: Obama's America," and has written books including "The End of Racism," "Life After Death: The Evidence" and "Obama's America: Unmaking the American Dream.' "  His website.

Video: Project Veritas Catches Wendy Davis Supporters [mildly] Mocking Greg Abbot For Being Paraplegic

The Lid  "Earlier this week we reported Texas Democratic Party gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis' gaffe about her opponent saying he "hasn’t walked a day in my shoes.”
"At the time we explained that her opponent Greg Abbott cannot walk in her shoes, he has been in a wheel chair since he was 26-years-old after a tree fell on him while running and paralyzed him from the waist down. Perhaps Davis didn't remember that because Abbott does not use his struggle as a campaign tool like Ms Davis does.

"That statement her not remembering may have been incorrect as Project Veritas has released a video (below) showing her supporters at a Davis rally mocking his disability and mocking the fact that they had forged signatures:" ...

The Persecution of Conservatives in Hollywood

Gulag Bound   "I have friends in Hollywood and in the entertainment industry on both coasts. These people are good, moral individuals. They have strong conservative principles and I am honored to know each and every one of them. Now, Progressive fascism is stalking them and the TEA Party. How long until they find a way to get to each of us? To shut is up one way or another? They are using what they term “McCarthyism” to hunt us down because we are not Marxists. It is long past time that we turn their collective tables on them.

Gary Sinise
"Hollywood is notoriously Leftist. Those few that are conservative, must meet in secret and keep their opinions to themselves for fear of being blacklisted and not being able to earn a living. Much like being a Jew in Hitler’s Germany, there are some things best not spoken of in public these days. I’m surprised they haven’t given them yellow stars." ...
Sinise in "Forrest Gump"
... "The Friends of Abe are Hollywood’s Conservative Underground and they are brave patriots who just want to return to our founding principles, see the government shrink and ensure that we adhere to fiscal responsibility.
"It is said that the Friends of Abe Friends of Abe numbers about 1500
currently. I have no way of knowing, nor should it be an issue. But I do know that they are growing and fast. I also know that the IRS is now gunning for them."

As you may guess, they are attacked by the left.

'Top Line' at the Movies: Gary Sinise and the 'Lt. Dan Band'   "The activist and actor talks about his foundation and new film to support troops."

Five Cool Ways To Remind Senators How Biased Media Are On Climate

Weasel Zippers
"Via News Busters"
Two liberal senators that claim news networks don’t cover climate change enough are pressuring them to do more, even as a winter deep freeze kept much of the country shivering. But as the Media Research Center and others have already found, much of the news media have spent years working hard to convince the public that climate change is a global threat.