John Fund
... "Seeger was a talented singer, but he was also an unrepentant Stalinist until 1995, when he finally apologized for “following the [Communist] party line so slavishly.” You’d think Obama might have at least acknowledged (as even Seeger did) the error of his ways. Instead, Obama celebrated him only as a hero who tried to “move this country closer to the America he knew we could be.”
“ 'Over the years, Pete used his voice — and his hammer — to strike blows for worker’s rights and civil rights; world peace and environmental conservation,” said Obama. “We will always be grateful to Pete Seeger.” Not even a hint that the “world peace” Seeger was seeking was one that would have been dominated by the Soviet Union.
"I recall interviewing East German dissidents in 1989 who were still angry at
Seeger and
Kris Kristofferson for the concerts they did on behalf of the Communist regime that built the Berlin Wall. He was hailed in the pages of
Neues Deutschland, the Communist-party newspaper in East Berlin, as “the Karl Marx of the teenagers.”
"By all means, let’s remember Pete Seeger for his talent while also remembering the monstrous causes he sometimes served."
Pete Seeger: Culture Warrior Extraordinaire "How America’s most successful Communist claimed folk music for the Left."
Pete Seeger: A Mean-Spirited and Vengeful Recollection
... "I was not just a Pete Seeger fan, but a to-the-hammer-born, born-and-bred cradle fan of Pete Seeger. With those credentials, permit me to take note of his passing with the observation that he was a fraud, a phony, a poseur, an imposter. The notion of folk music he espoused was a put-on from beginning to end." ...