Saturday, February 1, 2014

We have to elect Nancy Pelosi in order to find out what's in her head

Electing Nancy Pelosi to find out what's in her head  "Thursday night House Minority Leader and former Speaker of the House Rep Nancy Pelosi (D-Cal) who represents a district that believes we have to be against income inequality and the one per cent even though our income is unequal because we are part of the one per cent, helped comedian Jon Stewart establish his bi partisan cred."

UPDATE: Note: the quote below about making new friends in a doctor's office was NOT said by Nancy Pelosi, but was attributed to her in a satirical article.

Right:Where Nancy Pelosi's voters live.
This should make the case for term limits if nothing else will.

Pelosi on Why the ObamaCare Website Rollout Failed: 'I Don't Know'

More Laughing At Pelosi: Daily Show Audience, Jon Stewart Howl At Her Saying, “We Are The Party Of Green”  "Jon Stewart asks Nancy Pelosi about corruption in politics and says this is a problem that is both Republican and Democratic, that it isn’t a party issue that it is all motivated by the color green, meaning money.
"Pelosi responds by saying we are the party of green, we protect the environment, at which the audience laughs hysterically. She then says to Stewart, “I don’t know how persuadable you are”, at which point, Stewart sort of chokes with laughter."


Gibson Sticks Thumb in Obama Administration's Eye with 'Government Series' Guitars

Big Government  "In 2011, the Department of Justice raided Gibson Guitar facilities in Memphis and Nashville, alleging a violation of the so-called Lacey Act, a law that bans the importation of certain kinds of wildlife, plants and wood."
"At the time, Breitbart News suggested that the federal government targeted Gibson because of the conservative ideological stance it had supported. But according to the Gibson Guitar website, the tonewood was returned and made into the Government Series II Les Paul guitars:
" 'Gibson’s line of those guitars start $1,099 and are topped by a pickguard hot-stamped in gold with the “Government Series” graphic, which is a bald eagle hoisting a Gibson guitar neck.
“ 'Each Government Series II Les Paul also includes a genuine piece of Gibson USA history in its solid rosewood fingerboard, which is made from wood returned to Gibson by the US government after the resolution,” the website states."

From Gibson Commemorates Fed Raid with Government Series II Les Paul  Excellent discussion of the matter in this video.

They come with a certificate of authenticity:

Discussing the Keystone pipeline

A case FOR the Keystone pipeline:  ... "Solar and wind sources of energy only supply 3.6% of the nation’s energy needs.  Hydroelectric supplies less than 10%, nuclear about 19% (France gets 80% of  its energy from nuclear).  So for the foreseeable future the U.S. still needs fossil fuels.  Therefore this dilemma is not really a dilemma at all.  If the U.S. cannot get the oil it needs from domestic sources and help improve the economy and create thousands of jobs at the same time, it will get it from foreign sources and give up to $500 billion a year of its wealth to countries that don’t like us and in some instances mean us harm, and to the detriment of the economy as well."

The untold story of Keystone: How one Nebraska farmer killed the pipeline
... "The story is more than that. The Keystone XL project was ensnared as much by concerns over water as over air, and its first—and in some ways most effective—opponents were Republicans, operating far from the cameras of the national media. Their story opens a window on the unpredictable interplay between conservatism’s business wing and its grassroots, libertarian wing, and underscores how America’s restless and kaleidoscopic politics can confound Canadian diplomacy."

Bill Whittle On What You’ll Have To Explain

American Glob  "In the newest edition of Afterburner, PJ Media’s Bill Whittle reminds all Americans that if we value our freedom we have much to answer for."

Also from the above source comes this apropos, I believe, illustration: "Here’s the image the HuffPo is convinced must have come from the Koch brothers. HT to Doug Ross."

The Left Wants Names; and the Internal Revenue Service Wants to Help

Heritage  "So those new rules for 501(c)4s will provide clarity and ensure that conservative non-profits never have to be hassled again by the Internal Revenue Service, right? Not exactly. The Cato Institute’s Trevor Burrus explains that the IRS’s effort is really an attempt to drive conservative 501(c)4s from the public square:"
"The rules will essentially force 501(c)4 groups to reorganize under section 527 of the tax code, which requires them to release the names of their donors. What’s so bad about disclosing the names of those funding political speech?" ....
"By the way, speaking of non-anonymous political speech, here is a text message received by thousands of Ukrainians who were in the streets of Kiev last week: “Dear subscriber, you are registered as a participant in a mass disturbance.” [The Verge, January 21]"

Friday, January 31, 2014

State Department Report Says Keystone Pipeline Will Have No Impact on Carbon Emissions, Clears Way For Approval…

Now it's up to the Man With The Phone.
Weasel Zippers   "There will be a freakout of epic proportions on the left if the Obama administration approves this."

(CNN) — A long-awaited environmental report by the government on the proposed Keystone oil pipeline indicates the project would have negligible immediate impact on overall carbon emissions.
The report released Friday by the State Department is considered crucial to the Obama administration’s eventual decision on whether to move forward with the project.
The pipeline that would transport oil from Canada to the Gulf Coast has been a political football, pitting the oil industry and its Republican backers against environmentalists and liberal Democrats who complain it bolsters the especially dirty fossil fuel production from the tar sands of northern Alberta.

Full article.


The Poison of Postmodern Lying; When truth is relative, political expediency becomes the truth.

And the Constitution becomes nothing more that a list of suggestions.

Victor Davis Hanson  "All presidents have, at one time or another, fudged on the truth. Most politicians pad their résumés and airbrush away their sins. But what is new about political lying is the present notion that lies are not necessarily lies anymore — a reflection of the relativism that infects our entire culture."
"For that matter, the “law” that requires a president to enforce legislation passed by Congress is likewise a construct. If ignoring bothersome laws — whether the individual mandate and timetable of Obamacare, or federal immigration law — serves a greater social justice, then such dereliction also becomes “truth.” Blindly enforcing legalistic details of the law that are deemed no longer in the interest of the people would be the real lie, or so the reasoning goes."

Charles Krauthammer: How to debunk the ‘war on women’

WaPo   "What is it about women that causes leading Republicans to grow clumsy, if not stupid? When even savvy, fluent, attractively populist Mike Huckabee stumbles, you know you’ve got trouble. Having already thrown away eminently winnable Senate seats in Missouri and Indiana because of moronic talk about rape, the GOP might have learned. You’d think."
"Yet there is a very simple, straightforward strategy for seizing the high ground on abortion in a way that transcends the normal divisions and commands wide popular support: Focus on the horror of late-term abortion — and get it banned."
"What was her 11-hour filibuster about? Blocking a state law whose major feature was outlawing abortions beyond 20 weeks. Make that the battlefield. Make Davis explain why she chose not just to support late-term abortion but to make it her great cause.

"Stay away from the minefield of gender politics. Challenge the other side on substance. And watch them lose."

State Dept. Webcast Features Guest Who Called Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice 'Uncle Toms'

Weekly Standard   ... "The host of the webcast, rapper and State Department Music Ambassador Toni Blackman, will be joined by Pras Michel, a founding member of the hip hop group the Fugees, to discuss "how rap and hip hop have increased social awareness of the African-American experience — and raised even broader issues in contemporary society."  Some of Michel's more inflammatory comments in the past raise questions about the appropriateness of his appearance with the U.S.'s music ambassador on a government-sponsored webcast representing America to the world.

" ... But he saved his harshest words for some well-known black conservatives as he contrasted them with then-presidential candidate Barack Obama:
Somebody said to me you only like Obama because he's black. Well I can think of a couple black people I wouldn't vote for. I'm not into black power. And on the other end of the spectrum, you got the Uncle Toms, the Clarence Thomas, Condoleezza Rice ... I'm not into that either. Obama is a uniter. He's perfectly comfortable with the skin he's in. He's not gonna sell out. That's a man of great principle.
This happens when an agency is run by the left, people who appreciate cartoons like this one:

Ann Coulter takes MSNBC's Chris Matthews to task for racial double standard  "In her new book, "Mugged: Racial Demagoguery From the Seventies to Obama," Ann Coulter takes MSNBC's Chris Matthews to task for his double standard on race, according to an interview published by Newsbusters on Thursday."
"Thanks in part to Matthews and other liberals, Coulter says that America is "right back to the '70s and '80s again where people feel that they should be walking on eggshells about anything they say about Obama."

"Worse yet, Coulter told Newsbusters that liberal Democrats are stirring "racial fires" in order "to get Obama reelected.' "

George Will; Four words in the ACA could spell its doom

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne
Washington Post   "Someone you probably are not familiar with has filed a suit you probably have not heard about concerning a four-word phrase you should know about. The suit could blow to smithereens something everyone has heard altogether too much about, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (hereafter, ACA)." Heretofore, "Obamacare"
"The four words that threaten disaster for the ACA say the subsidies shall be available to persons who purchase health insurance in an exchange “established by the state.” But 34 states have chosen not to establish exchanges."
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Dinesh D'Souza was Right about Obama

By Ed Lasky  "To dispel concerns that he is anti-Israel Obama has repeatedly boasted of his knowledge of Judaism and his dedication to fighting anti-Semitism. They were, like much of what he has says, not quite true.
"When Barack Obama began his presidential campaign, concerns were raised when it was discovered that Jeremiah Wright,  the man he called his "moral compass" and the pastor of his church,  was a severe critic of Israel and anti-Semitic as well ("them Jews"). The tip off to me came when Wright told New York Times reporter Jodi Kantor that when Obama's "enemies find out that in 1984 I went to Tripoli" to visit Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, with Farrakhan, a lot of his Jewish support will dry up quicker than a snowball in hell."